Grey’s Anatomy :: Blood and Water


Did anyone else have that immediate sense of dread wash over them when Meredith sprung up from her dream and scribbled down nonsense in her bedside journal? Like Alzheimer’s might be kicking in or possibly a super-warped repeat of dead Denny and Izzie’s brain tumor?

Hello, Kate Burton, nice of you to recur this week. Ellis is back. But don’t get too excited, she’s back for about 5 seconds in the opening dream sequence – though it’s a very cheeky dream sequence – probably the best one since Meredith, Izzie, and Cristina were all in the shower with George. Her interactions with Amelia and Zola are priceless. (It took way too long to figure out Zola was working on a family tree … it looked like surgical Play-Doh gone wrong.)

Meredith’s mother pays us a visit, Alex’s mother is still with us – and pushing for Jo to get pregnant, which ultimately results in one of the biggest continuity errors we’ve seen to date at Grey-Sloan. BAILEY HAS A GENOME LAB. It sort of got defunded but not really and then refunded to functional when they were testing the McNeil family as Cristina made her grand exit. So WHY does Jo have to spit into a tube to test her genetic markers!? Did we just forget that the hospital – where she’s working as a non-surgeon at present – has a genome lab that can AND WILL do that for her!?

Warren went back to the land of Ladder 19. Station 49. Whatever. That other spin-off show that isn’t Private Practice, and apparently he took all the interns with him, except for Schmidt. And it’s really no surprise that Schmidt isn’t out to his mom (pretty sure he’s still living in her basement … remember that time Jo slept with him and left her ID badge there and he said it was pretty weird when his mom found it!? Also isn’t that reminiscent of how George slept with Meredith …) so Nico totally over-reacted. But they’re cool and stupid cute and fine. For now.

Carina DeLuca seems to be tied up in this Andrew-father story arc, so perhaps she’ll stick around for an episode or two. Gut feeling on the ‘Baby in a bag’ is that it’s already being done by somebody else. But I love how it’s as close of a real-life parallel to the ‘CRISPR Genetically modified twins Lulu and Nana.’ Mer makes a great point, ‘Have you thought about what this could do in the wrong hands?’ (JUST LIKE gen-mod for humans via CRISPR.) It’ll be curious to see where this goes … but I’m guessing it’s going to end in death.

Love the focus on genetics all the way through this episode. The two-dads and moody but hilarious teenage daughter, the freak cancer occurrence in the baseball player – and the big bomb drop – Maggie accidentally blowing the lid on Ellis and Richard’s affair to the entire medical community. I feel like my reaction to that was ‘Maggie you’re over-thinking it. Richard you’re over-reacting to it.’ Even Meredith was like ‘Yes? No biggie.’ But then I realized, much like Meredith, this is a fact we all know. We grew up on the myth and legend and sordid story of Ellis & Richard’s affair inside the small vacuum that is GA backstory. The wide-spread medical community probably doesn’t actually take that as a granted fact … so that was interesting to see that put into perspective.

Link still exists. Though with Nico being a bad-ass ortho surgeon and Meredith having chosen DeLuca … he seems superfluous. Teddy & Koracick are off together on their babymoon. (I’m okay with Koracick becoming a full-time feature … everyone else around here seems to, so why not?)

And I’m almost crying with joy over the fact that for the first time there might be hope for finality and closure over OwMelia. PLEASE. Once again Owen and his blame – it couldn’t possibly be his fault. And I really did think he was going to say it was her fault because she pushed him away to Teddy. But no, he threw the tumor up in her face AND had the nerve to say that it was her fault she was incapable of being loved by him or letting him love her. 333. The number of episodes Grey’s has had. 333. The number of times I’ve wanted to punch Owen in the face for his ridiculous behavior that is continually rewarded in this story.

At least we have the 4th Shepherd sister coming down the pipeline and a return visit from Megan! But the real question on everyone’s mind is – WILL SHE BRING RIGGS WITH HER!? Guess we’ll have to keep watching to find out!

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursday at 8:00 PM on ABC.

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