Grey’s Anatomy :: We Didn’t Start The Fire


Holy smokes!! Grey’s has had some fiery episodes … but if you’re going to be a trailblazer (not Bailey’s golden butt-cork, per Catherine Fox) you’re going to have to light some pretty big fires to bear the title of ‘TV’s longest running prime-time medical drama.’

There was so much going on this week it’s hard to even know where to start! But one of the best things ever was that we got to see everybody’s all-time favorite supporting character – Bohkee – OUT OF THE OR!!! And what’s better!? She appears to have a husband-partner-companion!!! (Who’s name is Jay!) AND she knows everything. And spoke. SO MUCH YES TO ALL OF THIS.

So few episodes start at the end and work their way back (we’re not counting that weird ‘all about Japril from divorce to wedding’ timewarp trainwreck.) But that episode where Cristina starts bloody after coming clean about Burke, or that episode where Kepner initially got fired? This is a little like that – except we don’t start fully at the end, just sort of near it. So that was a nice, underused touch.


WHY does Shonda CONTINUE to reward Owen’s bad behavior!? He rage-punches Koracick, so he gets Leo back. WHAT? The Teddy-Owen thread was already so frayed … and now that she’s into Koracick (which could arguably be the first real love since Henry because Owen is just a hot mess of feelings tied into her own issues from/with her time in the war …) … and Owen just punched Koracick (and he hadn’t even really been drinking!) – they are so over it’s not even funny. Really sweet that Koracick has opened up to Teddy about his dead son. Because that means they’re at that level. And also they’re just stupid adorable together. Like her and Henry used to be. Koracick is Henry 2.0 except he has a much longer life expectancy.

Did anyone else think that when Carina pulled up in DeLuca’s driveway that because of the slow-pan down to the foot of what was coming out of the car meant that Arizona was somehow back!? Or was that just me? Also – from the moment he hit ‘ignore’ on that phone call – we all knew it was bad. Bad bad. Nice to see Carina again, though. And is this new dramallama with his dad going to put the brakes on MerLuca? (Isn’t that what we’re calling it?)

NONSENSE & SHENANIGANS with that fire. That MerLuca totally started. Also – she and DeLuca getting caught by Webber is just a throwback callback to every single time that happened in inappropriate places with Derek. Like outside of whoever’s party it was when Bailey told them to move that tail wagon of theirs out of her way. Alex’s response as interim chief/her best friend was priceless.


Alex’s mom was a delightful, albeit worrisome, surprise. We all knew she wasn’t going crazy when she smelled the fire. Glad she seems okay, hope it stays that way. Two weeks now no real focus on/appearance of Link … did we write him out entirely? Or just swap him for some more Ben Warren scenes? (I’m okay with that … Ben and Bailey are super fiery!)

Amelia NEEDS to have stuck to her guns and WALKED AWAY. But no … because now Leo is back … and what are you going to do? Bittersweet to see Betty/Brittany go, but glad to see that storyline has come gracefully to its natural end. Not really sure what’s going to happen with Teddy’s baby and how you resolve that, but Owen needs help. He needs therapy, counseling, and coping strategies. He has got to stop punching people when stuff doesn’t go his way.

Also love the Catherine Fox limo declaration of how they will celebrate news – be it good or bad – for each of her future scans. And her ‘thou shalt spend money but hoard joy like a miser’ with Bailey flat out calling her a hypocrite! That was priceless. Their limo scene was great.

Congratulations to Shonda and Grey’s for making 332 episodes and for becoming television’s longest running prime-time medical drama. And we’ve still got 10 to go this season!

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursday at 8:00 PM on ABC.

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