Let’s Talk About ‘First Kidnapping and Now Theft’:
- Blake has to pull all of his strings to get Adam out of his legal trouble with the feds for his illegal importing, but he puts Adam on notice that he’s on his own if he screws up again.
- Fallon and Amanda are summoned to breakfast with Alexis, but it turns into a kidnapping. By Alexis.
- Sam’s old flame Ryan is back in town with some law school friends and somehow Ryan is more aware that La Mirage is being used as a haven for prostitutes than Sam does.
- The hospital is giving Jeff a hard time about the event he wants to hold for the staff so Kirby does the unimaginable and uses Amanda’s name to ‘threaten’ an administrator’s job unless she does what Jeff wants.
- Blake and Cristal continue to butt heads over how they’ll keep Adam out of trouble and not sink their companies by association.
- Alexis’ little seven hour road trip makes a stop at a Waffle House type of eatery that Fallon supposedly loved as a child. Amanda does not see how any of this relates to her, especially when the wait staff breaks into ‘Tomorrow’ from Annie, Fallon’s favorite show … when she was a child.
- Sam and Culhane drag Liam into their scheme to find the head hooker, using Liam as bait. Liam has obviously never propositioned another woman before, at least not when a monetary transaction is involved.
- Against Cristal’s wishes, Blake pays off the last woman with a case against Adam and his miracle serum so that they can all move on.
- Amanda is not happy when she finds out what Kirby has done, which puts their relationship in jeopardy.
- Blake takes Cristal’s advice and faces the press himself to make a statement about his company’s zero connection to Alexam, basically signaling to Adam that he is on his own moving forward.
- Alexis’ road trip finally ends in South Carolina at a house she had planned to buy so she could move her children in with her after her split from Blake. She needs to prove to her daughters that she’s not the monster they think she is. The plan might actually work.
- Sam’s plan to entrap the prostitute works, with a little help from Liam and the police. And since Sam has a little pull with the police, if she and her girls leave the hotel once and for all, he won’t press charges. She agrees. And it turns out the police officer was Ryan in one of his stripper costumes.
- Alexis begins to break down Fallon’s walls but she still needs to work on Amanda. She reveals she had gone to London with the intention of bringing her back to the US. She saw Amanda in a school play, and saw how happy she was with her ‘parents’ and Alexis knew then it was best for her to leave Amanda in the UK. Everything Alexis said checked out, and it seems she’s finally won both of her daughters over again.
- Neither Fallon or Liam want to talk in detail about their days, but she does spy a pair of handcuffs in Liam’s backpack. He says he went to the adult bookstore so they could have some fun and Fallon says it’ll be just like Misery … without the ankle-breaking and all the blood.
- Jeff has started a new relationship with a woman he met at Fallon’s bachelor auction, but can she be trusted? A phone call she has with someone named Richard when Jeff leaves the room suggests she can’t.
- With all of the problems facing Blake’s and Cristal’s companies, Cristal calls Blake out for not taking any action until his airline was being affected, putting his own interests ahead of their partnership.
- Blake’s press conference did little to help Adam, and in fact it may have gotten him fired from the hospital. Confronting his father, Blake tells him he’s not going to pull strings to get his job back, the handouts are over, Adam is on his own. And he has a week to vacate the manor.

Now that we’ve glossed over that episode, let’s get into the penultimate series episode ‘More Power To Her’. There is a lot going on in this episode and it’s going to be quite a feat to wrap things up in the next which is the series finale. Obviously there are some plot points that were probably meant to continue into a sixth season, but thanks to The CW’s decision a couple of years ago to end its agreement with Netflix, which kept the show afloat through international streaming, viewership on the network itself was just not enough to justify another season. A Friday night time slot probably didn’t help either.
So everyone is present and accounted for this week, with a lot of the plot focused on Fallon, as it should be. Gosh, we’re going to miss Elizabeth Gillies savoring the heck out of this role. In the Dynasty universe, the time has come for Fallon & Liam’s baby to arrive but first there must be a shower, and Alexis is making sure everything is perfectly over-the-top. Unfortunately, she’s recruited Amanda and, by extension, Kirby to help and those two are still bickering over Kirby using Amanda’s name as a threatening way to pull some strings at the hospital. It’s kind of broken her trust with Kirby, plus she is focused on her career and future and she is just seeing Kirby as someone who lives in the moment, which is a huge contrast for her and not something she can easily accept. But since Alexis is on the hunt for a particular, hard-to-find champagne, Kirby offers to use her party planning contacts to get what she wants, and to hopefully make herself look good in Amanda’s eyes.
Luckily while at the hospital, Kirby runs into an old friend, Graham, who is happy to use his contacts to secure the rare champagne she needs for the party and to impress her girlfriend. He also just happens to be looking for work, and Kirby believes he’d be a perfect fit with the Carringtons as their new major domo. Blake has been desperate to find a new Anders, so Graham just may be what the doctor ordered, especially when he comes through with several cases of that champagne. But Amanda is still not impressed, and Kirby doesn’t know what to do. Graham suggests that she simply talk to Amanda to see what exactly is bothering her. Somehow, Kirby never thought of that. They finally do get a minute to enjoy some cake and share their thoughts, and after Amanda tells her how she’s organized her life, Kirby realizes that maybe she is a little too in-the-moment and needs to really look at her future. The two seem to be on the same page again when there is a knock at the manor door. Talk about bad timing — it’s Amanda’s ex all the way from London.
While Fallon is trying to focus on the baby shower and the launch of Morrell Green, she’s finding things a bit harder to juggle than she imagined. The big launch of transitioning Fallon Unlimted to green energy does not go as planned as a generator blows and power to the company is limited, knocking FSN off the air for at least 30 minutes. Fallon’s least favorite board member Ellen is taking a bit too much pleasure in Fallon’s stumbles, threatening her that if she doesn’t divest the company of Morrell Green, then the Board will sell and possibly remove Fallon as CEO … again. Fallon really needs to march into one of those meetings and expose Ellen and all of her duplicitous actions. Instead, Fallon comes up with a better idea — she’ll buy Morrell herself, which infuriates Ellen. Why? Allegedly because the sale to herself violates some clause Fallon had put in the company by-laws to protect them from insider poaching, but the truth of the matter is that Ellen was the one who had the generator rigged to make Morrell Green look bad so she could buy it herself! Fallon needs to invite Ellen to Alexis’ penthouse and push her off the balcony. Confronting Fallon at the manor, Ellen warns her that the Board will vote to oust her in two days. Fallon calls Ellen a lackey she made by putting her on the Board, and Ellen said she is stepping into Fallon’s shoes so she’d better start packing. I don’t think Fallon is going to take this lying down.

At least she had a wonderful time at the shower, even if all of the guests had the ‘original’ idea of gifting the baby with silver spoons. But Fallon and Liam had a huge gift for Stacey — keys to the manor. Since she’s having the Carrington baby, she’s part of the family so she has a home with them now (something tells me this is Fallon’s way of not having to hire a nanny). Stacey is so shocked by the gift she slips and reveals that Fallon and Liam are having a girl. While they are all thrilled, Stacey is also happy in her relationship with Adam, even though he has to move out of the manor. Leaving him a little love note in his doctor’s bag, she discovers a bottle of liquid and has memory flashes of that day she had ‘heat stroke’ and he administered what he said was saline to her. She did her research and discovered that Adam was responsible for her illness, the medicine he gave her was to treat mushroom poisoning, and the mushrooms were in the tea he gave her. He used her to further his own needs, and she is completely disgusted with him. He tried to apologize and told her she didn’t have to tell anyone but … she did and in walks Adam’s not-so-biggest fan Cristal. After she had gone to bat for him so many times, he now tries to pull of a stunt like this? Nope, the timeline for his exit from the manor has expired and he is never to set foot in there again. That might not be a problem because as he was loading his car with the last of his things, with the help of new major domo Graham (Cristal offered to give him a two week trial run), Adam found himself chloroformed and stuffed in the trunk, Graham saying he’s hurt a lot of people and it will all be over soon. Well, he’s got that right. In one week.
Some subplots in the episode featured Sam thinking Ryan was Mr. Right but eventually deciding he wasn’t (and, spoiler alert, we may see the long-awaited return of Steven in the series finale if the IMDb cast listing can be trusted), Culhane popped the question to Nina … and then broke the news to Sam that he can’t get mixed up in the purchase of a new hotel because they are moving to Los Angeles, Liam is being shaken down by Jasper, who knows Liam might have ‘stolen’ his uncle’s book and sold it as his own, and Dominique learns that the break-in of her home was just a one-time incident and threats to her life seem to have abated, which means she can now explore her feelings with her former bodyguard Kevin. But there is one hitch to that break-in she discovers after slamming Kevin into a bookshelf — a fake book falls to the floor, one that previously contained a hard drive that Jeff had given her for safe keeping. Captain Kevin Obvious points out that a fake book is not the best hiding place for something important, and Dom needs to let Jeff know what happened. Turns out he’s been too busy helping Blake find a plane that left his airport under very curious circumstances, granted permission to fly blind by the FAA. But the plane has gone missing and Blake needed Jeff to try to hack into the system to locate it. So Jeff now has a missing hard drive with important codes on it (and it turns out the one in his own safe is missing, courtesy of the woman he picked up at the bachelor auction), and he finally found the location of the missing place which had gone down somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains. Blake needs to get his people there to secure the plane and hopefully find some survivors, particularly since Dex Dexter was also on the plane. One good thing that came out of Blake and Jeff working together is that Blake, thanks to a chat with Fallon that made him realize he’s been a jerk to Jeff, is able to admit to Jeff that he’s been a jerk, and sincerely thanks Jeff for his help and maybe this can finally forge a new, familial bond between them. Will the Carringtons and Colbys have one big happily ever after by the time the credits roll next week?
By the way … has anyone seen Ben Carrington lurking around? Boy, that plotline got dropped big time!
What did you think of this episodes? Tell us in the comments section below!