Let’s Talk About ‘A Writer of Dubious Talent’:
- In the month that Dynasty has been on break, SIX months have passed in the storyline!
- Fallon is really not thrilled about Adam’s relationship with her surrogate, and he hopes to parlay that relationship into getting his job back at the hospital.
- Liam’s deadline has come and he’s still not finished his book. His professor friend, who has just finished a book of his own, suggests Liam go to a ‘secret hideout’ so he can recharge and get to work.
- Liam’s movie is about to premiere, but can Michael and Nina put aside their differences?
- Jeff approaches Blake with an offer to buy back the last two pieces of Colbyco property that Blake owns, but Blake refuses. Jeff vows to go to war and advises Amanda that it won’t be pretty.
- Liam camps out at La Mirage and loses his mind.
- Adam proves that he is willing to do anything to get his job back at the hospital.
- An opportunity literally drops into Liam’s lap that could be the answer to his deadline problem.
- No Ben, Alexis, Dex or Kirby this week, and Dominique pops in to the movie premiere party out of nowhere.
Wow, how time flies. It’s been a month since the last new episode of Dynasty and this week we learn that a mere six months have passed in Carrington time. Six. Months! And with nary a mention of Ben and his threat to continue to go after Blake — did that happen sometime in those six months? — it seems that Jeff has taken up the challenge of going to war with the Carringtons. Side note: he already knew Blake held the last remaining pieces of Colbyco six months ago so why is he just going after Blake now? If there’s one thing this iteration of Dynasty does well it’s inconsistent timelines. With no Ben, Alexis, Dex or Kirby to focus on this week, there were a couple of B-stories and one crazy A-story. We mentioned Jeff so let’s start there.
Jeff & Blake
Jeff has finally confronted Blake about his ownership of the last two pieces of Colbyco that he wants to buy back. He even made Blake a fair offer but Blake, naturally, refused so Jeff went to war. First he visited Amanda at the hospital and called her out for lying to him about knowing of Blake’s ownership of those pieces of his company. When she was called away from her desk — thanks to Jeff — he hacked into her tablet and installed some malware so that when she logged in back at the manor, he got access to the Carrington internet. From there, he screwed up things at the tower at Blake’s airport, which only put Blake further into fight mode, while Amanda and Cristal tried to talk him down. But Blake not agreeing to sell Jeff what he wanted was only hurting his business. Amanda went to Jeff to try to forge some kind of truce but he didn’t know she’d brought Cristal along … and she was ready to deal. But because of Jeff’s antics, she forced the selling price higher and got him to install new security measures on the internet so no one else could hack in. Blake was not happy when he found out Cristal went behind his back, and she reminded him that he didn’t bother to tell her that Jeff even made him an offer before they started their little war. So she took matters into her own hands so they could get the airport back up and running. Blake is pissed, even though Cristal continuing to show she’s a better businessperson than he is probably a bit too emasculating for him to be turned on. Will their marriage survive their business partnership?
Fallon is usually the focal point of every Dynasty episode because Elizabeth Gillies is so fantastic. So it was weird to see her in a very small B-story this week. Surrogate Stacey is now six months pregnant, and Fallon is still not thrilled with how her relationship has been developing with Adam. Fallon finds it revolting, seeing them cuddled up and enjoying herbal tea, and Stacey can plainly see their closeness is an issue so maybe she and Adam should put a little distance between themselves. Instead, Adam turns the great room of the manor into a prenatal yoga studio, trying to impress upon Fallon that having a doctor in the house to attend to Stacey should she need help is a good thing. It would be except he’s the doctor (what happened in the last six months to put those two at odds again?). Oh, and maybe Fallon could talk to Amanda and get his job back as Chief of Staff at the hospital. Nope! She orders him to remove all of the equipment and keep his paws off of Stacey. Later, just as Fallon is about to leave for the premiere of Liam’s movie, Stacey has an episode, a false labor pain. Fallon yells for help and Stacey looks like she’s about to pass out but Adam shows up and takes care of everything. What no one sees is Adam taking something from his bag and putting a few drops of something in the water he gives Stacey. And like a miracle, she is completely fine (was this his youth serum?). Adam says it was because of the heat, and Stacey insists that Fallon go to the premiere, but when Fallon gets back she finds Adam in the kitchen. She thanks him for helping Stacey and tells him that she will speak with Amanda about his job. So he should go bring Stacey some more of that herbal tea of his that she loves. Adam thanks her and says he’s out of tea. Besides, you never really know what’s in it. After Fallon leaves, we find out what was in the tea — some kind of mushrooms (magic ones?) that he puts down the garbage disposal. Will Fallon or Stacey find out that Adam was behind Stacey’s health scare?

The main focus this week was on Liam. It’s the eve of the premiere of his movie, and it’s also the eve of the deadline for his new book which the publisher wants to get out to cash in on the movie. Except Liam has one chapter left to write — the same last chapter he’s not been writing for sox months — and he’s only on page thirteen. His friend Professor Kingston has also written a book, and Liam is the only person who’s read it … or even knows it exists. Hearing of Liam’s writer’s block, Kingston suggests Liam go to a secret hideaway like he does when he just needs to write in peace. Liam asks him where he goes but Kingston said that’s a secret and he needs to find his own place. So Liam checks into La Mirage, of course (instead of the Carrington compound that Fallon bought but has yet to move in to), because he’s sure to get some work done there with the place filled with press and others for the movie premiere. One thing Liam needs Culhane and Nina to do is play nice, and they assure him they will, but their interview with Hot Tea Atlanta shows them to be less than cordial, and the reporter is eating it up. Putting it out to the public that the producer and director don’t get along could spell disaster for the movie, so they need to fix that quick.
Meanwhile, Sam has assured Liam that no one will bother him as he’s got him listed under a different room number than the one he’s in. As Sam scurries off, Liam finds himself just staring at a blank page. As the hours pass, Liam is fighting to stay away so he decides to make a drink. Not coffee though. Why does he think booze will wake him up? But when he pours the liquor, he sees blood but another look shows it is just the booze. He decides to leave his room and heads to the bar — this is beginning to feel a lot like The Shining as the bartender is … Blake. But it’s not Blake, it just looks like him. As Liam spills his guts, suddenly he’s in the actual bar and the bartender is the regular bartender. Puzzled, Liam attempts to find Room 428, which he learned from the bartender in his head was Kingston’s ‘secret hideaway’. Romaing the halls he encounters a weird bellhop who looks just like Adam (with Sam Underwood getting to use his actual British accent for the part). The bellhop recognizes ‘famous writer’ Liam and offers to take him to the room in exchange for an autograph. Liam agrees but the bellhop disappears.
Liam finds himself in the hotel’s ballroom where there is some kind of weird party going on. There he’s approached by a woman who looks like Cristal. She is obviously trying to seduce him and they do lock lips. She offers to take him back to her room — 428. She gives him the key card but the next thing Liam knows, she’s been stabbed in the stomach and the party-goers think he did it. Liam takes off and is back upstairs in the hallway where he runs into a maid who looks like Amanda (swapping accents with Sam Underwood, now getting to speak in an American accent for the part), who also recognizes him, but before they get very far in their conversation she ends up going over the railing and the party-goers think Liam has now killed two women. Panicked, he tries to find Room 428 but he suddenly encounters Riverdale‘s Black Hood stalking him at every turn. He finally finds the room and it takes forever for the key card to work but he gets inside. Unfortunately so does the Black Hood and … it’s Liam under there! He basically tells himself that he’s nothing but a hack who got lucky once and before he can stab himself Sam barges into the room and startles Liam out of his daze. Sam tries to give him a pep talk and tells him to just enjoy the premiere and worry about the book later.
The evening is a success and Atlanta is all abuzz about the movie, ‘The Biggest Payday’. Culhane and Nina, who finally realized there really was a spark between them (so they had some sexytime before the party) still can’t admit it to each other and Nina takes off for her next job. Dominique crawls out of the woodwork to admonish Culhane for being so blind to Nina obviously wanting him to tell her to stay but he tries to brush it off. As he enjoys some finger food, Dom catches him licking his fingers, the very thing that turned him off to Nina in the first place. So she is the one! He runs after her and stops her car to give her a grand speech about how they belong together, but the driver exits the car and reveals the back seat is empty awaiting its passengers who aren’t Nina. Culhane is sure he missed her but from behind he hears, ‘Wrong car, dummy.’ But she heard his speech and they ride off into the sunset together … or back to his room. As the party is winding down, Liam thanks Professor Kingston for coming and for his suggestion to get out of the manor for a while even though it didn’t help. Kingston said his story will come to him when it comes, he gets a nosebleed and drops to the floor dead. Shaken by this sudden turn of events, Liam is comforted by Sam and then he sees Kingston’s satchel … with the manuscript inside that no one knows about. Liam removes it and give the bag to a hotel employee to give to the EMTs for the family. But was Kingston right? Did the words come to Liam just when he needed them … even though they aren’t Liam’s words? Fallon already promised his publisher that Liam would have his manuscript to her within the week so this seems like a golden opportunity that just dropped into his lap, literally. Will Liam submit the work as his own … and was Kingston being truthful when he said no one else had read the manuscript? We’ll see next week … maybe, depending on what crazy time jump the next episode holds.
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