As we move closer to the date of the funeral now seen twice this season, more potential deceased are teased on this week’s episode which, for once, found the Carrington clan actually bonding and turning their other cheeks. Even if Fallon and Liam had their first marital spat … but could it be their last?
Yes, this week definitely sets up Liam as the deceased. It all began as Fallon needed her company’s IPO to be approved, swiftly, to cover the cost of the restoration of the Scottish castle she had to commit to in order to secure that land deal. But the SEC is backed up with applications and it could take a month … and Fallon needs it done in two days. Luckily, Liam knows the woman at the SEC who can help because she’s on old friend of his family. Perfect! Blake and Fallon set out to wine and dine her, but Liam warns that any whiff of a bribe will kill the deal. They insist this is how these things work, but his raised eyebrows scare Fallon enough to kill the whole extravaganza they were planning — a huge seafood spread because Corinne Simon is from New England — and Liam also suggests that Blake needs to make himself scarce as well.
And things are going well until Liam asks about the last time he and Corinne saw each other. It was at his 18th birthday, and Corinne says something cryptic about his father and some oil tankers that no one was supposed to know about, at least not at the time of his birthday. The information was made public a week later, but how could she have known? The problem is Liam’s father went to prison for insider trading as large stocks were sold off before the ‘accident’ was made public, so was Corinne the one who turned in his father? Corinne doesn’t want to talk about it anymore, but this news had lit a fire under Liam … to the concern of Fallon, who asks him to wait two days until Corinne approves her application and then he can dig into her involvement. But Liam starts digging a little too deeply, putting Fallon’s company in jeopardy … and then he gets upset with her for not seeing his side of things.
Okay Liam … Fallon is completely on your side, all she asked you to do was wait two days so don’t pin this spat on her. Corinne got wind of his snooping and Fallon felt that her application was being held up in an effort to get him to back down. Fallon went to see Corinne, and Liam showed up making a scene but when it was time to see Corinne, Fallon took the high road and asked Liam to join them to quash whatever is going on. Fallon went even further and told Corinne she was withdrawing her application and would submit it to someone else, and Liam went on about his accusation of her insider trading. Corinne tells him he’s got it all wrong, that she’s been trying to protect him because his father was mixed up with some shady people in the past, and even her life and her family are in danger if she talks. But the bombshell she drops is that she believes Liam’s father was murdered. He didn’t just get drunk and fall off a boat. Corrine tells Fallon her application will be approved immediately, and she hopes Liam will not involve her further. But if Liam was a driven man before this news, he’s even more so now, flying off to DC to do more investigating for his article and for his own closure, and very much against Fallon’s wishes. So is Liam going to go too far down this rabbit hole and end up in a coffin?
Possibly, but that doesn’t explain why in the second scene of the funeral we saw Adam come and sit next to Fallon. Adam doesn’t have any ties to Liam, and he’s not all that close with his sister. Which means it’s very possible that Kirby is in the coffin. She’s in a relationship with Adam, and she and Fallon have been friends since childhood. Also, the show really doesn’t seem to know what to do with her. If this is the case, then Alexis’ plan to break up her and Adam is going to work a little too well. Before she was trapped in the mine, Alexis rang up an ex of Kirby’s in Australia and asked him to come to Atlanta for a visit. And of course he just happens to bump into Kirby at La Mirage, where she’s trying to figure out what her position is in life as a ‘helper’. He asks her to stop by a photo shoot he’s working on — he’s gotten his life straightened out, clean and sober — and she does. And a model drops out and they just happen to need a redhead, and Kirby is swooped up in the glamor of it all.

As they reconnect after a shoot, Kirby says she has to get home to Adam but Oliver says they’re not married so why is she acting like she is? She agrees to hang out longer at the bar and Oliver excuses himself for a minute to give himself a little energy for the evening. Yes, Oliver doesn’t drink anymore, but he still indulges in a bit of cocaine. He knows Kirby hsa also cleaned up her life and doesn’t want to mess that up, but Kirby decides she’s going to join Oliver for a walk on the wild side as well. So, does she go a bit too far and ends up permanently broken up from Adam … and life?
Cristal seems to have moved back into the manor. She’s at breakfast with the family as Blake is the king of his castle again but there’s that matter of her brain tumor. Adam assures her it could be benign, but because of where it is that is what is causing her vertigo. Unfortunately, further scans show it’s not benign and it’s pretty much inoperable. But Adam says they will get the best specialists possible but for now Cristal needs to start telling the people she loves what is happening, starting with Blake. So could there be a new Cristal in Blake’s future?
Who is definitely not in the coffin is Alexis. Or Dominique. After they put aside their differences in the mine as oxygen began to run out, they both bared their souls thinking they’d die there with all of their secrets. Each of them shared their sins, including how Alexis paid a man to cut off his finger to pretend to be the son they thought was dead. Severed finger trumped any of Dom’s sins. But as the end was near they both dropped one last bombshell — Dom is still married and no one knows, not even her husband. Alexis admits she had an affair while married to Blake and staged a separation so she could fly to Europe … to give birth to a baby girl whom she gave to a family member to raise. Now she has a second cousin in Europe who is actually her daughter. (Note: She never said her name, but if they stick to Dynasty canon, this will be Amanda.)
Jeff and Culhane spent the episode trying to one-up each other while dating Mia, but their games were making their friendship difficult. And even Mia was put off by it. They all agreed that it was getting weird and wanted Mia to decide who she was going to be with, and she told them to date each other. She wanted to remain friends with the both of them but the dating thing was not going to work. While all this was going on, Jeff had been trying to call Dom but after several calls and no response, the last message he left was that he wasn’t going to call her anymore. He mentioned this to Culhane, and he told Jeff he was trying to get ahold of Alexis to help sabotage on of Jeff’s dates and they put two-and-two together, rescuing the women in the mine before it was too late. As they were being saved, Alexis said that whatever was said in the mine stays in the mine, and Dom said she didn’t care because her story about being married is a lie (is it?). But they have a new respect for each other, and the near death experience even brought Dom & Jeff and Alexis & Fallon a bit closer together.
So now we have three potential candidates for the body in the coffin: Liam, Kirby or Cristal. Who do you think it is? Or is it someone else altogether? Perhaps we’ll have some new hints next week.
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