Dynasty :: Unhealthy obsessions


Obsession is generally not a healthy thing because to be obsessed with something means you are constantly consumed with the thoughts of that thing you are focused on, and the distraction leads to more serious issues. Case in point, this week’s episode of Dynasty in which every major character is obsessed about something or someone.

Blake and Jeff

Blake is still consumed with the grief of Cristal’s death, not that he’s letting on to anyone that he is. Instead he’s just acting out like a child. The fact that his family voted to sell his company out from under him didn’t help matters, but now that he sees himself free and clear of Carrington Atlantic, he’s making himself free and clear of his family as well, announcing that his children will get no more money from him, cutting them out of the will (and Sam’s quip that he just joined the family and he’s already cut out was funny) and he’s spending every dime he has. On cars. Specifically the ones lost in the fire.

But not just real cars … toy cars as well. This whole bit of story was a bit confusing because it seemed Blake was interested in buying a real car for Anders but he was looking to buy a toy car, one that reminded Blake of the times he and Anders would race their toy cars on a track (Blake had talked about building a track to race together again, but it seemed he was talking about one for real cars). But Jeff Colby can’t let go of his obsession with Blake, and he bought the car right out from under Blake. And the only way for Blake to be satisfied was for the two of them to race. That’s when it was revealed that this whole thing was about toys. It was weird, especially as there was a crowd gathered as if it were a cock fight. Blake ultimately lost when his car jumped the shark … I mean the track, and he was so angry he smashed a portion of the seemingly fragile track with his hand … which may have broken his hand? In any even, upon his return home is when it all made sense — Anders was the only real father figure Blake had, and he wanted to have that relationship with him again. If that doesn’t say Blake is still hurting emotionally over Cristal, then nothing does.

Steven, Sam and Alexis

Steven is obsessed with being a father to the child he unwavering believes is his, even though Alexis is certain Melissa is up to something. She’s even got Sam convinced that a pre-menopausal woman could not have gotten pregnant by sleeping with a gay man one time. It does seem fishy, especially the timing. Could it be she’s looking for an easy payday because she’s getting nothing from the divorce from her husband? But while Steven plans some kind of classes for Melissa and other pregnant women, Alexis and Sam are playing amateur sleuths by breaking into Melissa’s home to find proof she’s faking.

Their initial proof was that Melissa was buying deli meat and brie, two things a pregnant woman is not supposed to consume. There was another funny Sam moment as he investigated the refrigerator, and took a slice of turkey but threw the half-eaten piece back in the container when Alexis yelled ‘A-HA!’ She found the smoking gun — a fake baby bump. Racing back to the manor, they exposed Melissa’s … pregnant belly. The baby bump was used to approximate her size in a few months to fit a dress for an event she was to attend. But while her stomach looked real, I’m still not buying that it wasn’t a prosthetic she wears just in case she is called into question. All we and they saw was the stomach area before she stormed out of the house. But the antics have caused Steven great disappointment in his mother and husband.


Kirby and Fallon

Fallon, at the moment, seems to be the only sane member of the Carrington family focused solely on closing the deal with Liam’s uncle and getting back to her life with Michael. Unfortunately for her, Liam’s Uncle Max has a bit of an obsession with Fallon, slipping her a key to his apartment so they can literally consummate the deal … even though she’s ‘married’ to his nephew. Fallon does not take the bait, and then hears that Max is about to talk with another company. She realizes her refusal to play ball with him may have just blown the deal, but she is nothing if not resourceful. Contacting an old friend who happens to run an escort service in New York City, Fallon sets things up so that she’ll make an appearance, play Max a bit and then swap herself out for a ‘working girl’, blindfolding and handcuffing him so he won’t know of the ruse while Fallon flies back to Atlanta to attend the opening of Monica’s nightclub.

What Fallon doesn’t know is that her childhood arch-enemy Kirby Anders is back in town and she has one thing on her mind — revenge. After being banished from the manor by her father — and as far as he knows she’s on her way back to Australia — Kirby has already shacked up with Jeff, and now she’s ingratiated herself into Monica’s good graces. Monica doesn’t want anything to do with her at first, saying her relationship with Fallon is solid now (it is?), but she needs help getting the club ready to open and Kirby is an extra set of hands. To prove her worth, she whips everyone at the club into shape and gets the place ready to go long before Monica expected but there is a problem — a rival club has booked the hip hop group Migos on the same night as her opening. So Kirby does what anyone would do — no, not burn the place down — she plants live rats in the other club’s kitchen area and then gives an ‘anonymous tip’ to the health department, shutting the rival down in time for Club Colby to open. Monica is impressed with her initiative.

When Fallon and Michael show up to the opening, she’s a bit surprised to see Kirby … wearing Fallon’s dress and her grandmother’s necklace! Attempting to brush her off and enjoy the evening, Kirby slams into Fallon as she an Michael are going upstairs and a catfight ensues, with Kirby throwing all the blame on Fallon. Proving how ‘solid’ their friendship really is, Monica sides immediately with … Kirby, and hands Fallon a check to cover the cost of the club plus interest. That check was pretty handy since it was already written. Later that night back at Jeff’s place, the police arrive to arrest Kirby for assault. Never underestimate a Carrington. (And it probably helped that she had Michael as a witness.)

Cristal Jennings

And then we get to Cristal Jennings again. At the top of the episode she attempted to call Blake but Anders refused to let her speak to him, saying the Cristal Flores gravy train has left the station. But by the end of the episode when Blake returns home with his allegedly broken hand, Anders already had a nurse waiting. Seriously. It was never explained how Anders knew Blake hurt his hand, but he had called a nurse and she was there. Anders had a bit of humor at Alexis’ expense telling her that despite her lengthy hospital stay, there was a real nurse on hand. In Blake’s study, there was Cristal Jennings, very clearly not a nurse. She even said she told the person at the gate as much but they insisted she was and let her in. Great security people you have there, Blake.

About to be tossed out, Cristal gave a pendant necklace to Blake. Inside was a photo of the two Cristals together. Blake is frozen, ready now to believe whatever this Cristal Jennings has to say. But is what she has to say the truth? Did she really know Cecila Machado and helped give her the Cristal Flores identity? It seems far-fetched from what we already know about her obsession with watching Blake punch out a reporter. But if this Cristal wants to parlay her obsession into a relationship with Blake, and it’s still a bit too soon for that, she can’t start with a lie that she knew Cristal. Has no one ever heard of Photoshop?

At this point, I’m not sure how they’re going to make ‘the real Cristal’ into the next Mrs. Carrington but if the writers start building this relationship based on deception, it’s going to go down the same awful rabbit hole the first one did. Frankly, I’m enjoying the series so far this season without Cristal. I just want to see Blake get his mojo back and fight for his company. It’ll be more fun to see him and Alexis butting heads than another contentious relationship with another Cristal.

What did you think of the episode? And what’s up with the new Cristal? Tell us in the comments section below!

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