Let’s Talk About ‘Inside’:
- Nearly ten years have passed, and former President Eisenhower wants to tell President Kennedy about a treaty with the aliens, but former VP Nixon is adamantly against it.
- Upon learning of the agreement, JFK confides in Marilyn Monroe who reveals her own close encounter when she was a child.
- JFK decides to tell the American public about the aliens, but Nixon tells Eisenhower if he does the blame will fall squarely on Ike, so they need to consider all options before Kennedy speaks … with tragic results.
- Eisenhower’s agreement with the aliens resulted in an exchange of alien technology — microwaves, metal undetectable by radar, fiber optics — for 5,000 humans a year.
- Eisenhower discovers Amelia Earhart was the subject of an alien experiment, and that Mamie may be in cahoots with Nixon and the aliens.
- The four friends discover the horrible truth — they’re pregnant with alien spawn, and Men In Black show up to sedate and transport them to an alien facility.
- The four meet a woman named Calico who had been abducted in 1968 and hasn’t aged a day, and she gives them some harsh truths about the aliens and their pregnancies.
- Troy wants to know where and how the baby is going to come out of him, and he’s told life must find its own way.
The second episode of ‘Death Valley’ opens in 1963 on the same golf course where we first saw President Eisenhower playing a round in 1954. Now John F. Kennedy is president, and Eisenhower feels that it’s imperative that he share the information about the aliens with the new president. Ike’s former VP Richard Nixon is not too keen on the idea, especially since Kennedy is a Democrat. But Eisenhower is adamant that Kennedy must know so they visit the White House and he shares the information with the president. To say what JFK learns is shocking is an understatement — Eisenhower signed a treaty with the aliens that allowed for a relatively small number of Americans (5,000 to be exact) to be abducted every year in exchange for alien technology that will, in Nixon’s words, give them dominance over the world. And if the US didn’t play nice with the invaders, they would have gone to another nation like Russia. Kennedy is appalled they would sacrifice lives for power (hmmm, not too far off from today’s political scene).
Kennedy confides this news with Marilyn Monroe (an amazing performance by Alisha Soper), and she surprises him with her nonchalant reaction — she knew something like this was happening since she was a child. She had been awakened by a sound once and saw a mysterious teddy bear at the foot of her bed. She knew it wasn’t hers because her foster parents didn’t allow the children to have toys. After being blinded by a bright light outside, young Norma Jean told her foster mother what had happened but she didn’t believe the child and had her shipped off to a new family. Marilyn tells Jack he has to be honest with the American people.
With Marilyn acting as the angel on one shoulder, Ike has Nixon and Mamie as the devils on his other shoulder. Tricky Dick tells Ike that Kennedy is forming a study group to determine the best course of action, and if the news does become public the blame will all fall on Eisenhower. They need to consider all options and prepare for containment of the information. Ike’s wife Mamie is enjoying using the microwave over given to them by the aliens (although she’s cooking TV dinners in it, and back then they were in aluminum trays, so this tech must be really advanced since we still can’t put metal in a microwave). Before they can even take a bit of their salibury steaks, the news breaks that Kennedy has been assassinated. Ike knows immediately that this was Nixon’s doing, and Mamie tells him this was patriotism at its finest. He did nothing wrong, and she is not going to call Jackie to extend her condolences. And if Ike is so ashamed of the treaty, then why did he make it in the first place?
Nine years earlier

Eisenhower’s at a meeting of the joint chiefs to discuss the ramifications of the treaty. The alien-possessed housewife glides in uninvited bearing more gifts: a box made of metal that is undetectable to radar, and fiber optics that can speed up communication. One general thinks this is all pure evil and attempts to shoot the floating woman but with a flick of the wrist, his head explodes. The alien explains their world is dying, and they need the humans to conduct experiments because they are contaminated with viruses and other diseases the aliens are not immune to. They want to create hybrids, part human, part them, so that they can live on this planet … but their test subject has failed. She says time is running out for both of their people. The woman’s eyes return to normal and as she lowers to the ground, quite bewildered, her head explodes. Turns out the test subject was Amelia Earhart, who had been impregnated, but the baby was a monster that killed everyone in the room. Ike goes in with a couple of others to find the baby, and when it shows itself they all shoot it dead.
Mamie has had a secret meeting with Nixon, showing him some top secret files from Ike’s desk. She tells him he has to convince Ike not to turn down the aliens’ offer, and if he can’t or won’t help, he’ll never get what he wants … including the presidency. His political career will be over. Nixon gets to work on Ike, telling him to go along with the aliens but play their game, use their own technology against them when the time is right. Ike doesn’t even know if the tech will work against them, and he notices Nixon wiping his always sweaty brow with a handkerchief embroidered with ME, his wife’s initials. Now Ike knows Mamie and Nixon are conspiring and he’s furious with her for telling Nixon everything, saying only people like him will benefit. And their actions have only convinced him to not go along with the aliens’ plans. Suddenly Mamie’s eyes roll back, she levitates and speaks in the alien voice: ‘Allow us to enlighten you.’ The alien says they have spoken to him from another body, and that he will deal with them for the good of his country. They also remind him of what happened to the last body they occupied. He says he will kill them all if they hurt his wife, and that say that all depends on him.
Present Day

Kendall, Jamie, Cal and Troy are racing to see Jamie’s OBGYN. Cal thinks they should go to the emergency room, but Kendall says there would be too many questions asked about their condition. Once at the office, the doctor doesn’t seem to notice the condition of Kendall, Cal and Troy while she performs an untrasound on Jamie, asking if one of the guys is the father (umm, lady, they’re standing there holding hands, read the room). The doctor asks Jamie if twins runs in her family, but they don’t. Then she gets a look of horror on her face and exits the room quickly, causing a bit of panic among the friends. Kendall decides to see for herself what the doctor saw and starts and untrasound on Troy. There is definitely a baby inside, and it’s definitely not human.
The doctor is trying to call another doctor for an emergency consultation, but before she can speak with him on the phone, the Men in Black show up. She says she hasn’t talked to anyone yet, the MIB says good and shoots her. Then they burst into the exam room and sedate the quartet, and the next thing Kendall knows is that she and the others, along with more people, are floating in mid-air in a room, connected to tube. Everyone else is unconscious. A tall, alien creature dressed in white with a large mask covering its face enters and tells Kendall they are in a safe space to prepare for the next step. The creature assures her that it is not one of those who did this to her, it is … something else. It says the thing inside Kendall is hope for the future, but Kendall calls it a monster. The creature tells her not to say that because the thing inside can hear her. She must not fight, but embrace the gift she’s been given. She has been chosen, given the chance to save an entire planet. Kendall asks how she’ll be saving Earth, and the creature replies, ‘Who said anything about Earth?’ The creature then puts Kendall back to sleep.
She next finds herself in a dining hall where she sees Steve Jobs talking to a woman he calls Calico. Troy, Cal and Jamie enter the room, wondering where Kendall had been and not remembering anything since they were in the doctor’s office. A man brings plates of food, gelatin with objects inside, and Calico tells them this isn’t food. They stopped serving food in ’79. Kendall starts to tell them about waking up in the other room, but Calico tells her it’s often best not to remember. Troy keeps asking what happens after the baby is born and how exactly it’s going to come out of him. Calico tells them that most people are one and done — Troy thinks this means he gets to go home after the birth — but for some reason she’s on the ‘annual plan’, so she’s been through the process multiple times. She doesn’t know who they are but she does know the government is in cahoots with them. The one benefit of being there is that she hasn’t aged a day since 1968, which isn’t a bad deal except for the food. A man returns to the table with vitamins and Troy smacks them out of his hand and demands to know how the baby is coming out. He is sedated and taken away and when Kendall asks where they’re taking him, Calico says ignorance is bliss.
Troy wakes up in a delivery room. The creature Kendall spoke with enters and tells him it’s almost time and that his questions will be answered. He asks again how the baby is coming out, and the creature tells him life must find its own way. Small hands can be seen pressing against Troy’s belly from the inside, and he begins to bleed from his mouth. The creature tells him to not focus on the pain, focus on the future. The creature removes its mask to reveal a face that is human on the right and alien on the left. Horrified, Troy asks what happens next, and the creature says, ‘Birth.’ Troy shrieks … and we can only assume the baby is tearing its way out of him.
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