AHS 1984 :: Let’s kill Brooke


I don’t know if this season of American Horror Story has completely jumped the shark just four episodes in, but whatever the hell is going on I’m having a grand time as the show keeps amping up the slasher movie tropes and throwing new, crazier twists at us while not being afraid to off some of the big name cast members. Of course in true horror fashion, some of them don’t remain dead very long.

Last time we learned it was Montana who wanted Brooke dead. The why of the matter came this week when it was revealed that the guy Brooke’s almost husband shot in the head at the wedding was Montana’s brother. She’s convinced Brooke slept with him before the wedding and getting Richard Ramirez to kill her will be her ultimate revenge.

And Montana already has Richard wrapped around her little finger when, in a flashback, we saw him stroll into her exercise class, witnessing one of the guys having a total meltdown over her music choice of Billy Idol instead of something a bit more disco-y. Returning to the locker room after the class, Montana was stunned to find the offending student gutted and hanging over her locker, totally touched by Richard’s act of support for her, and planting the idea in her head to have him also kill Brooke. Brooke however is slippery as water and isn’t as easily dispatched as the jazzercize guy.

But fate smiles on Montana when Brooke, running for her life again, falls into a trap. But not a trap set by Mr. Jingles, no this one was constructed by Donna Chambers (aka Nurse Rita) to make Brooke (or whichever unfortunate soul happened to wander into the trap) bait for Jingles, to see if he would revert to his serial killer past. But spotting Brooke, Montana told Richard exactly where he could find her. Of course just as Richard arrived, Mr. Jingles got there too and they pair had a face off akin to Freddy vs Jason. In this case, it was Mr. Jingles who was the victor. RIP Night Stalker. And while they were fighting, Montana and Donna had a tussle of their own which left them a bit out of it for the duration.

But Jingles was making his rounds of the camp. Trevor and Xavier were trying to help Chet who was barely clinging to life after being impaled, at one point very close to death until Trevor jammed an epi-pen into Chet’s heart. That got him back to life but they needed to round up Margaret and Bertie so they left Chet to find them and bring the car around. Xavier had remembered that the guy Jingles killed at the showers had a car so that would be their way out.

Xavier found Bertie making sandwiches for the morning’s arrivals, unaware of the mayhem going on outside the walls of the mess hall. Xavier tried to get her to go with him but Jingles showed up and Xavier hid under the table. Bertie knew Jingles from the past when they both worked at the camp and was able to actually talk him down a bit, giving him a PB&J sandwich. But Xavier made the slightest noise and was caught by Jingles who then stuffed Xavier into an over and turned it on ‘broil’, making sure the door could not be opened from the inside. As Xavier began to cook, a gruesomely beaten Bertie hit the window and was able to free the door so Xavier could get out. Badly burned, he tried to help Bertie but she silently begged him to kill her. RIP Bertie.


Jingles made his way to Margaret’s cabin to finish what he’d started but … TWIST! Margaret reminded him of the past when everyone at the camp was killed. She and Benjamin (Jingles) were good friends back then in 1970, but Margaret was the outcast among the other counselors. Benjamin was her only friend, perhaps there was a little romance, at least on her part, and he said he’d do anything to protect her. She wanted him to kill everyone who had bullied her but he didn’t. So she did. Margaret is the Camp Redwood killer! She even cut off her own ear to pin it all on Benjamin, who was then forced to endure the drugs and the shock therapy, being turned into the killer he never was. Enraged, Jingles rushed Margaret but she had a gun. RIP Mr. Jingles. Trevor arrived and saw the body, and then Margaret felt the need to pin one more murder on Mr. Jingles because Trevor knew too much. RIP Trevor. After killing Trevor, Margaret turned to look at Jingles and … he was gone. Scratch that RIP for Mr. Jingles. Trevor, though, is definitely still dead. We think.

Freeing herself from the cargo net while Richard and Jingles were fighting, Brooke finally caught up with Xavier, who had just had an encounter of his own with Jingles, but both were too worn out to kill each other. When Brooke showed up, Jingles vanished again and they saw fire in the distance. Running towards it, they found Margaret, Chet and Montana at the car Xavier was hoping to use as a getaway vehicle, now in flames. And Margaret told them how Mr. Jingles nearly killed her and that poor Trevor is dead. And Donna finally wakes up after the fight with Montana and sees the body of Ramirez which suddenly twitches and rises into the air, turning in space and descending back to the ground on his two feet. Uh, scratch that RIP as well.

What more does this season have in store for us after revealing the true Camp Redwood killer in Episode 4?! Strap yourself in for what is sure to be the craziest ride yet.

What did you think of this episode? Sound off in the comments below!

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  1. 100% I’m not the first person to think this, but I am sure that AHS 1984 is Ryan and Brad’s utterly twisted version of Stranger Things. “You want an 80s horror story? We can do that.” And as always they deliver. This show is an utter roller coaster ride. And they don’t overdo with the camp (although some would probably argue that): “This is serious. This is aerobics.”; “Now I’ll never get on the cover of TV Guide!”
    This is thoroughly entertaining and well directed. Keep your Walking Dead, I’d rather romp with the psycho killers!

    • It is a blast, especially if you actually lived through that era and saw your share of slasher films.