Grey’s Anatomy :: Reunited


Remember that time Meredith told the chief, ‘For what it’s worth, I would never go to a hospital that put its doctors on billboards?’ when they were trying to make McDreamy the new face of Seattle Grace-Mercy West? But she now wears a GSM hat to her roadside community service … seriously!? Seriously.

Maybe it’s just me because I never followed Charmed all that closely (really not at all) but was the ‘return of two-thirds of the Charmed Ones’ rather milquetoast? Rather sappy, to be honest (and of course we had to obscure the third sister’s face because Doherty & McGowan were either uninterested or unavailable.) Sort of felt like a super-contrived turn of events so that ABC/TeamShonda could rake in the Charmed fans of yesteryore for a ratings boost. But the ‘that’s not our sister’ ending to that narrative almost made up for how trite it was. Almost.

Of course, there had to be a setup for Richard to start meandering down the shady path. Once a cheater always a cheater? The hallmarks are there … troubled/absent marriage, Gemma & Webber are both AA survivors now both working at a miserable job after being fired from a glorious one … we can all see where this is potentially going. We just didn’t’ realize Shonda had to recycle plot lines so fast!!! Godspeed, Catherine Fox, if and when you return from Chicago.

Maggie is just never, ever going to stop complaining, is she. It’s like – we got rid of April so now we have to have someone to replace the gaping void of annoying, and the almighty gods of Grey-Sloan Memorial have chosen it to be Maggie Pierce. So very over her. She needs to go. Or very quickly find someone else to move onto. (She doesn’t even do bad-ass cardio procedures anymore!) Even Zola can’t stand her whining. (Did anyone notice how she was sucking on that juice pouch through a straw – with straw noises – but the straw was also still in its package and attached to the back? But we’re happy to see Zola – might get Ellis next week and have three for three!)

Still not feeling it with Vicson (Jackson + Vic) but largely because I just don’t care. I mean they did the build up to their outpatient-room hookup correctly, but (and despite what I just said about Maggie’s complaining) he literally did walk into the fog with one girlfriend and out of the fog with another. And we the fans are supposed to support that. Most of us are still resisting MerLuca. We don’t have time to keep up with Jackson’s girl-hopping.

Amelia and Link are being surprisingly grown up. Love how she almost blurted it out to Teddy. Good call on Owen’s part, who for once is actually being a semi-decent human being, tag-teaming out so she can get back to work. Clearly that’s where she needs to be. By the time we start Season 17, everyone will have babies and kids and it’ll be all about our trials of raising families while being strong doctors. Koracick is still being a super jerk with the restraining order … but that’ll lose its novelty soon enough, I’m sure.

And Koracick may be a super jerk? But Bailey has lost her damn mind. The way she is going about tearing Meredith Grey up one side and back down the other – like she’s not going to have to suck it up and hire her back in a week or two’s time … she’s flaming out in a bad way and nobody likes it. And FIRING QADRI!? Seriously!? SERIOUSLY. I mean – does she not remember Vikram Roy’s wrongful termination lawsuit – that he basically WON? And Qadri didn’t even actually do anything wrong. Clearly, Bailey has gone off the deep end … and if the promo for next week is any indication, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. Maybe instead of focusing on forcing Vicson on us, they could drag Ben Warren back to Grey’s to try and sort out some of Bailey’s issues.

They may have seriously screwed up the patient story with the Charmed Ones, but the meet-cute-reunion with Bertie and SoYung – THAT was seriously what made the episode beautiful. (And gave Niko screentime!) THAT was really a touching ‘throw-back-to-the-vault-of-patient-involvement’ move from old-school Grey’s. Well one on that front! And well done on Niko insisting that Levi spend time in the skills lab after his epic blunder. (Also great to see Parker back this week – but again, the ‘power of three’ as Helm was MIA … only three interns at a time …)

Qadri, who hopefully like the others won’t stay fired, is right. People go to that hospital for Meredith Grey. Like most of us (even if we’re still resisting MerLuca) so let’s hope Bailey gets her head out of her butt and gets things straightened out. Especially now that Mer’s going to be Aunty Mer! How cute. And fingers crossed that Richard and Gemma – wherever they’re headed – is not a derailment of their sobriety.

Great to see Parker back this week! (But again, the ‘power of three’ as we can only have three interns at a time … no Helm.)

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.

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