The Stand 2 Episode Recap :: Blank Page / The House of the Dead



We are three episodes into CBS All Access’ The Stand and I’m starting to notice a trend for each episode. The series likes to introduce as many characters as they can into each episode and hope it works out for them in the end. The first episode introduced us to Harold, Stu, and Frannie and followed it up with Larry, Lloyd, and Rita. Once again, we are getting three new characters to add to the large mix of stories to focus on. Luckily, these characters seem very important to both Mother Abagail and Randall Flagg.

‘Blank Page’ introduces us to Glen Bateman (Greg Kinnear), a sociologist professor, Nick Andros (Henry Zaga), a deaf drifter, and Nadine Cross (Amber Heard), who was introduced in Episode 2 but has a lot more development this time around. Characters from the previous episodes appear in this episode such as Frannie, Larry, Harold, and Stu, who help out our new characters.

The series continues to separate these characters into a good and bad category. Mother Abagail (Whoopi Goldberg) has been looking for people to lead after the Captain Trips virus to help build a new world. Randall Flagg, who spread the virus in the first place, is seeking people through visions to kill Mother Abagail. Some people have accepted Flagg, like Campion in Episode 1 and now people are resisting him, which is helping Mother Abagail in her mission.

After Stu meets Harold and Frannie (remember that Frannie and Stu are together at the end of Episode 1, we just haven’t got there yet) he meets Glen. Glen is a painter and has had visions of Mother Abagail and Frannie, but has never met them. Stu realizes something bigger than the virus may be happening since he already has met Frannie and recognizes her in the picture. Glen and Stu work well together and since they are on Mother Abagail’s side, I am looking forward to more of them together.

One of the more interesting stories is Nadine, who experienced Randall Flagg when she was younger when he possessed a planchette she and her friends were using. He wrote out ‘NADINE WILL BE MY QUEEN’ on the floor, which set her story in motion. At times we see that there is good in her when she takes care of Joe, but she also cares about Flagg. Nadine seems like a minor character at the moment but I can see her becoming a stronger force in the upcoming episodes as Flagg will continue to manipulate her into doing what he wants.

Some character storylines are working and some just feel pointless. As we move through the series, I hope the amount of characters entering the mix is done and we can start to have more development. The show is intriguing enough to continue watching. The time jumps have calmed down a bit and they have been more informative with how far back they go, which is very helpful. There is a lot of potential in this series with the strong cast and the conflict between good and evil. It just needs to slow down a bit.



After three episodes of introducing characters and having characters pick sides, we are finally seeing these characters interact with each other and find their place in the world after the virus. The battle between Randall Flagg and Mother Abagail has been anticlimactic to say the least. So far, it’s been both of them recruiting members to their cause, which hopefully will lead to a more exciting ending to the series. With this episode, titled ‘The House of the Dead’, we are seeing how Flagg is manipulative, which will cause problems for Mother Abagail and her followers in upcoming episodes.

We have seen in previous episodes that a few characters are drawn to Flagg, especially Nadine, who encountered the Dark Man when she was younger. Her actions, especially at the end of the episode, solidify her on a dark path, one that we were expecting. Throughout the episode though she attempts to seduce Harold (she promised her virginity to the Dark Man) but will do other things to please Harold. I know Amber Heard is the talk of a lot of controversy with Johnny Depp, but she is a great actress and definitely delivers the seductive and manipulative characteristics for the character.

One of my biggest issues with the series so far is Mother Abagail and how rarely she shows up and even when she shows up, I am not convinced that she is this holy figure that people are making her out to be. Her followers praise her and many people have had visions of her, but she hasn’t done much to earn that status. With not reading the story, I hope this changes in a few episodes. Against her wishes, three members head west to Las Vegas to spy on the Dark Man. The problem with that is that these are minor characters. They go on a journey that we know is important but we don’t know them very well to care enough about their storyline. On the journey is Dayna Jurgens (Natalie Martinez), Judge Farris, and Tom Cullen. Dayna was introduced in the beginning of the episode when she was saved by Stu and Glen. She was imprisoned by a rapist who was looking to chain up Frannie to his truck, just like he had Dayna. Judge Farris has been a background character for the series so far and Tom Cullen was introduced in the previous episode when he met Nick. Tom is a developmentally disabled man, so the choice to send him to spy on Flagg is a bit questionable, even if he is with two other people.

The series is starting to pick up. It still offers plenty of flashbacks, but the characters are becoming more important to the story. I am starting to find characters I like and dislike. I think Stu and Glen are two of the strongest characters and it helps that they get along so well and work great as a team. Nadine is a character that is intriguing but you have to dislike her because of her actions. With only five episodes left, things can definitely change for all the characters introduced.

New episodes of The Stand premiere Thursdays on CBS All Access.

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