The revolution has begun, and Melanie Cavill is getting hit from all sides. She expected the Tailies to revolt and she wasn’t surprised Third made their move as well. Second seems to have stayed out of the fray but the revolt from First Class, lead by the entitled Folgers, blindsided Melanie. And if she’s not been so focused on Josie, perhaps she would have given Ruth a listen when she tried to warn her about the uprising in First.
What Melanie really didn’t expect that the revolution would indeed begin in the engine by the actions of a child, Miles, who was able to send LJ a message by flashing lights from one side of the train to another as it rounded a curve, and then allowing her access to the engine, giving her the evidence that Mr. Wilford was not on the train. Armed with that factual evidence now, Commander Grey was able to convince Ruth that Melanie was a total fraud. And with that, Ruth summoned Melanie to confront everyone in First to admit Wilford is not on the train but Melanie tried to pull her phone call trick again, but they insisted on the presence of Wilford this time. Unable to comply, Ruth ordered Melanie arrested and taken to the same interrogation room where Josie was frozen to death.
But for Ruth, this whole turn of events have rocked her world and shattered her faith in not only Melanie, but the train as well. But she’s still baffled by how Melanie could have grabbed so much power away from the man who built Snowpiercer. Melanie reveals that Wilford didn’t build the train, she did. Wilford was just a showman, a glorified ticket seller who was only interested in giving himself the best things in life. And as he became more unruly, Melanie knew that his behavior could destabilize the train’s fragile eco- and class system. So she put him off the train to freeze to death. Ruth simply stated to Melanie that she would be executed the next day.

If things weren’t bad enough in First, the Tailies were finally mobilized and energized by the return of Layton, with Bess Till now ‘one of them’, helping get Layton through security and to the tail. And more of the train’s denizens have taken a side with Dr. Klimpt also helping the resistance by reviving a few more people from the drawers. Now aware of the growing conflict between the front and back of the train, Roche and Osweiller gathered their men to force a stand-off in Third to prevent the Tailies from moving forward. But being presented with the truth about Wilford, Roche had no choice but to allow Layton and his crew advance.
And it was a bloodbath. Grey and his men were planning to stop Layton by moving easily in the tunnels below deck. But the Tailies were prepared with a projectile device that shot several metal pikes at a time on the advancing jackboots, impaling almost all of them. But there were more men than pikes and when the pikes ran out, Big John — who was already knocking on death’s door — stayed behind to give his men time to retreat, and he paid for that with his life. Above, Layton’s people clashed with Grey’s jackboots in the Night Car, leaving bodies and blood on the dance floor.
Back at the drawers, one of the revived men is suddenly speaking Mandarin … and The Last Australian is not just shocked by that, he shocked that the man spoke at all, something he’s never done before. Klimpt is getting nervous as Layton’s people have not arrived yet but the Aussie needs one more man revived — Pike. But upon opening the drawer … it’s empty and by the look on Klimpt’s face, he was a bit scared for the Aussie to find that empty drawer. In First, Pike is there enjoying some chocolate cake and coffee, surrounded by Grey and his men, the Folgers and Ruth. And they want information on Layton. Lucky for them, Pike has a giant chip on his shoulder about the ‘self-righteous’ Layton and for another piece of cake he’ll be more than happy to turn Layton over to them. What he does share is that Layton is an idealist who took a huge chance with his revolt … and lost. All they have to do is pushing him and he’ll crumble.
But will he? Or might he find himself a new ally in Melanie who knows the train more intimately than anyone else? And they still have an ace up their sleeve with Miles. And perhaps LJ, whose allegiance seems to not be with her parents. We’ll find out in next week’s two-episode season finale.
Snowpiercer airs Sundays at 9:00 PM on TNT.
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