Snowpiercer :: Justice Never Boarded


Melanie Cavill probably never expected the serial killings at the head of the train to result in one of their own (two actually, but one of prominence and wealth) to be implicated in the crimes. She also never expected the train’s lone detective from the tail to figure out the secret of the Eternal Engine, that she is not only the ‘Voice of the Train’ but the de facto Mr. Wilford. And on a train barrelling through an icy wilderness, she also did not count on the identity of the suspect to cause a snowball effect that is now rolling through the first three classes.

The only place not touched by the murders and the impending trial is the tail, which means all attention will be diverted to the front of the train, giving Josie the opportunity to try and locate Layton, whom everyone up front assume is in the tail. Josie is guided to Terrence, the head of the janitors, and he helps her gain access to the drawers. But instead of helping her find Layton, he and an assistant simply steal some medical supplies and leave Josie on her own. She finally locates Layton, after discovering more Tailies in the drawers, but is discovered by Till and Osweiller (now off of probation) and he attacks Josie only to end up being clubbed in the head by Till, who then helps Josie get a barely revived Layton to his ex Zarah for safe keeping. Layton’s been having violent dreams while sedated, the last ending with he and some others from the tail eating piece of someone’s liver which finally jolts him awake as the episode ends.

Meanwhile, Till has gotten an upgrade to Second Class because of her relationship with Jinju, but it’s Third Class that is becoming a worry to Melanie, notably Miss Audrey from the Night Car who seems to be fomenting her own revolution as it was Third Class passengers who were murdered by First Class elites. With LJ Folger set to face trial, a verdict is generally rendered by a panel of First and Second ticket holders. Miss Audrey sends Melanie a not-so-subtle message of roaches crawling on a pile of shit on a dinner plate delivered to one of the passengers in First. That gets Melanie’s attention and Miss Audrey pulls out the train’s bylaws that say Third Class can petition for a spot on the panel. If Melanie doesn’t agree to the demand, there will be trouble.

Backed into a corner, and feeling the pressure of being ‘Mr. Wilford’, Melanie announces that Wilford has decided to place a member from each Class on the panel. The Folger family still believes they have the advantage with First and Second voting to acquit LJ. But whether it was LJ’s transparent attempt to appeal directly to Mr. Wilford for mercy or the grisly descriptions of the murders, the panel came back with a unanimous verdict of guilty. But Melanie planned ahead and had a note delivered from the engine to Ruth Wardell, who was overseeing the trial — because of LJ’s age, her sentence would be commuted. Melanie thinks she may have circumvented an uprising by allowing Third a spot on the panel and having a handful of representatives present at the trial, including Miss Audrey, but it seems ‘Wilford’s intervention’ is only going to make things worse. And on top of that, when Till went back to check on Osweiller, he was gone which is going to put her new position in Second, as well as her relationship with Jinju, in jeopardy if he can convince police chief Roche and Melanie that Till acted in a violent manner and allowed Josie to escape with Layton.

Snowpiercer airs Sundays at 9:00 PM on TNT.

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