Wow, this was a heavy episode of Riverdale. Not quite as traumatic as the Fred Andrews death episode, but still full of heartbreak and sorrow for pretty much all of our main characters as they all experience their last day of high school followed by graduation. And there’s no mystery to solve — FP, newly reinstated Sheriff Tom Keller, Archie and Jughead find Jellybean’s moviemaking accomplices camped out under the boxing ring at Archie’s gym (how’d they get in?) — except for what comes next. This was obviously the original fourth season finale because it does have such a sense of finality to it. It could almost be a series finale, a very downbeat series finale, but we know there is more to come in the fifth, and newly ordered sixth seasons.
Probably the most life-altering moments of the episode is when Betty finally confesses to Jughead that she kissed Archie. He was wondering why the couple had been acting squirrelly, and though he obviously was hurt, Jughead told both Betty and Archie all was good. But was it? And with graduation upon them, Veronica decided now was the time to bring Archie’s things back that he’d left at her apartment … and to spend one last night together. But the rest of the episode had major upheavals for everyone.
Archie’s graduation was always in question, and he finally got the official word from Principal Weatherbee — no graduation, not even summer school will help, he will have to repeat his senior year. But … he can walk with his friends. Archie lied to everyone about completing the year with summer school, but seeing a picture of a group of seniors from 75 years earlier in a time capsule the day before they went off to war sparked something in Archie, and after the ceremony he did what he promised Veronica he wouldn’t do — enlisted.
Sharing a final night with Archie before graduation seems to have rekindled the flame that had dimmed, but she’s still planning to go to Barnard. Her father gave her some pearls to wear on her last day in school, and everything seemed good. Until she found out what Archie had done, storming off from the foursome’s final night together at the football field bleachers. Jughead and Betty were shocked that he hadn’t told anyone about his snap decision, and after Jughead left to take Archie to the bus stop, Betty went to be with Veronica … and to apologize. She told Betty she knew and at that moment she didn’t care. What she regretted was not saying goodbye to Archie, so they hopped in the jalopy and headed to the bus stop but it had just left. The picked up Jughead and chased down the bus, and it was clear Veronica and Archie still loved each other very much, so much that Archie was able to convince the driver to pull over so he could say goodbye to ‘his girl’. It looked for a moment that Archie might not get back on the bus but he did, leaving his three friends behind. But, they made a vow that in one year they would all meet up at Pop’s to catch up, and would do so every year after.

With the issue of Jellybean being The Auteur all wrapped up, Juggie wondered if going off to college was the right thing to do at this point, but FP would have none of it. He’s not going to let the first Jones to get into college blow that chance. And besides … FP is taking Jellybean back to Ohio. (And now we know why Skeet Ulrich announced he was not returning for the fifth season.) Needless to say, this doesn’t thrill Alice very much but she knows it’s best for the girl. But is this the end of their story? FP said he hopes it isn’t but, well, if he’s not coming back anytime soon I’d say it probably is. And that leaves Jughead alone to see himself off to the University of Iowa. And even more shocking, Jughead tosses his signature beanie into the new time capsule to be buried at Riverdale High.
Betty is definitely going off to Yale, but after revealing the kiss to Jughead, there is a strain on the relationship. Betty gave the valedictorian speech at graduation, said goodbye to FP and Jellybean (and apparently the rest of the Serpents are leaving town too?), and had to console her mother who is now envisioning a life alone when she thought she’d at least have FP and Jellybean there when Betty and Jughead are in college. Betty promised she’d be home for Thanksgiving, Christmas and any other time Alice needed her, but would Jughead still be there for Betty?
Cheryl had to do what Cheryl does best and upstage everyone at graduation in their blue caps and gowns while she was in her trademark crimson. Of course she did. After graduation, Penelope came out of the bushes to congratulate her only daughter and to announce that she will be turning herself in to the police for at least some of her crimes. With Cheryl also off at college, she has no reason not to and Hiram promised he’d take care of her at his private prison. But … Cheryl has decided not to go to college. Now that she has control of the Blossom family business, she wants to stay in Riverdale and atone for all of her family’s sins. She also has to break that news to Toni, who still assumes they are going to college together. She’s even gotten her nana to begin to accept the relationship. But if Cheryl isn’t going then Toni doesn’t want to go either. Cheryl says she must, and as it becomes clear she’s about to break up with Toni, Toni tells her she doesn’t want her to say it. And Cheryl says she never will. So there may still be hope for these two.

As we get to the end of the episode as Veronica, Betty and Jughead watch Archie ride off into the distance, we learn that Veronica was the next to leave. And with tension still between Betty and Jughead — because they never talked about how the kiss has affected them — she tells Jughead she’s going to go on a road trip with Alice on the way to Yale. Jughead is left alone, not feeling like he belonged in that house anymore. So he camped out in Archie’s old room, and shockingly we see that the Andrews house is for sale. Seems like Mary has gone back to Chicago for good, but as the days pass, the electricity, gas and water to the house are turned off. Jughead spends his last days in Riverdale in the good old bunker.
One Year Later
Pop’s Diner. Jughead is there, his meal finished, Pop (who now owns the diner again after Veronica signed everything over to him) offering another refill, saying that maybe his friends were just late getting there. The door opens but its not them. Archie, Veronica and Betty never upheld the vow to return. And, according to Jughead’s closing voice over, it would be six years before he’d see his friends again, all brought back to Riverdale by … another mystery.
Had the fourth season ended as intended in May of last year, a six year time jump wouldn’t have been as jarring with a usual five month break. Now we have a week to prepare for a whole new Riverdale in which Jughead is a published author, Veronica is married, Betty is an FBI agent and Archie has seen action in war. We’ll assume Cheryl has revived the Blossom Maple Syrup company, but what of Kevin, Fangs, Toni, Sweet Pea, Alice, Penelope, Nana Blossom? FP, Jellybean and Hermione are all gone, Mary probably is as well. We know Tom Keller is the sheriff, but is he still six years later after Hiram take complete control of Riverdale? Well, we’ll find out in just a few days.
What did you think of this episode? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.