Let’s Talk About ‘Harry, a Parent’:
- What is that opening scene about where the husband catches his wife in bed with another man and he goes after the interloper with an axe but the moment gets all Matrix-y?
- Ben has finally caught on that Harry is not paying attention during his therapy sesssion.
- Liv tries to entice Mike to reconsider his decision to leave town with the gift of a Pateince snowglobe.
- D’Arcy is doing her darnedest to push Elliott away.
- Harry and Asta are still grappling with the revelation that Harry is Goliath, while Harry tries to narrow down which aliens are on the planet.
- Kate attempts to sway Ben’s thought process on the resort, but he’s actually putting his foot down on this one. He may end up starting a war.
- D’Arcy’s knee injury is getting worse and she’s taking drastic measures to make sure she can ski in the competition.
- Asta finds a letter to her mother from Dan that had been returned, spiking her interest in trying to find her.
- Harry leaves a profane message for the aliens he believes are on Earth in the form of crop circles.
There was a lot happening in this week’s Resident Alien and oddly we got nothing with General Wright, Max and Sahar, or the alien baby. But all of our main adult characters had some business in a busy episode so let’s just break them down one-by-one. But first, the episode opened on a somewhat out of place scene with a man entering his house, with an axe, finding his wife in bed with another man. As the man tries to get out of the room without being hacked to pieces, everything stops, the people are frozen in time, but the question is why? That will be answered later.
Ben & Kate
After ‘the girls’ finally made Kate feel like a real Patience-ite (Patience-ian?) she is doing all she can to butter up Ben into reconsidering his decision to put a resort in the town. But somehow Ben has actually found his balls and takes a firm stand against Kate, who says she no longer supports it so he shouldn’t either. But he does. Perhaps this is all her fault for telling him to stick to his guns no matter who is against the resort. And Ben is more than a little pleased with himself. After D’Arcy’s skiing competition at a resort, Kate tries to show Ben what a resort could do to Patience when she brings him an $8.00 cup of hot chocolate and a $4.00 donut. But he is going to enjoy every penny of that food just to spite her. He’s even going to have two donuts, and remind Kate that they had earlier agreed to disagree. She has to walk away before things escalate, but Ben is proud of himself, telling Harry that his therapy must be working. Harry responds by asking Ben if he still screams into the pillow on the sofa every morning … and Ben hears that other donut calling. Something says Kate is not about to let this issue die.
Mike & Liv
Liv gives Mike a gift of a Patience snowglobe. She even suggests that the person in the little car is Det. Lena Torres coming for a visit. Mike knowns the globe and the matchmaking are her ways of trying to get him to change his mind about going back to DC. Mike says she should be happy he’s leaving because she could be sheriff one day … but only if she gives up her silly UFO hobby. She tells him it’s not a hobby as UFOs are literally just things in the sky. He quickly deflects, as he so often does, to comparing her UFOs to him riding around town trying to hand out tickets while dressed as a refugee from a Renaissance Faire. Liv says that logic is hard to argue with … but she isn’t about to let up, and she has the perfect opportunity to keep pushing his buttons when his dad comes to the clinic for a check-up. She arrives with flowers and a card which she says are from Det. Torres and his pop says Liv was right that Lena has the hots for Mike. Mike is surprised that Liv and his father seem to talk so much, but she’s says they’re just having fun. It doesn’t matter since he’s moving back to DC … which he has not told his father about. Awkward. Pop says he’s not going and he can tell his son is happy in Patience but he’s afraid to be happy. Mike says he’s so happy all day long he whistles ‘Hallelujah’ out of the crack of his ass. Liv confirms she has never heard that. Mike may be learning the same lesson as Ben — you can’t fight a strong, Patience woman (or your father). Later Liv takes Mike to the spot where she saw the UFO, and while he says she was a kid then so maybe she didn’t see what she thought she saw, but she tells him that what’s so wrong with living in a world that’s a little bit magical? Mike talks about how his dad changed after his mom died, how the light in him just went out, but Liv says he got to have that magic with her for a long time. And that’s why she keeps coming back to this spot, all alone like some weirdo hoping they’ll come back. Mike says she is wrong, and Liv thinke he means about the UFO, but he tells her she is not alone.

D’Arcy is the queen of self-sabotage and she’s at it again with Elliott, who has been nothing but supportive and caring with her. But as they are out for a run, she tells him about her knee injury flaring up and when he simply suggests she take it easy and do some self care, she flies off the handle at him, driving him away. But D’Arcy needs to ski in the competition and she’s all out of pain pills, which were supposed to last her a month. She tries to get more from Nurse Ellen, but that is a dead end. She also tries to sweet talk Harry, telling him she’s happy he’s coming to the meet and maybe he could bring his medical bag in case she needs a cortisone shot. Oh, and more pills because she’s such a klutz she dropped some down the drain. Harry says if she’s such a klutz maybe she should not be competing in such a physical sport, and besides, the pills can be very addictive. She says he’s right and they should all stay home and no one gets churros. Nope, Harry needs the churros … and D’Arcy needs the pills. The promise of churros did get Harry to the slopes, with his bag, and after her qualifying run he gives her a shot of cortisone. On her next run, she ends up in first place but it seems like there’s no one there to celebrate with her … except for Elliott! Her parents never made it, as promised, but this sweet guy put aside his hurt feelings from earlier and assured her that he was completely on her side. And then he showed her that all of her friends from Patience were there too.
Harry & Asta
Still reeling from the fact that Harry is Goliath and there are unknown aliens on the planet, Asta and Harry are trying to figure out how Harry was able to get a message to himself from the future. The only thing Harry can come up with is that he traveled through a portal. And that triggers his brain to the fact that there are only two aliens that use portals — his dreaded Grays and the Alpha Draconians. Harry is certain it isn’t the Grays because they really don’t care about Earth or its inhabitants so they’d have no reason to destroy it. So the Alpha Draconians it is. While Harry is dealing with D’Arcy, Asta is at Dan’s house and finds an old letter to her mother than had been ‘returned to sender’. Dan tells her that her mother didn’t live at the address when he sent the letter so she’s not going to be there now but Asta thinks that this could be a link to finding her mother.
The next day she, Harry and D’Arcy are all traveling together to the ski tournament and Harry notices the road sign: ‘Welcome to the 37th Parallell: The UFO Highway’. Harry tells D’Arcy to stop or he’s going to pee all over her back seat, and he hops out and starts running around in the field, confusing his friends. Asta tells D’Arcy about finding the address and D’Arcy tells her that maybe she should pay a visit since it’s near the slope. Harry finally comes back to the car very sweaty … because he was leaving a profane message for the Alpha Draconians in the form of crop circles: ‘ I claim this planet. Drink my tinkle, Draconian douchebags’. Will the message be received?
After D’Arcy’s first run, Asta decides she is going to visit the address to see if anyone there knows the whereabouts of her mother. Harry accompanies her, and when they arrive the woman who answers the door … is her mother. But Mary-Ellen is more concerned about her friend on the phone and getting together at the casino later than to show an inkling of motherly concern for Asta. She even manages to make Asta feel like shit for giving up her own daughter. The difference is that Mary-Ellen did not want to be bogged down with a child so she left. Learning the hard way that you should be careful what you wish for, Asta says goodbye and leaves with barely an acknowledgement from her mother. Noticing her smoking habit, Harry tells her as he leaves that as a doctor he advises her to smoke more. On the way back to the slope Harry tries to make Asta feel better but she tells him that she knows her mother doesn’t care about her. She always had that hole in her heart and now it’s been filled. Harry says with a bag of garbage, and says her mother is a bag of shit. She is poop! And the two begin coming up with different words for excrement.

After celebrating D’Arcy’s success and her advancement to the nationals, the three make their way home but as they get to the area of the 37th Parallell, the car stops. No lights, no radio, no power at all. And then D’Arcy and Asta are frozen in time and space, unresponsive to Harry. He gets out of the car and a UFO hovers over the road. A beam of light is emitted from the bottom of the ship and an alien walks out, but it is not who Harry expected. It’s a Gray (with the voice of George ‘Ooooooh Myyyyyyy’ Takei), who tells Harry he’s wrong about the aliens and to stop sending those idiots messages. We don’t need them down here. Harry says the Grays have never cared about the Earth, and the alien tells him he is so stupid … and then they launch into a whole ‘Oh my’ routine. Harry asks why the Gray moves so much while he’s talking and the Gray says it’s because he’s freezing his gray dick off. Oh my, indeed. But they know who Harry is and it’s no use trying to get in their way because they will destroy him and everyone he cares about. The Gray leaves but the question of their intentions is still unanswered. He returns to the car and the power is restored, but as they drive away D’Arcy almost runs over a man in his underwear who ran in front of her car. He flees, they drive away and we see the house from the episode’s prologue, the occupants also having been caught in the Grays’ time warp, which probably saved the man’s life. Back at the diner, Asta and D’Arcy talk about the day but when Asta reveals the visit with her mother didn’t go well, D’Arcy finally gets to be the one to give comfort to Asta. And in the end, Harry actually learns a little something about parenting.
New episodes of Resident Alien air Wednesdays at 10:00 PM on Syfy.