The Inconsistencies Bug Me On Preacher



I thought I’d ruminate mainly on last night’s Preacher (“The Possibilities”) inconsistencies.

Really, they’re not just whiny whims of mine. There are reasons for my concerns. Bear with me …

Time Warp: Now, I don’t know about you but it took Tulip a crapload of asphalt to make that U-turn once she took off with Jesse. Did you notice that? I mean … I could make that about face in half the time it took her to rev her engine, burn rubber and catch back up with his pickup. The pull away shot of her hauling ass down the highway and finally passing his truck seemed to take forever. Is there some kind of time warp we don’t know about outside Annville? (Hokay … maybe this was a whiny aside. Get off me.)



Cassidy gives up Jesse: Though we don’t know Cassidy all that well to this point, despite his proclamation to DeBlanc and Fiore he’s Jesse’s “best mate” – it doesn’t sit well he’s willing to give up his friend at the drop of a hat, does it? There’s more to it than that. Especially when you consider the talk he and Jesse had about The Power Jesse possesses and in light of the little demonstration Jesse performed on Cass. Nope … things don’t add up. My theory: Cassidy is setting them up somehow.

Hugo Root, DeBlanc and Fiore: Doesn’t it seem Hugo is more the no nonsense kind of police official? We’ve seen he doesn’t take shit from people, he tells it like it is without holding back and is apt to scrutinizing things without leaving stones unturned. So why was he so accepting of DeBlanc and Fiore’s admission about them working for “the government” without asking for any sort of credentials or proof? “You have to understand that we work undercover …” “Don’t tell anyone,” they explained. Hello! Red flags right there! Again, things just don’t jive on that front.

How does Tulip know Donnie Schenck? Granted: She bailed Jesse out of jail when he had the run-in with Donnie at the bar so there was probably some discussion between the two after Jesse was sprung. Granted: We witnessed her in church with Donnie and his family present. But has she been to Annville previously? Is there a meeting or meetings in the past between the two or some sort of previous happenstance between them? I haven’t caught wind of any indication of that. Have you?



Speaking of Donnie: Where was the gas station Jesse and Tulip ended up at? It was a night time scene so they had to have driven some distance, right? But, by coincidence, Jesse runs into Donnie in the restroom at same? It’s that time warp running rampant in the show once more. It has to be.

Another Cassidy sun scene: I touched on a similar point last week concerning Cassidy’s “sensitivity” to sunlight and here I am jawing about it yet again. Another instance – and in the church, no less – where it appeared from the angle Cassidy was directly in sight of the sun. Still perplexes me …



Terri Loach’s discussion with Emily: Specifically her notice of Jesse’s drinking when he came over to visit her bedridden daughter. If she was that concerned, why didn’t she say something at the time? Her reaction was to offer to put on a pot of coffee? Weird.

Yep. Nits and picks again, which seem to be the running theme I have with the show week to week.

But it’s not all niggling little annoyances that set my radar to wondering while I’m watching. I’m not a complete curmudgeon. I do like the show. I’m aware of all the nice treats and set-ups working within the episodes too, you know.



Example: The scene with Tulip in the alley with that car whizzing by her. Right away, you assume it’s Jesse leaving her in the dust with her crying out to stop. But later we discover that’s not the case at all; we see Jesse, gun in hand and pointed at a dead man (did he kill him?) on the ground, and then the pan toward Tulip, then the car shooting by. Those little mysterious plot feeds are the fun ones that get one wondering. They’re not anywhere near as inconsistent as the things I mentioned at the start. They fit nicely in the story, even though they beg questions. And we know we’ll get the answers down the line.

Another: We got a good lesson about Tulip’s powers of persuasion, her sob story to the police officer. Nice little character point.

But there just seemed to be more pointless stuff in the episode then positivities or forward moving story line.

Like the discussion between Eugene and his dad. (No reason for that scene at all.) Donnie and Odin Quincannon in his office? Yeah, we’re getting little snippets Quincannon is some sort of strange, but moments like this don’t have much place in the grand scheme of things right now other than the fact we know Donnie works for Quincannon Meat & Power. How about Hugo’s little amusement park story before leaving the Sundowner Motel? Stuff and nonsense.

Still, these disparities balance out with the hilarious asides in the show. The Tom Cruise death in the pilot. And, in this episode, the television news spot about his funeral. Cassidy’s “clones” (or was it “clowns”?) when he ran over DeBlanc and Fiore. And Fiore’s admission he and DeBlanc are from heaven, not any government agency. (No, that one wasn’t funny. But Cassidy’s response was: “I see … right” as if it wasn’t any big revelation.)

Then? There was this quote during Jesse’s little demonstration:

“Hop and tell me a secret …” – Jesse to Cassidy
“I like Justin Bieber. Shite!” – Cassidy

I’m certain these things will continue. And I’m sure I’ll harp on them when they gripe my cookies. You have been warned.

Now … just who was that dude at that Snuff Film Festival? I have an idea: He’s hairless … but not “herr”-less …

What did you think of this episode? Start a conversation in the comments section below!

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