HOTCHKA EXCLUSIVE :: Go behind the scenes at Phantom of the Opera

The Really Useful Group

The Really Useful Group

The smash Broadway musical Phantom of the Opera has been thrilling audiences for more than 25 years, and now an all-new production of the show is touring North America with new production design and 21st century technology and special effects.

HOTCHKA was invited to take a sneak peek at the show as the crew was loading it in to the beautiful Hippodrome Theatre (and if ever there was a theatre suited for Phantom, this is the place). We had a chance to speak with Stage Manager Jovon E. Shuck, and one of the stars, Jacquelynne Fontaine who plays the self-centered diva Carlotta, to find out what it takes to bring this show to life every night. We also got an exclusive look at the brand new, high tech chandelier which is sure to thrill audiences.

Have a look at our exclusive video, and be sure to come back for our review of the show!



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