2020 is so terrible that the only way to bring joy to the lives of millions was to resurrect McDreamy. And now we know why! Meredith has COVID! (I think we all saw that coming given the way last week shaped up!) Though she doesn’t ever seem to actually get any closer to him, running across the beach sand (and epically proving that Derek is still Derek when she face-plants right into the surf and he busts out laughing at her), we do still get some nice interactions with them. Of course, her not reaching Derek is a good thing, right? Since he is definitely dead and if she definitely reaches him that means she is also definitely dead. But we’ve been there with Meredith before. It took about three episodes when she drowned, so this might do about the same.
Wasn’t displeased with her choice of Power of Attorney (not all that surprised either, considering her and Hayes have not yet really had a chance to establish any kind of anything). But seeing as Richard had made her his POA way back when, and he has known her for her entire life, it’s fitting. (And yes, POA long-distance decisions are difficult – but we had to nix that ‘Alex could come back to be Mer’s POA’ notion before it grew wings and took off.)
Not that you want anyone to be COVID-positive, but it was reaffirming to see (despite Owen’s really jerk-bag way of delivering the news) Koracick as the asymptomatic patient. ‘I’m not sick, I’m not fine.’ How many people are saying that all the time? Really, the way the show is addressing this pandemic is so beautiful. Maggie, collapsed in that supply closet on the phone/face-time with – what’s his name? We met him for two seconds last season – Winston? Watson? The cinematography of that moment was beautiful, so too was the symbolism.
These are characters we have loved for 15 years (and seventeen seasons), we all have strong, deep, emotional ties to them, and the way the show is bringing the harsh realities of the Pandemic – and not just the medical aspects of it – right to us through these characters that we love is generating that all-consuming, equal parts harrowing and cathartic ugly cry. Amelia going out of her mind in the situation she’s in – with a house full of at least four kids (I assume she does not have Leo and Allison – just Zola, Bailey, Ellis, and Scout) and not being able to help during a global pandemic and not having a release because she’s a recovering addict – all of that is really brutally beautiful. And props to Link for insisting that they not get intimate since he was just at the hospital, despite showering in sanitizer. And even bigger props to Amelia for suggesting they could ‘be intimate’ from six feet apart. ZING! That’s the sexiness we all love and need.

37 – an hour!? HOW is that even possible. I think we all need to take that patient’s advice – ask your partner what they want and listen. And then tell your partner what you want and insist they listen! I do sort of feel for Helm (and she looks like she’s taken on a healthy and more physically fit physique!) as she is going through this alone. Schmidt, despite being all confused in this ‘are we on or are we off’ nonsense with Nico does have Jo as like his bestie, and everyone else has somebody else – even if they’re physically isolated and distanced from one another.
And Chief Bailey was right about the joy. Getting to see a liver-baby survive at 26 weeks, that’s a miracle and well worth celebrating.
It’s hard to feel bad for Teddy, she did do all of this to herself, but we can’t hate her outright because she’s in charge of Meredith’s recovery right now (which is equally brutal and beautiful to watch.) But watching Koracick and Owen spiral out of control around her, it’s unfortunate.
Ultimately this is going to be a long and bumpy road – but the way Grey’s is handling it – it’s astonishing and beautiful and realistic. And like Richard said, ‘the before’ is gone. This is the now. We’ve got to take a week off for Thanksgiving, but someone else from Meredith’s past is returning to the dream-beach in two weeks’ time!! Of all those who have died – George and Lexi seem the most likely. Though it might also be Cece Colvin – her matchmaker from a season or so ago? Unlikely that it’s Ellis or Thatcher, she made peace with them, and it seems unreasonable that it would be Sloan. And who else would bring the fans almost as much joy as McDreamy but George?
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