It’s taken four episodes, but this week’s episode of Chapelwaite finally gets the blood pumping!
Poor Charles Boone is still reeling from his actions in the previous episode, believing he’s going mad while demomstrating to the rest of his family and Rebecca that he most certainly may have lost his mind, tearing the walls apart to find the source of the scratching and nearly killing his youngest daughter. Finally waking at midday, Rebecca feels compelled to ask if she and the children are in danger.
Charles says he is about to check himself into the asylum, a place from which Rebecca says no one ever returns — he assures her he will — but before he can move forward with his plans, the children come to him with some news: a trap door has been found in the barn. Curious to see where it goes, Charles descends into the unknown, crawling through the dank tunnel until he spies a way out … into a previously unknown room in Chapelwaite. This is the room seen at the top of the episode in a flashback in which two young Boone boys go out to play while their mother first dislodges a tooth from her mouth, then reaches in deep and pulls out a worm. In Charles’ present, the toys the boys left are in the exact same spot, signaling that something happened to the family rather quickly.
Charles is now convinced that cousin Stephen is very much alive and using this space to hide out in. Now all Charles has to do is capture him. He sends Rebecca to town to fetch Able to come back to the house and protect the children while he lies in wait for Stephen. While in town, Rebecca wants to alert the constable to what’s going on at Chapelwaite, and when she enters the office she hears strange sounds coming from upstairs. Making her way to the upper floor (the constable’s residence is above the ‘police station’) she finds the constable’s ill wife sitting in a chair, with an oddly gloved hand resting on her shoulder. Suddenly a dark figure rises from behind the woman and dashes out of the room with Rebecca in quick pursuit. She chases him to a dead end alleyway, but before he jumps over the fence the figure turns and Rebecca sees quite clearly that it’s not Stephen Boone … it’s his father Philip. And for the first time we get to see his drawn face and his razor-sharp fangs.
Horrified by the sight, she runs to her mother’s house to make sure all of the windows and doors are bolted shut, telling her mother that Philip Boone is alive. Her mother thinks Chapelwaite is making her daughter a bit crazy, but Rebecca insists that she saw what she saw. Rebecca doesn’t even think twice to question why Faith Pringle is there with her deformed baby. She doesn’t know that Faith had a visitor earlier, the ‘Apple Girl’ who extended an invitation for Faith and the baby to come see ‘Him’, and to bring the minister along as well. It seems the Apple Girl is part of a cult in which Faith is also a member but she really wants to be out. You don’t just get out of a cult, but she begs Minister Burroughs to get the tickets they need to leave town now. He told her he would, but he’s obviously torn about leaving his wife.

Back at Chapelwaite, Charles is hidden away in the secret room but he suddenly gets an attack, seeing what look like worms crawling under his skin. He is in great pain but does not want to make a sound for fear of alerting Stephen to his plan. But the attack ends as quickly as it started, and Charles hears voices coming from the other side of the wall. One of the voices is youngest daughter Loa. The other voice is a man. He can’t see yet that the man she’s speaking with is Stephen, and he is speaking to her as if he’s known her for her entire life. What’s more, he speaks of her mother and when Loa asks if he knew her, Stephen replies he knows her. It seems that Stephen is this close to luring Loa into his clutches, but Charles has made his way through the passages between the walls of the house to where Loa and Stephen are talking. Before anyone can say a word, Charles fires off a shot, hitting Stephen, who plunges out of the second story window to the ground below.
Everyone rushes to the window to stare at the bloody body in disbelief, and are even more shocked when Stephen begins to twitch, stand up and run away. It’s unclear if Loa noticed when she was talking with Stephen, and Charles surely did not see that Stephen had the same sharp fangs as Philip. But aside from the worm attack — which may have been brought on by Stephen being in such close proximity — one thing is for certain: Charles Boone doesn’t think he’s crazy anymore. And things get even more interesting as he’s invited by the Apple Girl to meet their leader. It’s about time Chapelwaite has shown us its teeth!
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Chapelwaite airs new episodes Sunday at 10:00 PM on EPIX. Episodes are also available on the EPIX app. Subscribe through Apple TV channels using our Apple TV Plus affiliate link.