Charles Boone has A lot on his plate in this week’s episode of Chapelwaite. First and foremost — where is the body of his cousin Stephen? Everyone confirms they saw Stephen’s body because it laid in wake at Chapelwaite for the people of Preacher’s Corner to witness, not to pay respect but to prove the man was most sincerely dead. Even Rebecca confirms to Charles that she saw the body with her own two eyes.
But Charles isn’t buying it because dead bodies just don’t get up out of the grave and walk away. There’s no evidence of disturbance at the site so the body was not in the coffin when it was buried. Rebecca suggests the body was buried elsewhere to prevent any nastiness from the townspeople who may come back to desecrate the grave. But Charles is on a mission and he believes former housekeeper Mrs. Cloris holds the key. But even a face-to-face confrontation at her house yields nothing as she denies knowing where the body is or if Stephen is indeed still alive. She insists she found the daughter at the bottom of ‘those cursed steps’ with Stephen’s lifeless body hanging from the rafters. Even more shocking, his father Phillip walked into the sea as she watched, unable to stop him from drowning himself. Charles believes she’s lying and isn’t about to let this go.
Meanwhile, his children have been expelled from school simply out of ignorance and fear that they also carry the Boone family curse, and Mary Dennison, the constable’s wife, has apparently come down with ‘the sickness’ as well (we did see her attacked in the previous episode). The constable himself paid a visit to Chapelwaite, still questioning the whereabouts Edward Mallory, a man Charles denies even knowing much less where he is. Constable Dennison suggests that Charles and his family avoid any visits to town in the near future and perhaps … they should just leave Chapelwaite altogether. Charles reminds the constable that he’s in Charles’ house and it is he who can leave the premises. On top of all this, the minister’s father-in-law is attempting what amounts to a ‘hostile takeover’ of Charles’ home and business by bringing investors to him to buy the place.
Later that night, a crowd of hooded men descended upon Chapelwaite, breaking windows and getting the upper hand on Charles when he confronted them with a gun. Jumped from behind, the men knocked him to the ground, punching and kicking him but they were unprepared to be confronted again by Rebecca and Honor, both wielding shotguns. As the men dispersed, one of them got lost in the woods and was attacked by the same figure that set Mallory on fire after slitting his throat and draining the blood from his neck. This fine gentleman also ended the night with his throat slit, the blood drained into a bucket. He didn’t get set on fire though. (We’re obviously thinking this is Stephen, right?)
The next day, Able informed Charles that the men have not come to work at the sawmill, and the two of them went to the pub in town to see what was going on (and the men were none-too-pleased when Charles brought Able inside with him, saying his kind were not welcome in the pub — he’s Black). But Charles wastes no time is firing the men, and informing them that whatever salary they are owed will be used to pay for the repairs to Chapelwaite from the night before. And to show he’s not fooling around, he smashes a bottle of the ringleader’s head and threatens to slice his throat if they dare set foot on his property again.

Charles also learns that his family members were all treated for some form of madness, and he pays a visit to the asylum to speak with the doctor, who gives him some not very encouraging news: they all had visions of worms. Charles himself has had these visions, and while touring the facility he sees a patient being treated by being held down in a tub of ice water, allegedly this relieves the psychosis. Is the Boone curse for real? The doctor seems intent on putting that notion into his head, and back home his son tells of a young woman who came into the barn while he was playing (this is the same person we’ve seen before popping out of nowhere, eating an apple). She kept repeating some rhyme about worms, threw her apple at the boy, and screamed at him to tell his father to ‘find the book’. When he picked up the apple, it was filled with worms, and Charles was even more convinced that the curse is real when the boys tells him about those worms.
A lot of Charles’ problems seem to stem from a lack of sleep because of the ‘rats’ in the walls, scratching loudly all night. But an exterminator tells Charles there is no evidence of rats anywhere on the property. But the scratching starts again, and in a fit of true madness, Charles begins destroying the walls to try and suss them out, completely terrifying Rebecca and his children in the process. Thinking he is now on the edge of total madness, Charles fills the metal tub in the basement with ice water (the doctor at the asylum revealed he had treated one of the Boone’s at the house), hoping for relief from his visions. After submerging himself for a minute, he looks up through the icy water, surfaces and looks at the ceiling in horror. Painted above him, in what looks like blood, are the words ‘Blood Calls Blood’.
After two sluggish introductory episodes and a week off, it seems that Chapelwaite is finally ready to get this story rolling.
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Chapelwaite airs new episodes Sunday at 10:00 PM on EPIX. Episodes are also available on the EPIX app. Subscribe through Apple TV channels using our Apple TV Plus affiliate link.