Smurfs: The Lost Village took me back to my childhood

‘Smurfs: The Lost Village’ features an all-star voice cast and answers one of the franchise’s biggest questions: what exactly is a Smurfette?… continue reading

Despicable Me 3 offers a Betamax load of ’80s nostalgia but fewer laughs

Those mischief-loving minions are reunited with Steve Carell in ‘Despicable Me 3’, but is it as strong as its predecessors in the franchise?… continue reading

The Boss Baby sheds light on what it’s like to be the older sibling

Your parents sit you down to tell you you’re going to be a big brother or sister … and now your world is falling apart. ‘The Boss Baby’ helps children cope with this common scenario in a fun, light-hearted way… continue reading

Holy hilarious shenanigans, LEGO Batman Movie fans!

Always be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Will Arnett and company have a rollicking good time in ‘The LEGO Batman Movie’… continue reading

Sing soars holiday spirits & awakens hidden dreams of many

For anyone who’s ever had inner ambitions that they were too afraid to pursue, ‘Sing’ is there to remind you to never give up on your dreams… continue reading

Sausage Party tries to be too much and ends up being just okay

‘Sausage Party’ is an R-rated comedy from the Seth Rogen crew and will definitely work for some people…
Author: Jeremy Fogelman continue reading