Season 3 of TNT’s Snowpiercer has been a wild ride with Melanie presumed dead then found alive, Wilford losing control, nearly dying and being imprisoned, and loyalties shifting left and right as a few characters met their demises (Kevin — again — Pike and Asha). Melanie’s return and the exposure of Layton’s lie about New Eden only opened the door for a new war for control of Snowpiercer to begin.
And that was exactly what happened. It was almost as if a piece of Layton’s fever dream came true, when the Cartographer (Zarah) showed him the map of the train, an ouroboros, a snake in the form of the infinity symbol eating its own tail. Melanie’s return basically reset the stage back to the beginning, setting the Tailies apart from everyone else, an attempt to restore the class system on the train that had served them so well until Layton gained control.
But her basic coup which unseated Layton also allowed Wilford to slip away from his library car prison and go into hiding, taking a few of his loyalists with him to prepare to go to war thanks to Melanie’s actions, seeing himself back in position as the trains Chief Engineer. Melanie knew, however, that having Wilford freely roaming about the train unseen was going to be a problem, but she also knew the bigger problem was Layton’s ability to mobilize his former Tailies to go to war once again. She needed Wilford so she got word out that she wanted an audience with him to regain and retain control of Snowpiercer. He agreed to meet with her, but she had one very specific condition on working with him — she would be the Chief Engineer, effectively taking away all of his power but allowing him to enjoy the perks of the train he’d become accustomed to. It took a tense moment, but he agreed to her terms, probably already conspiring on how to take her down. They summoned Roche to let him know what was about to happen so he could mobilize his men to hold off the Tailies. But Wilford also had a little surprise up his sleeve — the resurrected Breachman Boscovic, his new ‘Cold Man’ thanks to the intervention of the doctors Headwood.
With a new war inevitable, the passengers had to take sides. Melanie tried to get Ruth to join her, to head up Hospitality again but Ruth said she’d come too far to redeem herself to go back to that place. Audrey had found comfort once again in the Night Car, but once the battle had begun she found herself trapped, an unwilling participant on Wilford’s side (and don’t think he didn’t notice her less than happy attitude with him), while Till was joining Layton’s forces. Roche was kind of the man in the middle just trying to keep some peace. Surprisingly Osweiller found a conscience, kissed L.J. goodbye and went over to Layton’s side while she still believed she’d be in good standing with Mr. Wilford. Bennett, disappointed with Melanie’s refusal to even entertain the notion that the decision on New Eden was based on her findings — and to her they are still theoretical and that the math doesn’t add up — has joined Layton on Big Alice while Javi stayed on Snowpiercer. Zarah and Josie were also on Big Alice. In the hardest of the splits, Alex told her mother that she had to go with Layton.
As the forces of the two sides massed at opposing sides, Layton placed a call to Melanie. They both knew that this war would only lead to more bloodshed and loss, and further destabilize the society that they both helped create on the train. That and the fact that Wilford’s ‘Eternal Engine’ may not be so eternal after all, the train beginning to show its wear and tear already. Wouldn’t it be better to try to make the trip to New Eden rather than just keep going and let Snowpiercer fall apart around them?
Wilford has a plan to bring Layton to his knees — baby Lianna will be his leverage. As Zarah arrives at a rendezvous point appearing to be carrying the baby (she left Lianna on Big Alice under Ben’s reluctantly watchful eye), Wilford was relishing his apparent upper hand. He was surprised, however, when both Andre and Melanie and their respective soldiers also entered the car. They had the upper hand, forging a truce and an agreement, but they both needed Wilford out of the way and off the train. Luckily they still had that track signal pod that Melanie survived in, so they outfitted it with suspension solution and instructions on how to revive and suspend himself. For how long? Who knows.

With a peaceful resolution at hand, Melanie and Andre made a joint announcement to the train of their jointly agreed upon plan — the trains will separate. Those who wish to remain on Snowpiercer can do so, and those who wish to follow Andre in the hope of finding New Eden are welcome to make that choice. It really was the most equitable solution and the two handled it with grace. So now comes the choices the passengers have to make. Ruth, Roche, his daughter, Till, Alex, Zarah, Josie, Bennett, Osweiller and perhaps Dr. Headwood and Boscovic decided to go with Andre, to find that promised land. Javi stayed with Melanie but she pleaded with Ben to stay with her. She needs him and he loves her so he ultimately decided to stay on Snowpiercer while Javi went to Big Alice. Ahead of making the turn that would take Big Alice toward New Eden, Till could not bear to leave Audrey behind so with just seconds to go before the separation, she left Layton’s group — with his blessing — and joined Audrey on Snowpiercer.
After they said their goodbyes, Snowpiercer continued forward while Big Alice separated and made the turn. And just as predicted, the tracks were extremely unstable. Javi also ‘forgot’ to mention they were also going to cross a trellis bridge that perhaps wasn’t in the best shape but he didn’t want to scare Layton and make him second guess the trip. And in the most heart-pounding moment of the entire series thus far, Big Alice struggled to cross that bridge as a super high speed in the hopes that would keep the engine and cars on the tracks. It was a terrifying ride for everyone and just as they exited the bridge, the entire train derailed. But … instruments showed that the the temperature outside was rising into the single digit negatives. The air was warming. Bundling up but without the need for environment suits, the passengers debarked the wrecked train, breathing fresh air for the first time in years, feeling the warmth of the sunlight, seeing water and greenery among the melting snow. Have they truly found New Eden?
Snowpiercer was too far away at that point to know what was happening with Big Alice, so they just continued ahead with their never-ending journey. LJ is trying to console herself by sucking on her father’s artificial eye but the moment she pops it in her mouth, someone bumps into her (and it looked intentional as they didn’t look back) causing her to swallow the eyeball, getting it lodged in her throat, and with no one else around it appears L.J. Folger may have suffocated. Bennett believes they have maybe a decade, two if they’re lucky, before Snowpiercer completely falls apart so they will make the most of it until then. But in the distance they see an explosion shooting fire and smoke miles into the air. As the camera races ahead, we see debris that appears to be the bottom half of a rocket or missile falling from the sky. Does this mean there are more survivors out there?
We’ll find out next year when Season 4 premieres, but the announcement that Clark Gregg and Michael Aronov have joined the caast certainly suggests there is more humanity on the horizon.
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