Snowpiercer :: A Single Trade


With Melanie now off the train, the question is has she survived her trek to the weather station and been able to get the equipment fired up to link to the weather balloon the train is about to launch?

Layton certainly hopes so so that he can put Wilford in his place. And the one way to do that appears to be a public humiliation in the form of an invitation to an evening in the Night Car. Wilford is completely blinded to what’s going on, consumed only by his desire to reunite with his former ‘paramour’ — a word he has complete and utter disdain for, as he snaps at Alex to never use it again — Miss Audrey … who, of course, is part of Layton’s rebel alliance.

But is she mentally secure enough to deal with Wilford? We saw what he did to poor Kevin for giving just a bit too much information to Layton when he was Snowpiercer’s prisoner, and now we see for the first time that he did the same thing to Miss Audrey, revealing the long scar on her arm. But, as he points out, he saved her so she should let bygones be bygones, right?

Wilford’s invitation to Snowpiercer allows him to bring a few guests whose names he draws from a hat. His goal is to pick those in service to Big Alice, but also names that are unknown to those on Snowpiercer (but as ticketed passengers, they will be in the records). It doesn’t seem the names are very random, though, because Alex assures her friend Emilia, who I believe is a seamstress, that she will be chosen. And she is. So Wilford takes his security chief, Alex and three guests — reminding them this is his night — and they make their way to the Night Car. At the party, Emilia meets The Last Australian, aka Murray, and tells him she is the last Australian. Now there are two surviving Aussies in the world. How long before they make more?

While Alex is dragged away by LJ Folger, they both remember each other from when they were children, to smoke some weed, dish about parents and look at the Northern Lights from an observation dome, Wilford is in thrall to Miss Audrey’s performance. She invites him to spend some private time with her in her special room where she can delve deep into his psyche. She’s obviously trying to pry information from him, but she’s really putting her own mental health at risk, especially when they go back to the night he made her slice her arm open. Zarah, who has convinced Ruth to make her part of Hospitality so she can be a bridge to Layton and gain his trust in Ruth — who assures Zarah she is only loyal to Snowpiercer, not Wilford — is to let Zarah know when it’s time to end her session before the launch of the balloon. What she sees — Audrey feeding Wilford some fruit in what appears to be a sexual way — really unnerves Zarah.

Wilford returns to the Night Car, but what kind of information did he spill? As Bennett and Javi prepare to launch the balloon and connect with Melanie, Wilford is quite vocal that he believes Melanie is dead and there will be no link. He’s even willing to take bets. And as the balloon is launched and reaches the necessary altitude to link with Melanie … there is silence as the balloon continues to climb. Wilford is getting more smug while Layton and crew become more worried but … the link is finally achieved, deflating all of Wilford’s bravado. If Melanie is alive, that complicates his plans for a hostile takeover of Snowpiercer.

Meanwhile, Till is still dealing with the prospect of Wilford loyalists on Snowpiercer cutting off fingers to form a W, while having a complete emotional breakdown and crisis of faith because she’s survived while so many others have died. By the way, what happened to her ex-girlfriend? Just because they broke up, she’s become invisible on the train?

Speaking of invisible, where’s Miles? We have not seen him in the engine since he helped with the Tailies Revolution at the end of Season 1. Well, he actually materialized this week to visit Josie. It’s known by everyone now that she’s alive, and although she didn’t want him to see her in her current condition, he wanted to be there to give her some moral support. And as I suspected, the Doctors Headwood were permitted to visit Snowpiercer to administer their goop to some of the frostbite patients. One look at Josie and they knew she had to be moved to Big Alice so they could attend to her properly. A little smear of goop was not going to help her. Layton was ambivalent about allowing her to go to Big Alice, but she insisted that she’ll be able to get more dirt on Wilford if she’s there. But will Wilford turn Josie’s hatred for Melanie to his advantage once she’s on his train?

Snowpiercer airs Mondays at 9:00 PM on TNT.

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