Liam Hemsworth steals the limelight – and the girl – on this week’s The Muppets



The Muppets keeps raising the celebrity cameo stakes. This week’s episode featured Christina Applegate, Nick Offerman and Liam Hemsworth in hilarious roles. Christina was a guest on Miss Piggy’s show and she got on Piggy’s bad side by showing “surprise” humiliating footage of her ruining her birthday cake. Naturally, Miss Piggy vows revenge – even if she’s forced to create dirt on Christina. Nick is great in everything he does, and his stint as a fill-in comedy writer for Fozzie Bear demanding to be paid with fancy cappuccino makers and boats did not disappoint. But the biggest laughs for me came surprisingly from Liam Hemsworth.



In this bizarro adult-themed world The Muppets has created, Gonzo has been on a dating site and has been charming a young woman named Debbie with his witty remarks and surprisingly sweet revelations such as “Debbie is a healing ray of sunshine on his wounded soul.” However, Gonzo is ashamed of his looks and he uses a photo of Liam Hemsworth on his dating profile. It seems Gonzo has managed to break the cardinal rule on a dating site in thinking the other person will fall in love with your personality and then share a good laugh with you in person once they realize your photo was actually someone else.

Honestly, why do people even bother? I’m by no means a shallow person. I judge others based primarily upon their character, intelligence, personality and their ability to banter with me on the things that matter (if you can’t wax poetic on ‘80s pop cultural references, you don’t stand a chance). But if someone used a fake photo, that would be a major turn-off. I hate liars. There are far too many of them in this world. Nobody expects you to be an Adonis. Well, I’m sure there are some people out there who expect this, but I hate to tell them they’re in for some serious disappointments in life.

People are so much more interesting with all their unique quirks and adorable foibles. It’s a hundred little things that make people fall in love. It’s the way that person mispronounces a certain word over and over or a really irrational phobia they possess that draws you nearer (despite the whole being extinct thing, I’ve had a fear of woolly mammoths since I was a child). Perhaps it’s an endearing nervous tick you’ve noticed about them that maybe countless others would find annoying or the fact that their eyes can’t be defined (or perhaps limited is a better word) to one exact color. What really matters is their willingness to hold you close in their arms and be your companion on this wacky adventure.



Gonzo would have fared better if he had realized these things. He tricks Liam Hemsworth into meeting him at the specified first date location with the premise of discussing Liam being a guest on Miss Piggy’s show. Once there, he tells Liam he really needs him to pretend to be him for about 10 minutes. Debbie shows up and while the two are sitting there talking, she tells Liam that she was most attracted to his personality and that his looks were not at all a factor in why she agreed to meet him. Liam, who has been self-described gorgeous since birth, is at first baffled by and then appreciative of the fact that Debbie could find him charming based on something that wasn’t solely his looks. He propositions her and the two leave the restaurant happily together, much to Gonzo’s torturous heartbreak. I chuckled many times during Liam’s scenes. There was something refreshing to his comedic delivery that surprised me because I usually see him in more dramatic or action-oriented roles.

In fact, the only joke I laughed harder at this week involved The Electric Mayhem. It was something to the effect of once you lose touch with reality, you never get it back. God bless The Electric Mayhem. They still remain some of my all-time favorite Muppets characters.

What didn’t work for me this week were the subplots involving Fozzie Bear going off to touch roots with his comedic nature after Kermit told him he was a good comedian but was a bad comedy writer, and the really bizarro subplot featuring a creepy IT guy named Chip. Not all IT guys are creeps lurking in the shadows going through your emails to glean personal details about your life outside of work. I’m still enjoying the show though. Keep it up, Muppets!

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