Comedy Central
Inside Amy Schumer had another great episode this week, although the various segments had mixed results. The first sketch was about the nonsensical nature of beer ads, an easy target, but Amy had a new twist on it. Beer commercials have (usually) men salivating and jumping over themselves to grab a cold, sweaty brew, almost like they’re attracted to it. Which is why this particular parody works so well, letting the concept of beer fetishizing go to its natural conclusion. Nice to see Wyatt Cenac getting some work post The Daily Show too.
And next we get a fantastic parody of a late night interview between an older, perverted male host and a younger female actress. Everything about this parody is perfect, so first you need to watch it:
Bill Hader will be costarring with Amy in the upcoming Judd Apatow directed Amy Schumer written comedy Trainwreck. So maybe they’re friends or something. If they’re promoting it, it wasn’t in the episode itself. But Bill Hader was always great on Saturday Night Live, and he’s great here too.
I feel like every line is a satire of this sort of farce. The fact that Amy Blake Lively is called that, a not very subtle reference to interviews like the ones Blake Lively and other young starlets have had with David Letterman or Conan O’Brien. The flirtatious nonsense of “always having a crush” exaggerated to Bill’s host comically being aroused like an old school cartoon wolf and joking about hating his wife. Of course, Amy “doesn’t know how to sit” except in an overly seductive way and suddenly her legs are shiny and golden.
She’s detached from reality, saying that “everyone has to go to Fiji” but that’s just a small part of it. Clearly this is playing off the idea of how actresses are supposed to act in interviews, pushing out these nerdy references to engross the perverts in the audience and the one interviewing her. Sure the details are inherently funny, like naming her labradoodle Eva Braun, or the concept of Baz Luhrmann remaking Blade Runner into a musical. Again, the sketch takes it to the logical, ridiculous conclusion, when something as innocuous as loving Star Wars literally drenches her.
The other sketches in the episode are okay. I was bored in the one about recapping sex until it twisted to the reveal of a professional filming them. Of course, the longer “I’m Sorry” sketch of which the episode gets its name was clever, playing off on how even well-accomplished women may feel the need pushed on them to apologize for everything, even when they didn’t do anything wrong. Apologizing in a way, for success. But I didn’t think it was that funny.
Bill Hader came back in the last sketch about a former porn star trying to be in a regular pizza commercial, which doesn’t really have any point other than being zany. From that perspective, it was mostly pretty amusing if not that original. Finally the interview Amy has with a professional gigolo isn’t exactly illuminating, but it’s funny enough to be worth watching.
For me though, the beer and late night parody sketches were worth sitting through everything else.