Dynasty :: Happy Birthday, Jesus


It’s Christmas at the Carrington manor and the Dynasty reboot finally kicks into all of its campy, soapy glory! It usually takes three episodes for a new series to really get its footing and get all the cast working together but it’s taken Dynasty three times as long but with the midseason finale, it feels like the writers have finally found their groove by giving a little bit of business to all the main cast.

When we last saw Steven, he was snorting coke and on his way to New York to see Ted Dinard and when we catch up with him, there is the aftermath of some drug-fueled debauchery and grandpa Carrington was there to pick up the pieces and escort him home. And grandpa Tom Carrington is not someone you want to cross, and a modern day Archie Bunker to boot. Having turned over his company to his son Blake, Tom demands he fire Steven from running the foundation. Blake refuses and Steven offers to go into a rehab program … but he’s really just planning to jet away for the holidays with Ted. Until Ted gets busted once sneaking out of the manor — and I really thought we were going to get the “Blake accidentally kills Ted” plotline from the original although this one may not have been an accident the way Blake threatened him with a golf club — and then again by the cops who apparently planted drugs in his car. Assuming Blake pulled off that stunt, which he denies, Steven pulls some strings to get Ted out but the damage to his relationship with Blake is done. So who did frame Ted? And did anyone notice now that Steven is “bad” he’s gotten a new haircut and a better wardrobe?


Fallon tried to do something good this week and only made matters worse for her relationship with Monica Colby. After learning Jeff went to visit his dad in prison at Thanksgiving, Fallon decided she would be the one to heal the rift between Cesil and Monica … and that plan went terrible awry when Monica, who was not happy about being tricked into the visit with the lure of a shopping spree, bailed and Fallon was left to visit Cesil alone. And he flipped out when he found out she was a Carrington! Apparently Cesil and Blake have a history and Blake is the reason Cesil is in prison. Fallon’s plan was to try to talk to the prison management to get them to contract Morrell Corp. for their energy needs while Monica met with her dad, but that was an epic fail.


Cristal and Sam eagerly awaited Iris from Venezuela, and the show gave us a pretty funny moment as they waited at the door, disappointed when Blake walked through. But he stood with them and then Fallon walked in to more disappointment. But even she joined them and then … Anders opened the door, but he had Iris with him so everyone finally got to meet and reunite. But later, Cristal is throwing a lot of shade at Iris as her sister is talking about how she wants to stay in America, and can get a work visa if Blake will hire her. He tells her she has to talk to the COO — Cristal.

Cristal obviously only expected her sister to stay for the holidays and then she and Anders find something startling in her purse: the marked bills Anders had given Cristal as the payoff to keep her sister safe in Venezuela. Iris had scammed her because she got tired of waiting for the money Cristal promised her, so she made up the whole thing about the threats to get the full amount now instead of later.


Tensions were still high when the family gathered at the gigantic Christmas tree in the grand room and some choice words led to a major catfight between Cristal and Iris which ended with them destroying the tree and Fallon exclaiming, “Happy birthday, Jesus!” I almost did a spit take when she said that. But the fight led to some truths finally being revealed not only to Blake but to Sam as well. When Cristal supposedly had her miscarriage — and are we sure now that that really happened? — she had actually killed Sam’s father to protect Iris. So now Sam is mad because he’s always thought his dad left, making him feel worthless, and on top of it all, letting the cat out of the bag drove Iris away as well. And on top of that Blake now knows what Cristal claims is everything now, no more lies, no more secrets. But how can Blake trust her at this point, especially after finding out he’s married to Cecilia Machado and not Cristal whatever she said her name was?

With all of that excitement, there was still the question of who set up Ted Dinard? Well, turns out it’s Jeff Colby, and he is out for revenge against the Carringtons for what Blake did to his father. Now that was a good cliffhanger to break on. We’ll find out what happens next when the show returns January 17 and count the weeks until Alexis finally makes her appearance!

What did you think of this episode and all the soapy twists? Tell us in the comments section below!

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