Dynasty :: Daddy’s home


Dynasty is back from its Winter Olympics hiatus and you may not have known since The CW has moved the show to the Friday graveyard, taking over the 8:00 time period from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. With lowered ratings expectations, perhaps the show will find a loyal, if small, audience and establish itself in its new home. And judging by the little teaser shown during one of the commercial breaks, we can finally look forward to seeing Nicolette Sheridan join the show as Alexis on March 23. Will she be able to boost the show like Joan Collins did when she joined the original series?

This week’s episode was packed to the gills with drama, picking up exactly where we left off before the Winter Games as Ted Dinard’s body hit the ground after leaping from the window in Steven’s apartment. Hoping to explain Ted’s death as the actions of a man hopped up on drugs, the main witness, Sammy Joe, told Steven he wasn’t exactly able to talk to the police because … he’s not here legally. That news, and the sudden resurrection of Ted, put Steven in a precarious spot that was only exacerbated while at the hospital. Desperate to find Sam’s earring that Ted snatched on his way out, the hospital staff refused to let him in because he wasn’t immediate family. And the Blake pulled the gay card, accusing the hospital of discriminating against a gay couple … and it worked.

But when Steven got to the room, Ted’s father Jerard Dinard (yep) was less than thrilled to see Steven. He knew the real story about how Steven dragged Ted away from the church and destroyed their relationship, but Steven was able to convince the man that what he thought he knew were the ravings of a drug addict. Steven took credit for getting Ted back to church and somehow Jerard bought all of it. Steven even asked the man to pray with him and then a miracle occurred! Ted woke up, mumbling Sammy Joe’s name and probably shocked to see Steven and his own father standing over him and holding hands. Luckily, when the nurse brought in Ted’s belongings, Steven saw the earring — which is what prompted the whole conversation about church — and got the news that with Ted’s severe brain trauma, anything he said was probably not going to make sense now … or ever. And with that Steven excused himself. But thanks to Blake, he’s still got to face the press and keep up the facade of he and Ted being a couple.

That part is unfortunate because Steven and Sammy Joe were just starting to reconnect, but with the fake relationship making him look positively heroic with the voters, Steven can’t afford to get into anything too deep with Sammy Joe now. Sadly, Steven has convinced himself that he’s on the verge of accomplishing something great with this campaign, so close to winning, so close to doing something on his own without his father’s help. In crushing Sam’s spirit, it would not have been unwarranted for Sam to remind Steven that his poll numbers aren’t rising solely because of Steven’s actions. He’s gaining popularity because ‘his partner’ almost died and he showed the world what a devoted partner he is to Ted. So it’s all a lie and Steven can’t see that. But it’s sure to come back and bite him in the ass at some point.


Speaking of fake relationships, Jeff Colby is working overtime to make sure he’s on the road to getting hitched to Fallon. He’s brought his father home to live with him while he’s being monitored and he’s really throwing his weight around, trying to get Cesil to play nice with Fallon. And he’ll get his big chance at a nice family dinner. Fallon, meanwhile, knows that Jeff is playing her and then realizes that a flash drive he gave her to install on the Carrington Atlantic server has allowed him to gain access to sensitive information, which explains why he knows so much about the Carringtons’ business dealings.

Working with Michael Culhane, and it looks like these two are back on track, Fallon sets a trap for Jeff by sending Culhane an email about her upcoming wedding to Jeff with some very specific wording about not getting married in church (priests make Fallon break out in hives). Seeing Jeff later, he talks more about their wedding and not seeing Fallon as one to get married in church. He took the bait and confirmed that Fallon had been an idiot. And worse … her father was right about Jeff. But she needs to see Jeff’s emails — after Michael’s awesome little sister tracked the IP address to his personal server — and the meet and greet dinner with Cesil is the perfect opportunity. Even better, Michael is invited as Monica’s date so he can be a distraction while Fallon snoops around.


Dinner started off cordially enough, and an ‘accidental’ spill gave Fallon a chance to leave the table to try and save her dress. But she wasn’t stealthy enough to evade Jeff and she didn’t seem to get the infomation she was looking for. No worries though because with Jeff and Fallon making goo-goo eyes over each other and Monica dating Blake’s chauffeur, Cesil had had enough. He blew up at Fallon, told her that Blake set him up with the drugs and had his cop friend handle the arrest, all after screwing his wife. He was not going to sit back and watch his son marry the ‘dirty daughter’ of Blake Carrington.

The revelations were too much for Fallon. She stormed into her father’s study and confronted him about Cesil’s accusations. Blake didn’t really deny setting Cesil up with the drugs, but in his defense he did say Cesil had tried to kill him. And he did not sleep with Cesil’s wife. Blake wasn’t too happy when he learned Fallon had unwittingly opened up the Carrington servers to Jeff Colby, but she said she was done with both of them. Blake had other ideas, though, telling Fallon she got them into this mess and she was going to dig them out. And she was going to marry Jeff. This was just the first of Blake’s attempts at pimping out the women in his life.

After Steven had another interview with Rick Morales, Blake invited Rick to join him and Cristal for dinner. It was clear Blake knew something was going on between the two by his not so subtle conversation. He had been suspicious of Rick after Cristal received flowers earlier in the day, but she said someone named Ramona sent them for a tip she gave her. Knowing that Morales was somehow involved with Jeff Colby, Blake ordered Cristal to get as close to him as she could to keep tabs on what Colby is up to. Being prostituted out by Blake did not sit will with Cristal. Has he pushed her too far this time? (And on a side note, what was with Cristal’s ugly gold dress? The sleeves looked like large bells! I’m surprised she didn’t clang while she walked.)

With all of this week’s personal turmoil, there was a moment of genuine affection as the relationship between Sam and Anders grows. Not wanting to drag down the family anymore, Sam decided to leave (again) but Anders got wind of the Lyft driver at the gate and sent him away. Anders said the family has invested too much time, money and carbs in Sam for him to just fly the coop. (Anders also did get in a line about how surprised he was that Sam was able to get all of his thongs into one suitcase.) Sam felt his immigrant status was going to be an issue, but Anders sympathized, asking if he thought the Kiwi accent was an act. Anders gave Sam the card of an immigration attorney and he had already set up an appointment. It was the nicest thing anyone had done for same — aside from keeping him out of the Ted Dinard investigation — and after patting Anders on the shoulder he went back to his room. Leaving the suitcase in the hall for Anders to bring back. It was a touching and humorous moment that made these two this week’s MVPs.

What did you think of this episode? Tell us in the comments section below!

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