Paramount Pictures
HOTCHKA has partnered with Paramount Pictures and Rizzoli New York to offer readers in the Boston area a chance to win a copy of the new book Scenes of Anomalisa to tie in with the limited release of the new stop-motion animated film Anomalisa.
Charlie Kaufman’s Anomalisa is a stop-motion animated film about a man crippled by the mundanity of his life. Michael (voiced by David Thewlis), a motivational speaker, hears everyone having, quite literally, the same voice and having the same face. From the passengers on the airplane to the employees at the hotel to his ex-girlfriend, each of the characters (all voiced by Tom Noonan) have the same voices and faces. Until he meets Lisa (Jennifer Jason Leigh), a mousy woman with poor self-image who sounds and looks completely different than everyone else in the world. Michael and Lisa’s instant attraction and affair quickly turns from exciting to boring, though, when she, too, begins to look and sound like everyone else. As Lisa’s uniqueness fades, Michael becomes disenchanted, and returns home to his family and friends, all of whom look and sound alike.
A meditation on life, love, wants, needs, and perceptions of self and others, Anomalisa is Charlie Kaufman at his best.
The book contains screen grabs from the film, an abridged screenplay, as well as behind-the-scenes images, including shots of the puppets being built, construction of the miniature sets, and the crew painstakingly positioning, and re-positioning the puppets and cameras for each frame of film. The book also contains a foreword, written by Kaufman, in the style of Studs Terkel’s 1975 book Working, in which a hotel bellman tells his story. Undeniably Kafumanesque in its tone and manner, readers will see this book as a physical embodiment of Kaufman’s vision.
Sure to be a contender for multiple Oscars and Golden Globe awards, this high-end giftable book adapts the feeling and nuance of Kaufman, and his film, into a package that will appeal to not only his fans, but cinefiles, and animation fans as well.
To be eligible for this contest, please follow the instructions below …
- Leave a comment on this post telling us your best method of self help.
- Include your FIRST AND LAST NAME in the space provided, not in the comment box.
- Include your correct email address in the space provided, not in the comment box.
- ONE entry per person and email address will be accepted. Duplicate entries will be discarded. HOTCHKA reserves the right to discard all duplicates and suspected duplicate entries.
Commenting period ends at 11:59 PM, Friday, January 8.
Two winners will be selected from most creative, instructive comments and contacted by email. Be sure to set your email spam filters to accept mail from @hotchka.com.
Good luck!

Rizzoli New York
Be sure to follow the instructions when entering the contests. We must have your full name for verification purposes. Thanks!
Self-help remedies depend on the ailment at hand:
Emotional remedies often include immediate action like driving to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, taking the elevator to the 23rd floor of the WEB DuBois library and reading from Kurt Vonnegut’s, “Timequake” while listening to Leo Kotke’s, “Vaseline Machine Gun” with headphones.
Intellectual needs for self-help are often treated with writing, more often than not, with recording what will eventually become self-fulfilling prophecies. Formal timelines & to-do lists usually broadly outline the path to success.
Economic self-help is perhaps the most practical and least entertaining. Aside from listing debts and goals, I find it is useful to take an inventory of all things material, financial, and supportive in one’s life and assess what additional comforts (be it savings, goods and services, experiences, etc) might be desired. Both short term and long term visions can quite nicely to intellectual to-do lists and self-fulfilling prophecy.