Lone Wolf Studios
Former CliqueClack contributor (and hopefully HOTCHKA newcomer) Cisco Davis Jr. has spent the last 18 months working on his passion project, a fan film reimagining of the origins of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers universe, Zordon of Eltar. The film has a more adult, serious tone (but not over-the-top violent like a previous “fan film” that garnered a lot of attention) than the classic children’s TV show, but it also honors the show’s legacy and fandom. The project was crowdfunded by a Kickstarter campaign, and actors and crew gave freely of their time to get this project made.
Davis wrote, shot, edited and created the bulk of the film’s special effects with outside assistance for some costumes, props and CGI effects. Zordon of Eltar is a true labor of love and as a friend of Cisco, we are proud to present his film for all to see.
And be sure to check out the short film Teenagers With Attitude (with a featured role by yours truly) for a tease at what is to come.
If you like what you see, be sure to visit the Kickstarter page for Teenagers With Attitude 2!