Photo Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures/New Line/MGM
HOTCHKA and Warner Home Video want to reward one lucky reader with a copy of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies on Blu-ray!
Are you Brave like Bilbo? Take the quiz to find out if you have the bravery it takes to journey through Middle Earth!
- Mouse over the Interactive Map to learn fun facts about Middle-Earth.
- Watch the official trailer & click the box art to bring the film home today!
The commenting period has expired.
Contest entry period end at 11:59 PM, Wednesday, April 22. One winner will be selected at random and contacted by email with further instructions. Please, one entry per person. Do not alter the Subject line of the pre-set email or your entry may not be received. This offer is valid for residents of the United States only. Good luck!
*If you have already entered by email, there is no need to comment. Your entry is still valid.
Id love this for my bro !
any left?
I’m not always brave, but when I am, is like Bilbo.
cool to have!
I am brave like Bilbo.
OMG, I would die to get a copy of this DVD. Love it!
This sounds like a nice contest to enter!
Looking forward to seeing the movie- thanks for the review. I took the quiz, and it said I am brave like Bilbo, but honestly, I think it got it wrong, I am a big wimp!
I love all the movies in this series I hope they continue with the story us fans really appreciate it :)
Movie was designed for the battle sequences in mind an in that respect it did not disappoint. However it was short on story exposition due to the fact that the Hobbit was spread out over three pictures. Visually spectacular. Should look great on Blue Ray. Hope the edition includes deleted scenes and commentary by Jackson on reasons of the layout of each chapter. By the way, Christopher Lee is in his eighties and on screen he can kick butt of someone literally more than half his age.
We already have a review of the Blu-ray online outlining the extras. As you would expect, there will be a more loaded Extended Edition coming by Christmas.
Good movie