The Orville :: Domino


Did The Orville: New Horizons just have its best episode? After watching all the episodes about political stances, current world issues, and surprise relationships, Episode 9 gave us some of the best moments for the entire series. The Orville: New Horizons has proven that it can take big risks when it comes to storytelling.

The episode starts off on the planet of Krill where Chancellor Teleya (Michaela McManus) meets with the Moclan to discuss an alliance against the Planetary Union. An alliance between the two would cause concern and tension for the Union as both the Krill and Moclan have caused problems for the Union in the past. While the alliance between the Krill and Moclan is forming, the Orville crew is up against Kaylon forces. A new weapon (called ‘the device’) overloads the Kaylon’s network. The Orville can use the device powered by their Quantum drive and destroy their ships.

Ensign Burke (Anne Winters), Isaac (Mark Jackson), and Captain Mercer (Seth MacFarlane) meet with Admiral Perry (Ted Danson) to discuss the severity of the weapon. Perry suggests that it be used to eliminate the Kaylon altogether. Mercer is the one who immediately argues with Perry about it since it is considered genocide.

This episode is packed with political thrills and huge reveals that impact the Orville crew. Admiral Halsey (Victor Garber) attempts to discuss a ceasefire with the Kaylon. Before the Union can show the Kaylon the power of the device, it is stolen from Union headquarters. It is revealed that Admiral Perry is giving the weapon to Teleya and the Moclan so they can destroy the Kaylons, since the Union isn’t able to. If Teleya and the Moclan are in possession of the device, it causes a huge threat to the Union and other planets. The only way the Union can protect itself is with an alliance with the Kaylon to fight against the Krill and Moclan.


The episode is filled with plenty of fast paced action scenes that are some of the best in the series. I believe I already have mentioned that in a previous review, but several of the big action scenes feel inspired by classic sci-fi films. I found myself drawn to the scenes and not wanting to look away, which hasn’t happened many times within the series.

In a surprising turn of events, Burke sacrifices herself to destroy the weapon. Burke has been a character throughout Season 3 who has had the most development. When she was first introduced, her conflict with Isaac and the Kaylon caused tension amongst the group but as we learned more about her hatred for the Kaylon, we got a better understanding of her feelings. Her sacrifice added a lot of depth to the character who has struggled to connect with members of the Orville.

This is by far one of the best Orville episodes I have seen. With a lot of tension and constant urgency, you feel the impact of alliances and how it can shape future episodes/seasons. This honestly felt like a season finale with a lot of teases for a fourth season. I’m very curious about the season finale now and how it will top this episode which had so many dramatic moments with stunning visuals. If the last episode fails to be on par with this episode, the season still remains the best of the three.

What did you think of this episode? Tell us in the comments section below!


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