The Orville :: Gordon falls in love… with the past


When a time capsule from 2015 is found by the Orville and opened, emotions arise in Lt. Gordon as he discovers things about a girl who put items in the capsule. In the capsule are items such as a New York Yankees cap and iPhone, which still has all the old text messages and a phone log from the 2015. It was placed in the time capsule by a young woman who wanted to leave a lasting impression on the world and felt this was the way to do it. 400 years have passed since the time capsule was buried and Lt. Gordon uses the cell phone to create a simulation of the girl, Laura Higgins, to get to know more about her.

Season 2 of The Orville is quietly coming to an end with only three more episodes after this. In the middle of the season, the show offered a few important storylines that moved the show further. Lately it seems like the show is just focused on filler episodes. I have also been wondering, are the episodes playing out of order? No one is mentioning Isaac and what he did during the last few episodes which makes me think that. Even though this was a filler episode with not much to offer, I still found it to be a sweet one.

The second that Gordon watched the video of Laura Higgins, played by Leighton Meester, he instantly felt a genuine connection and wanted to know more about her. Throughout the episode, he dealt with backlash from his crew since the relationship between Gordon and Laura wasn’t considered real to them since she was just a simulation. Gordon didn’t care and still wanted to get to know her since he felt something for her. Throughout the whole episode, I felt sad for Gordon since I could tell that he loved her, but she wasn’t real, and it wouldn’t end up how he wanted to.

Gordon gets to know Laura by uploading all her phone data and he gets to be part of the interactions that she texted her friends back in 2015. He spends time with her by watching her play the guitar and sing at a bar, playing games with her friends, and going to parties. The episode has an interesting concept and brings up many questions about their relationship. If he loves Laura and is comfortable with having a limited relationship with her, what is the problem?


There is a side storyline of Bortus and his husband discovering cigarettes inside the time capsule. Both take up smoking and get addicted to the sensation. It is getting in the way of their work and both try to quit. It is later revealed that Bortus’ species is more susceptible to nicotine addiction. I found it funny how they were trying to quit, and both were hiding cigarettes throughout their room. It reminded me when my grandma said she was going to quit smoking but had a few cigarettes throughout her house.

This was much more of a softer episode that I have seen in recent memory and it isn’t one that I would rewatch. I found the storyline to be sweet and the interactions between Gordon and Laura are endearing but that’s about it for the episode. The show is taking a three week break and will only have 3 more episodes. The show promises that the next few episodes will be big. I would like to see the show end on a high note and move further along. I haven’t heard anything about a Season 3 for the show and if they decide to do one, now would be the time to start teasing it.

The Orville returns Thursday, April 11 at 9:00 PM on Fox.

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