The Good Fight :: FLOTUS or not


As predicted, last week’s episode of The Good Fight did trigger some ‘very fine people’ after the show suggested it might be time to punch Nazis in the face. This week is sure to trigger more people with its main storyline.

Before we delve into that, there was not a peep from Maia this week, so I assume she’s still toiling away at the online law firm. Roland Blum weaseled his way further into the firm with Marissa hilariously watching his every move, breaking into the song ‘One’ from A Chorus Line to drown out any of his offensive comments. Oddly, it rather endeared her to him. But Adrian had to put a leash on the guy who was claiming to be a part of Reddick, Boseman and Lockhart, and using the receptionist to thwart subpoenas coming his way. Diane feels that others at the firm are falling under his spell, but all she wants is for him to be gone. There’s no reason he has to be in their offices. But the clients love him, so that makes it harder for Adrian to kick him out. Plus he needs to work on the boxes and boxes of files from the DNA company. He’d better be careful popping up while Diane is throwing axes though.

The main story this week centered on Lucca who found herself with a possible new client. Visited by the mysterious Wade V, hairdresser to the stars who had a few tips for Lucca’s nearly perfect haircut, Lucca was presented with the possibility of handling a major celebrity divorce. Without knowing who it is, and not even hearing a voice on the other end of the phone, she got Jay to do some digging as to who Wade may be representing and he came up with Kim and Kanye. And then he ran that information to Adrian who saw hundred of millions of dollars flowing into the firm. Wanting to put a team together to assist Lucca, she insisted that since the client was so skittish, it would be best to let her handle it for now.


Wade returned with another woman, Zelda Raye, whom they then assumed was the client but she was just the next step in representation for the actual client. Liking what Lucca had already said, now was the time for Lucca to actually speak to the client. And when she did, it was a familiar voice with an Eastern European accent. This was not Kim K, this was the First Lady. Alerting Adrian, Diane and Liz to this new development, Diane was certain it was an impostor. And, coincidentally, this call comes to the firm right after Diane and Liz had been talking about Melania at their resistance group, now called The Book Club. Diane was even more certain this was a fake, a possible set-up, when Melania inquired about the pee-pee tape. Lucca was completely unaware that the firm was in possession of a copy of the tape, but everyone decided to play it cool to see where this was going.

It turned out that it could be the real deal after all. Zelda Raye had been Melania’s manager when she was modeling, so the First Lady could have reached out to someone she knew who wasn’t among DC’s inner circle. Zelda also made it hilariously trying for Lucca to communicate with the client, sending Wade in with a hat box full of burner phones, instructing her to answer whichever one rang, and then destroy the SIM card after the call and trash the phone. Of course, every time a phone rang, it was on the bottom of the pile. More digging, however, found that Zelda was also the manager for a Melania impersonator and once that news dropped, Lucca was ordered to drop the case (even though a $60,000 retainer had been paid).


Attempting to rid herself of the phones, Lucca was notified that she was about to be granted a face-to-face audience with her client. Not telling anyone else about this new development, she went to the penthouse destination and waited. A man who looked like a Secret Service agent entered the room, closed all the curtains and dimmed the lights. Nothing suspicious about that at all. And then she walked into the room, Lucca barely able to make out her face. Was this Melania? When she inquired about the pee-pee tape again, Lucca knew she was a fake, and being called out, the woman abruptly left the room. But it was still never definitely proved that she wasn’t Melania.

I was disappointed this week that we didn’t get any Gina Gershon on Riverdale so it was a nice surprise that she turned up on The Good Fight as ‘Melania’. She did a great job and with the hair, makeup and lighting, she did resemble Melania enough to pull of the prank. If it was a prank. But in any case, Gina Gershon is simply magnificent. After the heavy subject matter of the previous episode, it was a refreshing change of pace to have one that leaned heavily on the comedic side and gave Cush Jumbo almost an entire episode to shine.

What did you think of this episode? Give us your thoughts in the comments section below.

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