The Suicide Squad is a tricky property for Warner Bros. It’s basically a team of anti-heroes that are basically villains forced to work for the government to take down superpowered baddies. The teams have changed over the years, but the common threads are usually Harley Quinn, the demented former girlfriend of the Joker, Deadshot, an assassin with a sort of code, and Boomerang, an Australian fop that murders with boomerangs. Hey, it’s the comics, it’s all a bit weird. Now we have this few photo sent out from the director David Ayer of the upcoming Suicide Squad movie, and considering the success of Guardians of the Galaxy, people are probably ready for a good old fashioned antihero action movie.
Let’s see that photo again:

Warner Bros, David Ayer
So going from left to right we have:
Slipknot, played by Adam Beach, a Canadian Saulteaux known for Native roles. Slipknot is a lesser known villain that sometimes has cybernetic parts that’s basically really great at using ropes.

DC Comics
So comparing it, it’s a good adaptation. You can even see the rope on his belt! Let’s give the costume a B+.
Boomerang, played by Jai Courtney of the worst Die Hard movie and the upcoming Terminator Genisys is another murdering thug, naturally from Australia, who uses high-tech boomerangs to steal and kill.

DC Comics
So that’s a pretty decent adaptation too, the colors have a nice match and he looks appropriately thuggish. A.
Katana played Karen Fukuhara, playing her first credited role ever, is a badass swordswoman from Japan that’s actually a friend of Batgirl’s and looks like:

DC Comics
Oh wait, dang it, it’s the wrong Katana isn’t it? Comic books! So the Katana they’re using here is one that isn’t a villain at all, just a super good swordswoman from Japan that’s a friend of Batman’s and actually kept an eye on the Suicide Squad in the comics. So to compare:

DC Comics
Oh. Well that’s pretty good, isn’t it? B+
Enchantress played by Cara Delevingne, a relative newcomer, is magician lady with skills like flight, healing, and teleportation. She’s been a good and a bad guy.

DC Comics
Hmm, comparing, in the cast photo she looks a little bedraggled. Gotta go with C+
Rick Flagg, played by Joel Kinnaman of The Killing, is an awesome and loyal soldier that’s usually in the role of keeping an eye on the suicide squad to make sure they don’t step out of line. Comparing now:

DC Comics
Hmm. Yeah, that’s okay, he’s a boring character anyway. B-
Harley Quinn, played by Margot Robbie, the naked girl from The Wolf of Wall Street and the less naked one from Pan Am, is the crazy, crazy on and off again girlfriend of the Joker. She’s nuts but not superhuman, although she’s acrobatic and very athletic. Here are the classic and newer versions of Harley:

DC Comics

DC Comics
So this new version is clearly a bit more inspired by the more modern take, but she’s looking pretty good! Tongue out, weird hair. I like it. A
Deadshot, played by Will Smith, no further explanation needed, is officially the best marksman in the world of DC comics. He’s an assassin for hire, with no real evil in him per se, just more amoral. Comparing:

DC Comics
And now the Will Smith version just uploaded recently:

DC Comics
Well that ain’t half bad! A solid A-
Killer Croc, played by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, who’s played that big African guy character in everything from Thor to Lost, is basically a giant crocodile monster man.

DC Comics
Yeah… Close enough. B
And finally, El Diablo, played by Jay Hernandez of not that much, is even more obscure character, but he’s been in the recent Suicide Squad team. He’s basically yet another super athletic human that’s awesome at riding horses and shooting.

DC Comics
Hmm, not a good match, but… Oh what’s that? That’s the wrong El Diablo from DC Comics? My mistake. The one this movie is using got burnt in a fire and now has pyrokinetic powers.

DC Comics
Ah, now that is a pretty good match! An A- at the least!
In summary, they look pretty good! Not bad, guys, not bad at all.