Let’s Talk About ‘Autopsy’:
- The episode picks up right from the moment Asta shot Harry’s assailant, but Sheriff Mike heard two gunshots which raises suspicions..
- Harry and Asta lie to D’Arcy that the dead guy killed the real Harry, and D’Arcy gleefully volunteers to dispose of the body to protect her friends.
- Asta has overwhelming guilt for killing the man, even though she was protecting Harry.
- Harry suddenly decides to take Mayor Ben’s offer to return to the position as the town’s doctor … so he can perform the autopsy on the dead man.
- Was the man killed in Patience or Jessup? Staging his death has caused a lot of problems.
- David Logan isn’t dead after all, and he is surprised by his sudden new ally.
- Sheriff Mike and Deputy Liv begin an investigation into the Galvan/Powell Group based on the names Sam had written down.
- Ben and his wife pick the most inopportune moment to drop in on Harry for an unscheduled therapy session.
- Liv uses her one bathroom break to send a message to The Alien Tracker about her experience with time loss instead of actually using the bathroom.
- Harry needs to find the missing alien baby so he can retrieve the rest of Goliath’s message.
- D’Arcy finally has her dessert date.
- With Ben insisting that the murder took place in Jessup, so Patience doesn’t have another murder on the books, Harry has to do some quick thinking to prove the murder took place in Patience so he can do the autopsy.
- Harry helps Asta deal with her pain, but he may have done more damage in the process.
It’s wonderful to have Resident Alien back for the second half of its second season — with a third on the way — and this episode picks up right where we left off. No crazy time jumps to leave us scratching our heads as to how we got there, just that moment in time where Harry was shot by the guy from New York and Asta defended him by killing the guy from New York. Not that she intended to, but she did and that action will come with some serious consequences. As the shootings happened outside of Harry’s cabin, where everyone was gathered for a party that Harry did not want, the two distinct gunshots aroused the suspicions of Sheriff Mike. What they don’t know is that the dead guy had two accomplices waiting for him in a boat on the lake, and what they didn’t know was that there was an alien baby in the water beneath them. They found out the hard way. Unfortunately, Harry was in the process of getting a message from Goliath about another alien race on the planet that was interrupted by the attempt on his life, so he needs to find the baby to get the rest of the information. He also needs to dispose of that body, and D’Arcy is ready to do anything to help her friends.

But Asta is shaken to her core, but first she has to deal with extracting the bullet from Harry’s chest — his blood is turning alien blue and he’s not too thrilled to have the feeling of human death — but she’s still worried that she’s going to be implicated in the guys’ death and she wants to confess to Sheriff Mike. D’Arcy comes up with the idea of planting the guy’s body back at his motel, staging it so it looks like he was shot from the woods. Harry is thrilled with her Law & Order plan but she tells him it’s CSI. Harry also wants to plant all of the medical records he has in the guy’s car so he’ll be cleared of Sam’s death. They both tell Asta not to worry, and Harry says once he accepts the doctor position, Mayor Snowflake will appoint him to do the autopsy for which he will fake the results so Asta can’t be blamed.
Lucky for them Judy is working at the motel while also trying to get a career in voicing audio books off the ground — if she can pronounce words and names — and D’Arcy distracts her with Liv’s deviled eggs from the party … which ended several hours ago and those eggs have not been refrigerated. Judy even notes that they’re warm. While they engage in small talk, Harry and Asta drag the body to the hot tub. With the stage set, they all leave and Judy continues to enjoy those eggs for the rest of the night and into the morning when she sees the body floating in the tub, face down, assumes he’s drunk and wonders how he’s breathing. It then may have occurred to her that the guy was dead.
By now Harry has accepted the mayor’s offer to return as the town’s doctor, and on cue Liv gets a call from Judy about the body. Mike is oddly excited that they have another murder to solve. At the motel, Judy recalled that she saw the man talking with two other men in a van … oh, and she made Mike an audio book of The Autobiography of Malcolm Ten. The very thought made everyone cringe. Anyway, she didn’t see the men in the van but she saw a skunk. And D’Arcy brought her deviled eggs which she just finished and … she needs to go to the bathroom because he stomach is really bothering her. (Maybe it was the old, warm eggs, Judy.) Ben and Harry show up and Ben is thrilled to report that the hot tub is on the Jessup side of the border so it’s not a Patience matter. He does not want another murder in town. Mike says maybe the shooter was on the Patience side, which would make it their business, and wants to see security footage but Harry (too) quickly volunteers that there are no security cameras. Judy returns and confirms that, saying they are a very discreet establishment. Mike insists the crime scene is in Patience, and finding the man’s ID Liv notices that it’s one of the names on Sam’s list. While everyone else is occupied, Ben sneaks away and calls the Jessup police, using a disguised voice to report a murder. In Jessup.
The body is taken to Harry’s clinic and Asta is freaked out. She goes to D’Arcy’s bar to get some advice and asks how she can have lunch with Jay for her birthday if she’s a murderer. D’Arcy reminds her of what Harry said earlier — if she tells anyone, more bad men will come and hurt her and her loved ones. Mike and Liv are still at the motel trying to figure out how the man was killed. No one heard a gunshot, so Mike theorizes that maybe the wound was caused by an icicle. Or maybe it was an icicle gun fired by a Tibetan monk! Liv tries to talk him down and suggests that maybe it was just a gun and the killer left with it. But before they can get much further, the Jessup police show up to handle their crime scene and impound the victim’s car.

While Harry is hoping to get started on his fake autopsy, Ben and his wife Kate decide to take advantage of those therapy sessions they had with Harry when he was doctor previously. Harry does not want to do this and does everything he can to let them know he does not want them there — except to sat ‘get out’ — but his indifference is seen as a ploy by Ben to get them to open up to each other. harry tries to make things worse by spilling some of Ben’s confidential complaints about Kate to Kate, but they both think it’s just part of the process. Harry just wants to get to work on the body and starts doing math problems in his head while the couple yammer on. And then the Jessup police arrive to claim the body.
Now Harry not only needs to get that body back to protect Asta, but he needs to find the alien baby so he can get the rest of Goliath’s message. But he really needs the body so Asta doesn’t go to jail and he doesn’t have to back her a cake with a file in it like in the cartoons because he really doesn’t want to bake a cake. And then Ben shows up at Harry’s cabin with some beers to celebrate his first day back to work. It’ll be fun! But he’s such a lightweight he’s plastered after a beer or two, and Harry tries to use this to his advantage to convince Ben to call Jessup and tell them they want the body back. Nope, Jessup murder, Jessup autopsy. Unless the killer was standing in Patience. Ding! Harry goes outside and finds the shell casing, hoping that if he uses it correctly he can get the case moved back to Patience. He also finds the shell from the bullet that almost killed him, but he throws that one into the lake so it’s gone as if he was never shot at all. Everything is fine. (It probably isn’t.) And the baby alien pops up three miles outside of Patience and barfs up the ID of one of the guys on the boat, Vincent Orillo.
Detective Torres from Jessup is summoned to Patience by Mike. Harry has called for them to meet so he can share his ‘theory’ of what happened the night of the murder with the assistance of Judy Pooper. No, she says, it’s Cooper. Pooper is her butt. Harry again mispronounces her name as Judy Cooter, and she corrects him that ‘cooter’ is her ‘lady pocket’. (This is some writing and acting that demands Emmy recognition!) Anyway, Harry suggests the killer may have been hiding in the trees that line the property with the gun aimed at the victim in the hot tub. Judy is just supposed to be like a Price is Right model and show off the hot tub but instead she decides to reenact the murder by falling into what Harry called ‘human soup’. And on cue, one of Mike’s officers has found a shell right where Harry suggested it would be, placing the murder in Patience. Det. Torres says it’s a good working theory and agrees to return the body and that Harry should do the autopsy. Harry is more than happy to accept and Judy … is now naked in the hot tub, noting the water stinks.
Now all Harry has to do is falsify the results, and with Asta’s assistance he begins to look over the body, pointing out some bruising and dirt which occurred while they were moving the body. Don’t write that down. It was all too much for Asta to deal with even when Harry said he would state the shooter was 50 feet away rather than the 10 feet she was. That sent her running from the room. Outside she tells Harry she can’t help. How can she live with herself after killing a man, even if he was a bad man? He must have a family somewhere wondering where he is. She just wants to forget, but she can’t. It’ll never be okay. Harry can feel her pain and he tells her not to think about it. But he knows he can help her if she can’t push all the bad things away … and then he begins to erase the memories of that night so everything will be okay. But Asta doesn’t know what Harry is doing, and it seems he may have removed more than just the memories of the killing because Jay is sitting outside the diner waiting to celebrate her birthday with Asta.
Meanwhile, David Logan is not dead. He finds himself washed up on the side of the river but he still has Harry’s alien orb. Out of nowhere, General Wright appears and tells him to follow her before the men and dogs out there find them. He says she set him up so why should he follow her, but she points out that she would be with them, not him, if she set him up. They have no idea that it was an alien in human form that pulled the trigger. Back at her safe house, Wright has returned with food and has concluded that there is a mole in her organization. No one else knew about her meeting with Logan, so no one else could have told the sniper where they would be. And that puts David out of the running for being the mole, but can she trust him? He says she can but she shoots back asking why she found that alien ball under the floorboards the night before after she drugged his food? Clearly he hid it because he knew it was the only thing that could save his life. Hold up — she drugged him? Then how can he trust her? Okay then, they’re on the same page now. They have an unknown common enemy so they are on the same side. David asks how does he know she won’t drug him again? Wright simply says, ‘You don’t.’
New episodes of Resident Alien air Wednesdays at 10:00 PM on Syfy.