This week’s episode of Resident Alien could probably be considered a ‘bottle episode’ in which the majority of the action is confined to a single space, in this case the crevasse into which Harry, Asta and D’Arcy were swallowed. When everyone comes to, Harry discovers his leg is trapped under a boulder and his device is just out of reach. As D’Arcy’s snowmobile also followed them several feet below the surface of the glacier, she had the necessary equipment to climb to the top and get help because no one’s phone was working inside of a glacier.
But too much movement caused another collapse, sending Asta and Harry to the ground below, and knocking out D’Arcy who is now dangling from a rope far, far above them. The fall just exacerbates Harry’s injury to the point that he isn’t able to retain his human image, and signs of his true nature begin to emerge on his face and hands. Also the glowing trail of liquid leading to Harry’s leg is also a clue that Asta can’t help but notice. So Harry is forced to come clean … sort of … and admit he is an alien. He doesn’t admit that he killed the real Harry, instead telling her he used skin cells for the DNA as humans shed thousands every minute. Harry’s species only shed their skin once a year, in one piece … it’s easier to eat that way.
Even with that thought in her head, Asta is remarkably calm about the situation, jumping in to health care professional mode to try to stop the bleeding from Harry’s leg. He doesn’t want D’Arcy to see him and the rescuers certainly can’t, so helping him regain his strength is imperative. Also removing a congealed blood clot from Harry’s alien lung — avoiding the extra arms and teeth — helps bond the pair, and Harry even reveals his true name. But we’ll stick with Harry. Meanwhile, D’Arcy finally makes her way to the top and calls for help.
In town, Asta’s father could feel that something was wrong and appealed to the sheriff to send out a search party. It was a nice moment of seriousness from Sheriff Thompson after a funny bit earlier with former Deputy Liv using the mayor to gather her belongings from the office. Speaking of the mayor, he’s trying to ‘take charge’ like his wife asked, but goes about it in probably the worst way possible — picking a restaurant (that he doesn’t like) and ordering their meals (including escargot, which he hates) just to prove he can take charge. But he really defeated himself with those choices. His wife Kate runs into a newcomer in town while in the ladies room, unaware that she is one of the military alien hunters. They were able to track Harry’s device to the area before it was damaged in the second fall, but they feel they are getting closer to finding the alien.
As D’Arcy is able to send a rope down to Asta and Harry, his condition has worsened and asks Asta to just leave him there, but she refuses, completely covering his face with a mask, and putting gloves on his hands while D’Arcy hoists him out. They get to the clinic and Asta sends D’Arcy in to get help, but she takes off with Harry while D’Arcy is inside. She take Harry to the diner and asks her dad to come help. He’s a little stunned but not entirely surprised when he sees an alien in his kitchen but he knows he has to help save his life. But he has to send the sheriff away first, telling him that everyone is back and safe so they don’t need the search party after all.
As Harry is bleeding out, he tells Asta the only way she can save him is to amputate his damaged leg. She takes a meat cleaver but chickens out before she can swing. Her dad says he can do it, and while Asta tries to distract Harry, Dan takes a swing and Harry screams in pain. Will he be able to regenerate his leg? Will D’Arcy or anyone else learn of Harry’s true nature? How will young Max play into this as Harry revealed to Asta that the boy could actually see him? There are only two episodes left in the season so hopefully we will find out! The good news is the show has been renewed for a second season, so we’ll see how many answers we do get in the next two weeks!
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Resident Alien airs Wednesday at 10:00 PM on Syfy.