And here it is, the penultimate episode of the Preacher TV series. After this it’s kaput. That makes me sad. That’s not to say that the show hasn’t been all over the place creatively but it’s always been entertaining, even at its most blasphemous.
This week, the Messiah Humperdoo finally arrives at Masada and the countdown clock to Apocalypse 2020 begins, kicking off with a televised variety show featuring a wide range of ‘talent’ performing for one last time. But it ain’t over till the imbecile dances. But why does it have to be Humperdoo? Jesus can bust a move … but Dad is not impressed. Why is He so focused on Humperdoo, a clone who is something akin to getting an old VHS copy of a movie that had been copied ten times before you got yours?
Whatever it is, God isn’t about to let anyone stop the Apocalypse. With Jesse, Tulip and Cassidy back together and flown back into Masada by the archangel and his demon girlfriend — and the two were still fighting back at the Holy Bar & Grail — a confrontation with God is definitely something we’ve been waiting for. Of course it doesn’t quite go as planned.
First, He grabs Cas while Jesse and Tulip search for him, and when they leave God has a good talking to with Cas. He knows what Cas has always longed for — Ireland — and He’s prepared to give it to him if he turns on Jesse. How loyal is Cassidy when a promise like returning to Ireland is on the table? But has Cas forgotten that little detail that the entire world is about to be destroyed? It seems like an empty promise. (And bravo to Mark Harelik for his performance this week as God. It would never get Emmy notice but it was that good.)
While Jesse and Tulip are in an elevator trying to make their way up to the theater where the talent show is underway, it breaks down. Tulip goes out through the top to try to get the doors open and when she does … God is waiting. He takes her to an office and makes her a deal — if she can go for one minute without punching him, He’ll stop the Apocalypse and they can all go about their merry ways. Surely Tulip can keep her emotions under control for ONE MINUTE, right? She is remarkably nonchalant as He rattles off some of her sins but He knows what buttons to push and when He starts talking about the daughter she and Jesse lost, all bets are off. She’s been pushed to her limit and fires several shots into God’s forehead. Of course He’s God so the bullets had no effect. And she only had about three seconds to go. God had previously tossed another guy in the room into the wall, and He casually tosses Tulip aside and then there is blood. A lot of blood. Is Tulip dead?

Jesse finally gets out of the elevator and finds Cassidy in pieces, guts all over the place. Jesse is remorseful that this happened because Cas was trying to protect him. Cassidy said he told God no every time He asked him (presumably to hand Jesse over to Him) … until he said yes. It was all a trap. God takes Jesse to an old church and his real modus operandi is revealed — He wants Genesis back, saying its an abomination of both Heaven and Hell. Jesse refuses and realizes God can’t even reach in and take it from him. And then an old friend arrives, The Saint of Killers. Jesse’s been using Genesis in an attempt to draw The Saint to his location. Now he’s here and Jesse assumes he will finish the job he’d been trying to do: kill God. But he’s not there for God, he’s there for Jesse.
There were more shenanigans back at Masada as Herr Starr initiated a sexual encounter with Featherstone. Thankfully we didn’t have to witness the act, but afterwards Starr was quite pleased and Featherstone was … still fully dressed. It was a funny sight gag made even more jaw-dropping when she got out of bed with a strap on shaped like a fist around her waist. But she also learned something important: there was only going to be a limited Apocalypse. Just a few targets (Teachers’ Unions!) and a couple of nuclear bombs, but not the world destruction God has planned. Featherstone has assumed all this time that her reason for joining The Grail was to get to Heaven and now that’s not going to happen (Starr snidely tells her she’d never get into Heaven). Perhaps it is, because the memo Starr sent out with the new directive was never received so the full Apocalypse is still on as scheduled. Starr futilely tries to fax the new orders but it’s not going through and customer service is no help at all.
That blood we saw earlier was not Tulip’s (who was eventually rescued from the locked room by … Featherstone!), it was the poor guy in the wall and God was collecting it for Cassidy, to make him whole again. It worked and Cassidy is now stuck being Humperdoo’s guardian, realizing how massively he screwed up by screwing over Jesse. Meanwhile, Jesus is passed out drunk after his Father’s disdain was made very clear, but Hitler tries to persuade him that Jesus can still make things right by killing Humperdoo. Jesus doesn’t think murder is the answer, but he is talking to Hitler who makes a move to do it himself. And then all Hell … and Heaven .. breaks loose as the two engage in some hand-to-hand combat.
And finally, back in Australia Eugene is about to be released from prison. Apparently the charges of eating Jesse fell apart when they found no trace of Jesse in Eugene’s poop. He has a talk with a priest about what God has planned for him. The priest is not helpful at all, saying perhaps Eugene would be an appetite suppressant with that mug of his. But Eugene isn’t listening, he’s still enchanted by that guitar he got from the dead inmate and has decided he’ll be a rock star who knows one song, ‘Closing Time’. Eugene is released and he sets up his guitar case in the hopes of making some coin with a song. And then a cab run him over because he set himself up in the middle of the street. Is this how Eugene’s story ends?
And will the world end when the series ends? We’ll find out next week!
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