Catching Up With Preacher


Three episodes of Preacher to talk about here. (“Dallas,” “Sokosha” and “Pig”)

But let’s carve a little fat off the top. What do you say we eliminate “Dallas” from the equation? You saw it, right? Then you can agree with me it was a throwaway episode of little consequence. Stuff and nonsense. An hour’s worth of fluff with little substance. It didn’t trip any triggers, it didn’t advance the story in the least and served as nothing but filler. We were left with a dead body (Tulip’s husband) and nothing to show for it but an orphaned daughter and “a messy solution” to Tulip’s marriage problem. End of story.

Honestly: Did you get anything out of that episode? Me neither.

On the flip side, “Sokosha” and “Pig” were filled with interesting tidbits.


Of course there were things about “Sokosha” that bugged the bejeebers out of me. For example: A 15% of soul extraction will net someone a cool $150,000. But to purchase a soul, it costs a mere $2,500. How does that work exactly? Because the math is questionable on that one unless I completely missed something. Mayhap the entire extraction isn’t utilized. Maybe a purchaser is willing to go cut rate for a simple “soul bump” should someone find themselves in need. It appears you can get multiple withdrawals out of a soul extraction … and as little as a 1% draw. Still, if it only costs $2,500 a pop for a 1% draw, that’s a total of $37,500 on a 15% extraction. Do the math and the trader finds himself $112,000+ in the hole. Something ain’t right. Or I’m obviously missing an equation or three.

But let’s back up even further and dissect this soul hocking at its core: There’s a market for souls? Of course there is. There are people out there in the world right this very moment who are in need or who don’t have one at all. (I’m sure you’ve run into a couple of these folks at the supermarket, driving down the freeway or during your weekly comings and goings.)

Whether or not you’ve run into these folks, we need to take one final mental step into the land of make believe, however, and consider something even more interesting (or disturbing) about the supply and demand for souls: According to Preacher they can be plucked from the living with very little effort. And resold. And that’s the real kicker here, isn’t it?

Preacher is all about suspending belief, requesting its viewers to go with the flow. It opens up story opportunities and works for terrific interaction week to week and episode to episode.

But it taxes and strains the conventions of rationalization, regardless of the fact the show is all about fantastic situations. Asking us to accept soul extraction isn’t the least of its requests. Asking us to accept the fact Jesse Custer was in the right place (New Orleans) at the right time (in need of a soul) and able to acquire one (his own as it turned out) is pushing it.

Still, “Sokosha” was an entertaining, fun, anticipatory little hour of adventure, wasn’t it? It encapsulated a nice little tale from start to finish, wrapped it up in a neat, colorful bow and handed it over to us for our dancing and dining and pleasure, much to the chagrin of the Saint Of Killers. And, in that regard, I’m just fine with it.


“Pig,” on the other hand, was the winner of the trio of episodes.

We got the lowdown on Herr Starr, his origin story of sorts. It was comical, jaw-dropping and lip-smacking, one of those Preacher chapters that leaves you satisfied and wanting more. His background prior to his time with The Grail was entertaining and “rise” (such that it was) as one of the heads of the organization was equally so, showing what kind of cunning, ruthless character Herr Starr really is.

And that character is a real asshole. His training leading into his initiation into The Grail detailed just what sort of ingenuity the man has, ingenuity that obviously appealed to those running the organization. But, while quick-thinking and effective, that type of personality will come back to bite you if you’re not careful. We witnessed this first hand. Still, it positioned Herr Starr into the hierarchy, advancing him through the pecking order of the institution in short order. Give credit where credit is due.

There’s no doubt he’ll be a handful for Jesse Custer down the line.



  • Jesse’s hunt for God has quickly become tedious. Anybody with me on this one?
  • That’s it for Eugene? Nothing further on his position? Still no thought or regrets to be had on Jesse’s part for banishing him to the fiery depths of Hell? Not even a smidge of concern, not a hint of responsibility for his actions? Nothing? Wow …
  • No, that’s not it for the Saint Of Killers. Such a powerful force cannot be contained with a mere plunge into the murky depths of some unknown swamp.
  • I’m confused about the titular character in “Pig.” Why? Was it just a distraction? Or was it a force to be reckoned with in the eyes of The Grail in the event it later became a point of contention? Was it a pariah, some bane to their overall mission? Or – like Tulip’s former hubby – was it simply just a toss off plot point?
  • The revelation of Denis being Cassidy’s son is (when you really think about it) creepy and intriguing at the same time. Who in the world is Denis’ mother? One would naturally assume she’s French … but where is she? (Long dead, no doubt.) What became of her? Is there a tale there to be told?
  • So, with the demise of her father, what becomes of Alice, Viktor’s now fatherless daughter?
  • And, with Viktor’s exit, that’s it regarding any further threat to Tulip?

What did you think of these episode? Start a conversation in the comments section below!

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