Mothers were the centerpiece of this week’s episode, by birth and by choice. And the consequences of a mother’s behavior has a serious impact on the relationship she has with her children. From the start, Blanca has been trying to raise her ‘children’ in an atmosphere of love and understanding but with just enough sternness to keep them in line without alienating them. But she’s finding all of her children a bit lacking when it comes to spring cleaning. The boys spend too much time goofing around, and Angel seems to have given up her luxury apartment to live with her ‘family’ again (because she’s now playing hard to get with Stan). But she’s taking too many shortcuts when it comes to cleaning.
Before Blanca can reprimand any of them, she gets a call that her own biological mother has died. It’s heartbreaking because Blanca has never had the chance to resolve any issues with her mother that have arisen because of her sexuality and gender status. To make matters worse, she’s now going to have to face her family for the first time in years … something made even harder by the fact that Blanca’s sister has told everyone that her brother Matteo is dead. Blanca’s sister, however, claims it was their mother who told the family that story. But Blanca is determined to say her goodbyes whether her family wants her there or not.
With the support of her chosen family, they all make their way to the funeral home. Blanca’s sister is not happy and her brother is even less happy and nearly causes a scene before Pray Tell steps in and gives them a stern warning to allow Blanca her time to say goodbye. As they make their exit, Blanca’s aunts make some comments that Pray Tell overhears (something about the cheap wig Blanca’s wearing which gives him a chance to comment on her aunt’s frizzy perm — and there was a lot of great shade in this episode), but his comments made one of them actually speak to Blanca and invite her to the gathering after the funeral. The two actually connect but Blanca’s brother and sister still resent her being there which ends in a physical altercation over their mother’s recipe book. Cooking was the one thing that always connected her to her mother, and it was all she wanted but her siblings would have none of it.
But … when helping Damon learn how to make pancakes, a knock at the door came and Blanca was surprised to see her sister, recipe book in hand. And she was actually apologetic and came clean about their mother. Her sister had claimed their mother never spoke of Blanca because she was ashamed of her choices, but in truth she spoke of her all the time. Sadly, Blanca had always believed her mother had shunned her and lost all that time during her illness where she could have been there for her mother and resolved their issues. But at least she has the comfort now of knowing, as we saw in a lovely flashback, that her mother loved her forever just as she had promised. Going back to the kitchen with Damon, he told her that he loved her and for the first time she felt like a real mother.

On the other end of the spectrum, Elektra was finally undertaking the most important decision of her life, completing her transformation into the woman she always wanted to be. But her children appear to be rebelling against her as they decide to walk as a family without her, in a challenge no less. Luckily they won the showdown by a single point, but taking this action could be a risky proposition once Mother finds out. Blanca seemed very surprised that Candy and Lulu would do such a thing, and remembered back to the time when she walked in her first ball and was taken under Elektra’s wing. That flashback was also a nice moment that brought just a hint more warmth to the ice queen that is Elektra.
That memory led Blanca to visit Elektra in the hospital after her operation where she was shocked — but not shocked — to see that there was only one small bouquet of flowers in the room and no visitors. Elektra tried to play it down, but Blanca called her out. She knew Elektra bought those flowers for herself, and she let Elektra know that she’s a terrible Mother. She treats her children like dirt, always putting herself and her needs before the needs of her House. What Blanca said really seemed to register with Elektra and the two appeared to have a real mother/daughter bonding moment.
However … once Elektra returned home, she put out a fabulous dinner for her children, seemingly impressed with their big win while she was away. It’s hard to know when Elektra is being sincere or sarcastic but whatever Blanca said to her really did seem to hit home as she revealed that they were all going to work together to show it up at the next ball. Rolling out some new, fabulous outfits from Saks and Bergdorf’s, Elektra made it clear they were going to take down all the other houses … beginning with those upstarts at the House of Evangelista. Maybe Blanca’s words cut just a little too close to the bone.

There was one more mother playing into this episode — the mother of Stan’s children. Patty Bowes was paid another visit by professional sleazebag Matt who is so bitter about Stan’s ascension within the organization, completely going over Matt’s head (and possibly sabotaging Matt by not telling him about a major board meeting with ‘the boss’) and garnering himself a promotion, that Matt is now doing what he can to sabotage Stan’s marriage. He tells Patty about Stan’s affair, and even gives her the address of the apartment where Angel is living. Patty decides to pay her a visit, but the apartment manager tells her the girl moved out, but the apartment is paid for three more months (so time is really flying if Stan did what he promised and got a one-year lease). Patty wants to know if her husband’s name is on the lease and the manager is hesitant to show her, but he lets her make the choice and Stan’s name is the only name on the lease.
Shook, she asks if there is a forwarding address for this Angel person. Some time later, Patty is getting all gussied up for a ‘girls’ night’ with her friends and Stan gets her a limo so she can have fun and not worry about driving. She takes that limo right to the Evangelistas’ apartment, but only Lil Papi is there, on his way to the ball. Patty says she knows Angel from work and she wants to see her, so Papi is more than happy to hop in her limo and take her to the ball. He runs in and Patty is unsure of what to do, but she finds the courage to make her way in, gets a few snarky comments from the girls about her ‘look’ and is stunned by what she sees as the battle between the Abundances and Evangelistas is underway. Then Angel is announced and she finally gets a look at the person her husband is having an affair with. As Angel steps out for a smoke, Patty is waiting … and she wants to talk.
Pose airs Sundays at 9:00 PM on FX.
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