The Muppets proves why you should never willingly date a comedian

ABC/Andrea McCallin

ABC/Andrea McCallin

Remind me to never date a comedian. Apparently everything in your relationship and every little quirk of yours becomes fodder for their stand-up material, if this week’s episode of The Muppets is any indication. Irony. Teenaged me would have jumped at the chance to date a comedian, as I spent many hours watching stand-up specials on Comedy Central, and anyone who knew me back then knows most of my crushes were on people like the “Not Ready for Prime Time Players” on ’70s SNL and Andy Kaufman. It’s true that I love to laugh just about more than anything else in life … but I’m way too sensitive to sit there like Becky did while Fozzie Bear told tasteless joke after joke at her expense.

Fozzie is a comedian who’s not used to getting many laughs. One might say most of his material bombs. Somehow he comes up with the idea to incorporate jokes about his new girlfriend Becky into his routine, and the audience loves it. Naturally, Becky does not share their enthusiasm at hearing how much she sounds like a tea kettle when she breathes or about how much she sweats. But what separates Becky from me is she’s capable of fighting fire with fire, making jokes at Fozzie’s expense to all of his co-workers so that he could see how it feels. Apparently, Cyndi Lauper’s “True Colors” makes Fozzie cry because of the haunting melody. I’m with you, Fozzie. I fail to see why that’s an embarrassing revelation. It’s a beautiful song! Really, is that the best Becky’s got?

Needless to say, it works. Fozzie decides to quit telling jokes about Becky, and his stage act once again suffers until she gives him permission to resume the jokes. I liked Becky’s attitude of “You’ve gotta be able to laugh at yourself, especially if your boyfriend is a comedian.” However, it looked like she had another change of heart at the end of the episode when she walked out on Fozzie, saying she couldn’t do it any more. You go, girl!

ABC/Nicole Wilder

ABC/Nicole Wilder

Reese Witherspoon was the celebrity guest this week – and yawn – wouldn’t you know she was utilized as being another grudge between Miss Piggy and a famous Hollywood starlet? We already saw this done the week Christina Applegate was on the program. I realize Miss Piggy is a diva, but how many celebrity grudge matches are we going to be subjected to on The Muppets? Apparently, Miss Piggy lost the role of June Carter Cash in Walk the Line to Reese – a role that she later received an Oscar for and Miss Piggy has never forgiven her. When Reese mentions how much charity work she does for Habitat for Humanity, Miss Piggy somehow manages to volunteer to do work at the same site as her the next day in a misguided effort to “out-do” her. Reese eventually sinks to Miss Piggy’s level, delivering funny, snide remarks including, “You’re too soft, spoiled and lazy to do manual labor” and “You know what my ring tone is? It’s the sound of people clapping when I got my Oscar.” The two manage to knock over the home that was being built during their petty quarrel in what becomes a PR nightmare for poor Kermit.

ABC/Andrea McCallin

ABC/Andrea McCallin

I’ve got to hand it to Miss Piggy though – nobody is capable of delivering an apology with more gusto. When she invites Reese back onto her program to say I’m sorry, it becomes an elaborately over-the-top affair with a show-stopping musical number, back-up dancers, confetti, “I’m sorry” banners and even a rap. Kermit delivers one of the best commentaries of the night when he says, “She made it very clear she was sorry. That being said, we could have built two houses for what that apology cost.”

However, the biggest laughs continue to come from Bobo the Bear (“I have an Associate’s degree; I use a towel.” – his remark when confronted by Fozzie about a bear phenomenon of “shaking it off” after a morning shower) and The Electric Mayhem (“Never use your real name. They’ll have drones over your house by nightfall.” – Floyd using the name “John Q. Public” when placing a drink order at the local food truck). That was just the right touch of convincing stoner’s paranoia/logic to redeem the episode for me, although I was more than a little disappointed the crew decided not to do a Halloween special. I don’t care what show it is; those are always the best. It was definitely a missed opportunity for a show I’m otherwise thoroughly enjoying.

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