Friends and family sometimes have an annoying meddling way about them even when they have the purest of intentions. Apparently Becky didn’t break up with Fozzie a few weeks ago, as in this episode, Fozzie sends Kermit into a frenzy when he tells him he’s thinking about asking her to move in with him. Sure, Fozzie’s only been with her for 12 weeks, but he admits this is his longest relationship by about 11 whole weeks. He knows she’s perfect for him, and he can’t wait to have someone to fight over the bathroom with and to boss him around when it comes to deciding what to watch on TV at night.
When you know something’s right, you just know. Call it intuition. Call it true love. Call it fate. Call it whatever you will. Who cares if it’s only been 12 weeks? It might be a mistake on Fozzie’s part, but that’s a mistake maybe he has to make for himself. When it comes to matters of the heart, only the involved parties know their true feelings and what’s right for them. And maybe it’s not a mistake. Maybe Fozzie knows he’s never felt this way about another in his entire life, and he doesn’t want to risk losing a good thing. Some people belong together in a way that perhaps doesn’t make sense to the rest of us. But shouldn’t we be happy for others and not so quick to tear them apart?
Kermit doesn’t believe Fozzie is ready for such a big step because of his innocent, childlike qualities. So he asks to double date with them so he can get to know Becky a bit better. He asks several awkward questions about criminal pasts and credit scores and ends up finding out more unfavorable things about his own new girlfriend Denise than he does about Becky. However, when he sees Becky secretly checking her phone under the table, he believes she’s cheating at the trivia game they’re playing at the pub.
He tries to trap her up with trivia questions at the office the next day, but everyone else hilariously answers the trivia questions instead. When he finally confronts Becky in front of Fozzie, she says she was actually bidding on a gift for Fozzie on eBay and it was the final moments of the auction. Kermit then looks like the biggest asshat ever! But luckily for him, Bobo the Bear is around to give him a big bear hug. I wish I had a Bobo the Bear constantly around waiting to hug me when I need it, which is probably more often than I’d care to admit.

The other major plot revolved around Scooter’s celebrity crush Chelsea Handler appearing on the show and saying she wants a sweetheart who’s a kind, lovable dork with a steady job. When Scooter asks her out, I think she pities him when she says yes. They go out, and according to Scooter, Chelsea tries to get “way too physical, way too fast” for him and now he must avoid her. However, it seems Chelsea won’t back down. She sends him a giant flower bouquet saying she can’t stop thinking about their goodnight kiss and she tells him he’s the best thing to happen to her in a long time and she doesn’t want to lose him.
In the end, Chelsea agrees to take things a bit slower for Scooter’s sake, while Fozzie ends up telling Kermit that he didn’t actually ask Becky to move in with him because he felt it was too soon after all. So Kermit needlessly meddled and worked himself up into an anxious mess for no reason. Let that be a lesson to all you naysayers out there: events are going to unfold as they’re meant to and maybe they’re not for you to control. Even if you think things might be going a little fast for someone you know, it’s probably not your place to tell them so. Eventually, they’ll either discover that for themselves or else they’ll prove you wrong. Either way, it’s best to let them figure it out.
The best thing about the show continues to be the Electric Mayhem. For some reason, they become convinced Kermit is a robot, and they decide to set a trap to prove it. That clever trap? A sign that says, “Free Cookies for Robots” next to a plate of cookies in the break room. To their dismay, Kermit chooses the fruit sitting next to it instead. However, Animal comes in soon after and hungrily devours all the cookies. I don’t know why, but the Mayhem always manage to hit me with the biggest laughs.