I think The Muppets’ producers made the right decision to air the final two episodes of the season (“Generally Inhospitable” and “Because … Love”) on the same night. The first episode was largely unremarkable except for the appearance of guest star Willie Nelson and for what happened at the end. However, it did pave the way nicely for the second episode with special guest star Jack White of The White Stripes.
After Miss Piggy suffers a “heroic dancing accident” breaking her leg while rehearsing a dance set to Beyonce’s “Single Ladies,” Kermit arranges for the show to be taped live from her hospital room rather than let the branding guru replace her with a trendy guest host DJ. For someone who notoriously loves attention, it was weird to see Miss Piggy so averse to receiving medical attention. Kermit and Uncle Deadly had to practically force her to go to the hospital even though it was clear her leg was broken and she couldn’t walk on it, let alone dance on it.

At first, it seemed the live show was going to be a disaster, as Miss Piggy accidentally hit her morphine drip too many times. Thankfully though, the other Muppets all pitched in their talents and the network was pleased by so many fans tweeting about how much they enjoyed the special show afterward. The best segment involved a mini lesson in molecular gastronomy combining the forces of the Swedish Chef with Bunsen and Beaker, whom we haven’t really seen much of in the past several weeks. What did our trio attempt to make? Why, meatball ice cream of course. Yum?
But the best part of the first episode was without a doubt watching Willie Nelson play from two of his most iconic songs (“On the Road Again” and “Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground”) along with The Electric Mayhem in what was perhaps the most natural pairing of Muppets and guest stars all season. I could’ve watched them play together the entire half hour, and arguably it would have been more enjoyable than watching the bizarre subplot involving the writing staff holding the branding guru hostage. Although I’m happy they finally got him off their backs once and for all, and it was fun to see Sweetums in a more centralized role.

And what about that final moment when the drugged Miss Piggy was being wheeled off into surgery and she and Kermit exchanged a quick “I love you?” While that may have been a tad clichéd, it had me more than ready for the second episode. Miss Piggy may have been drugged, but Kermit was of sound mind. I knew they still loved each other!
However, we still had 30 more minutes of finale left to fill so Kermit had to analyze his feelings for Miss Piggy and weigh the pros and cons of their relationship because he over-thinks everything to death. That being said, I’m convinced Kermit is my spirit animal. Not just because he over-analyzes everything (especially when it comes to relationships) or because he’s easy to panic, but it was also the scene in which we got to watch him drive around with Jack White while rocking out to The White Stripes. That is totally me behind the wheel, and I was more than a little envious he got to hang out with and ask Jack White for love advice. I adored just about everything in that scene.

Jack White’s cover of “You Are the Sunshine of My Life” was amazing. Everyone should take a page from Kermit’s book of romance. He not only got Jack White to play their official song on the air, but he also always arranged for Miss Piggy to have calzones on every flight she ever took while they were together and since. I always knew the finale would probably cliffhang before we ever got to see Kermit and Miss Piggy officially back together, but I was hoping somehow I’d be wrong and we’d have some resolution on the relationship front. But alas, Miss Piggy passed out on the plane before sharing her complete, coherent thoughts and feelings about getting back together with Kermit. I’ll just have to wait to tune in next season to see what else happens on their love roller coaster because … I love The Muppets despite their flaws.
What did you think of this season? Tell us in the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you!