KFC And The Beauty Of Norm



So … let’s talk about Norm MacDonald for a few moments.

If you don’t care for the man, it won’t take long, I promise. If you like him, you’ll probably appreciate what I have to say.

Norm MacDonald is a Canadian, born in Quebec City, Quebec.

Norm MacDonald is, first and foremost, a comedian having contributed on the daunting stand-up stage. As well he’s a writer, actor and producer on and in television and film. Not only a comedian — and a unique one at that — the guy’s got a wit to rival any takers-on. MacDonald is probably most famous for his five seasons as a cast member of Saturday Night Live (“anchoring” Weekend Update for the show the majority of his tenure there) with his often dry sense of humor, perfect for skewering politics and politicos, something he did time and again among many other skits. A few of his television credits include his titular The Norm Show (as Norm Henderson), The Fairly Oddparents (where he voiced Norm The Genie), My Name Is Earl (as Little Chubby) and, recently, in Mike Tyson Mysteries (Pigeon), among many others.

Norm MacDonald is a funny, funny guy able to put tongue in cheek and cough up an absurd line without flinching, making the listener believe he speaks truth. His quirky deliveries are part of his character and they work perfectly for him. Yes, for many he might be an acquired taste … but that doesn’t discount the fact he’s a terrific comedian. (Side Note: David Letterman loved the guy — MacDonald was a frequent guest on Letterman’s shows.)

But you know the one thing Norm MacDonald is not?


He’s not creepy at all. Not in the least.

“I’m Colonel Sanders … I know that …”
*looks off to his right, waiting for anyone from the film crew — director, camera man, script supervisor, gaffer, etc. — to challenge his proclamation*

So when he slipped into the Colonel Sander’s persona to take over for Darrell Hammond (and we can only assume that’s what’s happened in light of the most recent KFC commercials) it shook things up and righted the world, so to speak. The guy even called out Hammond as a fake. (Whether this is a calculated part of the KFC campaign or something MacDonald came up with and convinced the KFC Powers That Be to run with I haven’t a clue. But it’s terrific.)

Want to know what else is terrific? When MacDonald looks in the camera, states “Howdy folks, it’s me: The real Colonel Sanders” and shrugs at the camera. I don’t care who you are, that’s damned funny stuff right there.

“Hey young people.
After a long day of spontaneous road trips and break dancing,
well … you get hungry …”

Want one more little tidbit? Of course you do: Norm MacDonald, as the real Colonel Sanders, is a beautiful thing to come on the heels of uncomfortable Colonel Sanders characterization of Darrell Hammond.

MacDonald’s “double down” is the best thing to come out of KFC since, well … KFC’s own Double Down.

“Finger lickin’ good” indeed.

Last thing: I’m stealing this and using it for the next few weeks. I don’t care if I’m a colonel or not:

“You’re a parent, I’m a colonel, we’re both busy people.”



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One Comment

  1. What a grand relief! When I canceled cable it was nice to never see creepy, lock-up-the-kids, hide valuables Hammondized Col. Sanders.
    I like Norm aka Turd Ferguson.