Grey’s Anatomy :: Every Day is A Holiday (With You)


Seriously? SERIOUSLY!? This week was an ACTUAL crossover with Bailey spending a few good scenes at Station 19 and they DIDN’T market it as a crossover? WHAT. THE. HELL. COME ON!!! (That was actually worth watching- and not just for the recycled-revered plot line of Lexi loves George and he was oblivious and then died with Miller and Vic!) So Bailey is all bent out of shape, because exactly as she feared — Pru’s grandparents have come to take her away. (Though the Station 19 preview in three weeks time implies that she’s going to go to battle for her.) The bigger takeaway there was Bailey and her profound words of wisdom to Noah’s (recurring patient in Hunt’s care) wife — ‘Everyone else around you is falling apart and now it’s your turn.’ Now if Bailey could just take her own advice rather than trying to hold everything and everyone together.

We don’t get much of Meredith this week, but what we do get — we GET. (Nobody didn’t see THAT coming, and I’m not just talking about the S-E-X.) A snowstorm (what are they — prophetic? The Midwest and Eastern central seaboard are looking down the barrel of a potential snowstorm to wreck Thanksgiving as we speak!) strands Mer…after McDonor (Dr. Scott Speedman) has already taken off for his magical cabin in the woods. And while she’s bummed about ‘being her mother and missing Thanksgiving with her kids’ she does get to keep him company on the phone while he drives. Which inevitably ends him up — AT HER HOTEL ROOM DOOR. Because of course he turned around and came back for her. (He is McDoOver…) and with some very poorly lit sexy time and a promise of ‘going to the cabin in the morning’, they’re happy. (Until the series returns post-Thanksgiving in three weeks time and she’s ordering him out of her O.R. while he insists she operates on his best friend. Recycled plot anyone?)

Meanwhile back in Seattle we’ve got Amelia trying and epically failing to cook Thanksgiving dinner for the kids. Link shows up to save the day, as he does, and even though there’s no turkey, the kids are loving it. Zola asks some intense medical question; Amelia delivers a textbook answer. Bailey asks ‘What’s sex’ and the world (both on screen and off) dissolves into giggles. This delightful day in House of Grey-Shepherd ends with a Link-n-Kids dance party, and after the kids are in bed? A Link-n-Amelia horizontal dance party. That even though she tells him nothing’s changed? We leave them having sexy time on the couch! (There was a very cute text from Dr. Kai at the top of the episode, but like with all Grey’s characters … out of sight? Out of mind!)

There’s some shenanigans and horsing around with Megan, Teddy, and Owen — but everything gets heavy in a hurry when Owen is supposed to be headed home to his mom to cook Thanksgiving dinner and Noah returns with a collapsed lung. Owen gets sidetracked taking Noah’s kid to the video game research lab from Amelia’s study (blue light room and plant room are still around too!) while Teddy and Megan have a heart-to-heart about ‘doing whatever it takes’ to defend your son. Because Teddy is worries that Owen’s mother (played by the delightful Deborah Mooney) isn’t going to understand/accept Leo and his princess costumes and girl dresses. And Teddy is afraid that if she has to go to bat for her son that it will wreck her relationship with Owen’s mom. They never really get to resolve that because Farouk bottoms out and they have to call a code. By the time Hayes arrives, they’ve been running the code for 30 minutes, unable to get his heart back and he makes the very rational decision (whilst screaming ‘You’re his Aunt; You’re his mother! I’m his doctor!’) to put him Eckmo, and ultimately the transplant list.

Schmidt and Dr. Webber get to deal with a pregnant patient who is so overworked that she doesn’t notice her appendix basically rupturing around her 31-week old baby until it’s too late (prompting a brilliant conversation between said patient’s husband and Jo — who points out that this society is TERRIBLE at giving women room to express what they need, to exclaim that they can’t do it all and that they need help without fear of being thought less of.) And while all this is going on, Schmidt’s mother has showed up, unannounced, with Thanksgiving dinner and sets up a feast in the cafeteria for her son while he rushes off to surgery. And then poor Nico shows up and gets roped into a conversation — about marriage, babies, and what they’ll name the kids. (Though that seems to pan out just fine by the time Schmidt does arrive … except does no one else remember that Nico isn’t out to his family? And wasn’t that part of the shame spiral before? Or did that get glossed over in the pandemic?)

All in all a good Thanksgiving episode. STILL no Maggie (but now Winston has been sucked up into Boston with her … and they do appear in the preview for the post-Turkeyday, pre-winter finale episode … so they’re around … I guess …) And at least no interns invited any attendings over to cook dinner this year.

What did you think of this episode? Start a conversation in the comments section below.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 9:00 PM on ABC.

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