Grey’s Anatomy :: Back In The Saddle



Seriously.  Is Kim Raver show-hopping/season-splitting/preggo-in-real life? Or are we still juggling budgets and because we brought Jason George back this week we had to keep her and the newborn out of the episode? It was delightful to see Ben Warren – especially since all we saw of him this week was topless! (If you’re going to use your eye candy for no good reason …)

Bailey’s bitch streak is BACK!!! Remember how she used to torture Meredith once she found out McDreamy & her were shacking up? Well … she’s torturing DeLuca much the same … though she’s got a point about Helm needing the fear, practice, and adrenaline. And she can whine all she likes – but after that low-blow move? Tom Koracick deserves her job. Or the privilege of her job. Or whatever she’s whining about losing (when it doesn’t seem like she actually lost anything). Strong woman of color is one thing. Not standing by your three finest people (one of whom owns the hospital) and seeing that what they were doing was for the greater good? That makes you stupid. Get it together, Bailey.

I would say poor Tom Koracick … but he is *such* an ass! Of course having char-burnt balls can’t be a walk in the park. 100% believe it was an accident? But much like Koracick’s proper jerkface style … ? His response with Owen … yeah.

Sort of surprised that the plant-therapy room is still around. Really pleased to see it used as a ‘safe space’ for ‘grown-up people talk.’ Three or four seasons ago that would have been a knock-down drag-out dramallama between Amelia & Link about this baby. But they’ve grown. That’s sort of why this week’s episode is so weird … having some characters mature into unrecognizable sage and seasoned adults is just odd. While others *coughcough* Maggie *coughcough* still remain petulant toddlers with tantrums. Whatever they decide – baby … no baby … though at the moment it looks like they’re leaning towards baby … I think they’re going to be just fine. You know, in spite of cancer, brain tumors, global warming, gun-violence, etc. But pray to St. McDreamy & St. McSteamy when Hunt finds out about THAT.

Maggie needs to go. Far away. Like Nermal from Garfield. Box her up and ship her away because she is on everyone’s last nerve. It’s like Kepner left and the peppy perky annoying obnoxious Kepner from six or seven seasons ago has reincarnated herself … in Maggie. Only worse and more annoying. She’s childish, moody, and SELFISH! And this isn’t even Jackson-related. Her freakout in the ER over that dying patient. ‘He can’t die because I’ll get charged with vehicular manslaughter and go to jail! Woe is me!’ How about ‘he can’t die because he’s a human being – somebody’s son, somebody’s boyfriend, etc.’ She’s so self-centered!! At least April was just annoying. The interesting bit of her being Meredith’s sister and Richard’s daughter has worn itself out. Time to go, Maggie. Buh-bye!


Nice to see Qadri, Schmidt, and Helm back in action … still no Parker … did he not make the cut this season? (Think I saw Niko in there for a brief second … not sure …)

Webber and Karev are hacking it the best they can. Sort of felt sad for Webber when he said he figured he’d just drop dead one day in OR2 … though it was sort of funny. And is Pacific North Western in California? Because I swear Karev said, ‘Riggs keeps bringing in more patients.’ (Yes, yes, we all know he meant the ambulance rigs – not Nathan McHotty Riggs …) And glad that he and Jo are going to be okay. (Did anyone else hear them paging Doctor Wilson just as she was coming to talk to Bailey at the end?) But it’s sort of like we just don’t care if they turn PacNorth around or not … how much longer do we have to wait this nonsense out before they get to come back to Grey-Sloan?

Meredith and her road-side clinic is too real. Hearing Robin’s story about if she loses her job she can’t pay rent or for her asthma medication because insurance only covers one inhaler a month … or she shells out $500 for another one. THAT is the sad reality where we are living. THAT is what’s wrong with our system. It is so far broken – that Meredith Grey (stupidly – thank you, Bailey) gets fired for trying to help someone who slid through the greedy and corrupt cracks of our insurance system. THIS is what makes Grey’s relevant after 16 seasons. Because the rest of the twisted-up backwards nonsense sure isn’t cutting it. (Shout-out to the skills lab test blast from the past!)

And we get a bonus ‘cast from the past’ (because apparently that’s a thing now on ABC … of course I always thought Charmed ran on Fox or WB …) next week … where Meredith continues to not work at Grey-Sloan, the hospital she owns, and two of ‘The Charmed Ones’ are coming on. As sisters.

Nerd shout-out to Schmidt (and also Jackson, I guess.) He is so totally Neville … and Meredith is definitely Harry Potter. (Does that make DeLuca Ginny? And does Jackson think he’s Ron?) Who cares – we all just love that HP got mad cred this week. (Bailey is totally in Slytherin mode right now …)

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.

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