Grey’s Anatomy took an infinity-hiatus … well what felt like infinity for those of us needing our weekly fix of Grey-Sloan Memorial and all of its shenanigans … for the Olympics. Now that all that’s over with, we’re back in full swing with all the dramallamas of Seattle Grace and then some! Last week’s episode – ‘You Really Got a Hold On Me’ – was a great spin-off to introduce Ben’s new series … whatever they’re calling it. Station 19 or whatever. And as much as the new chic, Herrerah, kicks major ass with all her charm and attitude, I just don’t care. Convenient that it’s in the same realm (and city) as Grey-Sloan so that crossovers and the return of Ben will be slightly more likely, but otherwise … #notashondashow.
All that said, does anyone else notice the not-so-subtly-recycled plot lines that Shonda is trying to hide in plain sight and failing at? Like the hand in the body cavity moment with Herrarah? When Meredith was talking her down, don’t you think – despite the incident having happened over a decade ago – that Meredith would have said something about how she was in a similar situation? If you’re going to recycle plot lines, have the guts to acknowledge it.
It was really nice to see all the former hospital signs, including the Denny Duquette Memorial Clinic sign inside of Bailey’s office. Also nice to see that Webber hasn’t stopped having his chief mentality when it comes to looking out for Bailey, even though he hasn’t been chief in ages. Also, the shocked look on Arizona’s face at the end of the episode was priceless. So too was April’s ‘you’re Harriet’s daddy, not mine’ dismissal of Jackson. Can’t say I’m sorry to see Kepner self-imploding. (Even more elated that Sarah Drew’s contract has not been renewed for Season 15!!! Tragically, however, neither has Jessica Capshaw’s. In a perfect world, Kepner will die and Arizona will migrate away with Carina, but this is Shonda we’re talking about here …)

On to this week’s episode, which was cheeky, sexy, really funny, and totally absurd. Yet again we have more of Meredith’s mysterious childhood and Ellis Grey coming back to haunt us. Yet again preposterous things. Auntie who? Why have we never once ever heard anything about this person who made Meredith experience happiness as a child? Yet she can recall so clearly how awesome her 8th birthday was because Auntie Whatshername filled the room with balloons. I call total and utter and complete lack-of-creativity-desperate-nonsense on Shonda’s part. Why, when the series does so well in other areas, does she feel the need to throw nonsense like this into the mix? (And if the preview for Episode 15 is any indication, it sounds like we’re looking at an unrequited love triangle with this Marian being in love with Ellis who was in love with Richard whilst being married to Thatcher … and can anyone verify if Thatch is still alive?!?)
The only upside to that is that we just might get one of those bogus recap/recall episodes which will have Kate Burton returning to reprise her role as Ellis Grey! Wouldn’t that be awesome? Now, onto the rest of the episode. While I can’t say I’m over the moon about the Jaggie thing, at least it’s finally happened. And now we can stop waffling on the fence about it. Also – didn’t Jackson have a thing with Lexie – I’m talking back in Season 7 or whatever pre-plane crash? When he was sort of fighting Sloan for her? Watch out, Meredith … he might be coming for you next.
Glad to see Parker still featuring strongly. Hellmouth and Glasses are still not impressive, but glad to see that the awkward incompetence of interns is still very much a thing! (And last week – how hardcore amazing was Qadri?? SHE is the Christina of her class … but with the compassion of George and the ethics of Bailey.) And it looks like DeLuca and Bello are finally gonna get it on. Yet another one I could care less about, but at least all the waffling is over.
Stop. Pause. Rewind. In that mad mix somewhere was insanely hot and steamy sexual frustration flirtation between Hunt and Shepherd. And they too will be getting on before the episode’s out, fear not! (Despite the return of Doctor ToolFace, aka Greg Germann, who takes slutty Kepner home at the end of the episode … making that TWO former Ally McBeal actors that Kepner has been on the ropes with!) And flashback to last week – despite his being a total tool, Dr. Tool was wicked knowledgeable about Broadway, so he gets two points for that.
Moving back … and forth … and back … to Owen and Amelia. She brought up something very interesting … “tumor marriage.” Didn’t they prove like three or four episodes ago that her decision making and all the wild-n-crazy that is Amelia is still pretty much there even without the tumor? So doesn’t that mean that the marriage is worth having a second look at? Hmm …
The final note, perhaps the only profound thing to happen this week (in total opposite of Bailey and Webber watching the replay and laughing their asses off at the ER footage … which brings back the fond memories of Stan the ER robot who Webber used to use to goof around with poor George …) was Alex and his compassionate push to get Kimmy on medical marijuana, to help her eat, to prevent an NG tube, and to ease her pain. The way they handled that with the initial rebuke from her grandmother, his addressing of the issue, and advocating for his patient – like Arizona raised him to do – was superb. Made my night.
Send up a prayer to Shondaland that Meredith doesn’t lose all her mini livers because of some long-dead 3-way love-triangle disaster. PS – how freaking amazing were her kids last week? All grown up?!
Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 8:00 PM on ABC.
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