Dynasty :: There’s No Need To Panic


Let’s Talk About ‘There’s No Need To Panic’: 

  • Fallon gets some important news but she needs confirmation before telling anyone else.
  • The war between Adam and Amanda escalates when he learns she’s moved into the manor.
  • Sam opens up an old wound for Liam which drives him to rewrite the end of his movie.
  • Alexis wants Fallon and Dex to bond but everything seems to come unglued.
  • The control tower for Blake’s airport is not up to code and there’s only one person Cristal knows who can get it fixed on time for the opening — Sonya.
  • Alexis and Fallon get some unexpected and unwelcome visitors at the penthouse.
  • Kirby returns and gets dragged into Amanda’s feud.
  • No sign of Dominique of Jeff this week.
  • The episode was directed by Robin Givens.

This week was another mish-mash of silly storylines that are pretty much going nowhere with just a few minor exceptions.

Blake & Cristal

Blake’s airport is only two weeks away from opening but there is a problem with the control tower, which needs to be brought up to code before it can be used. Unfortunately, Blake can’t find anyone who is will to help him out with such a short deadline. Instead of anyone offering him a hand, he tells Cristal they’re just giving him the middle finger. As a business partner in the endeavor, Cristal does some research and finds one company that may be willing to help … but it happens to belong to Blake’s old friend Sonya and after they skipped out on her little private party invitation recently, Blake isn’t sure it’s a good idea and he certainly doesn’t want to be forced into an orgy in exchange for services. Cristal tells him the only way they can open on time is to deal with Sonya so he agrees. Luckily she isn’t holding any grudges, but informs them that with such a short timeline to complete the work, it will run them 300% over cost. Blake isn’t biting on that deal, so Sonya invites the couple to her house for a night of fun and games. They accept because they have no choice but Cristal assures Blake this is just business, not funny business. They get all dolled up in some sexy clothing and find the other guests are in formal wear. It really is a night of fun and games, but the Carringtons feel slightly humiliated. Having a bit of a chuckle at their discomfort, Sonya makes Blake another offer — if he wins a game against her, she’ll do the job for cost. If not, the price is now 400% above cost. The game is Rock-Paper-Scissors, but some bizarre version that Sonya has made up which involves swords, silk and gold. Cristal tries to tell Blake how to play the game because she can sense how Sonya is going to play but he ignores her suggestions and chooses silk. As Cristal predicted, Sonya chose the sword and cut the silk so she wins.

Unhappy that Blake doubted her, Cristal gets Adam to play a standard game of R-P-S with her and she wins every time, knowing that her instincts were right (perhaps she’s gotten some of Riverdale‘s Jughead’s mind reading power). Adam talks about how Alexis keeps doubting him in their partnership and it rang a bell for Cristal, so she took matters into her own hands and went to see Sonya again. Sonya told her she could not change the deal, but Cristal said Sonya’s deal was with Blake. She’s there to forge her own deal — 100% above cost and Sonya’s company gets first bid on any projects with the Flores company. Sonya took it, and Blake was a little ruffled that Cristal went behind his back. She reminded him that the Flores company was the majority owner of the airport so she didn’t need him to sign off. Blake seemed to have felt a little emasculated but Cristal got the job done and the airport will open on time.



It’s the last day of filming on the movie, and while Fallon is hoping to share some news with him later, he tells her it will be more convenient for him to stay at the hotel that night. At the hotel, Sam pops by to say hello to Liam and for some reason feels the need to bring up Liam and Fallon’s past, or as Sam points out, how Lima stole Fallon from Culhane. Liam is a bit incensed about that, but feels now that he needs to change the end of the movie to make the Lionel character more sympathetic. Liam brings the new pages to Culhane but he tells him that Nina is happy with the original ending and that is the one she’s shooting. Liam has a bit of a hissy fit and tears of the original pages and tosses them in the air … but Culhane reminds him they have copies. It was symbolic. The film is wrapped with the original ending but Liam still tries to get Nina to film his new ending to see which one works, asking if she can ‘unwrap’ the production. She tells him that’s not how it works but she begins to understand that Liam is trying to rewrite history instead of talking about it. When he says he’s never talked to Culhane about it she said of course not because they’re men. So Liam does suck it up and talks to Culhane and tells him he just doesn’t like the suggestion that he stole Fallon. Culhane is amused by Liam’s worry telling him that Fallon is a woman who makes her own decisions and she ended up with the person she was supposed to be with. Liam sees that Culhane is right and he feels a lot better about the ending to the movie now.

Amanda, Adam & Kirby

The games between Amanda and Adam are getting tiresome. After displaying his displeasure about Amanda moving into the manor, he decides to make her life hell at work so she’ll either resign or be fired. He brings her some files that legal needs to go over to make sure the hospital is in compliance with some new rules and she’s nor ruffled by the little extra work. And then Adam has a herd or orderlies lug in several boxes of files. To get back at him, she has his computer confiscated because there are some alleged security issues, but what she was really looking for was information on the new serum he’s been working on. She has a feeling that there is something illegal going on, but she can’t just walk into his lab to see what he’s doing. Instead she asks Kirby to spy for her … not two minutes after she’d returned from Milan, wanting to talk to Amanda about that kiss before she left. Amanda is a little embarrassed about that because she knows Kirby is with Charlie so she just wants to pretend it didn’t happen, and Kirby agrees to spy after Amanda said Adam could have her deported back to England.

Kirby does get a little information from Adam and knows he’s keeping something in the refrigerator in the lab. Adam isn’t stupid and he knowns Kirby is snooping for Amanda. But the next day the power is out in the lab and Amanda is certain she’s ruined the illegal ingredients Adam has been using. Except she didn’t because Adam moved the ingredients to the refrigerator in his own office … which she had confiscated. She’s no dummy either. She knew he’d move the serum to a safe location and his office is the only place that has a medical-grade fridge. But she had no intention of destroying his supply, she just wanted to expose him to cost him his Chief of Staff position. Later Amanda goes to Kirby’s apartment to apologize for dragging her into the feud, and Kirby tells her that she was very confused about that kiss the whole time she was in Milan. Amanda felt bad about that because of Charlie and hopes Kirby can forgive her, but Kirby tells her she’s not with Charlie anymore — not wanting to mix business and pleasure — so perhaps they can explore that kiss again. And again.

Fallon & Alexis


Fallon’s day starts out with some big news — her pregnancy test is positive, but she isn’t telling anyone until she can confirm with with her doctor. But first she has to go to breakfast with Alexis and Dex, someplace she does not want to be because she doesn’t feel the need to bond with Alexis’ latest boy toy that she’ll be bored with in two weeks. Dex also feels that maybe this sit down wasn’t such a great idea and he takes off so he can get some work done before he flies out of town for the next couple of weeks. When Fallon tries to leave to get to her doctor’s appointment, she and Alexis are greeted by two armed men in her elevator (okay, does this building have no security?). Apparently Alexis was livestreaming some jewelry store shopping spree and they are there to steal the jewels. After Fallon gives them her phone, Alexis throws hers at one of the men and she grabs Fallon, taking her to Alexis’ panic room. Or as Fallon puts it, day spa. Because who has a full stocked wine refrigerator in a panic room? Once locked inside, Alexis pushes the alarm button, and hearing nothing Fallon says she hopes it’s a silent alarm. It isn’t. The men have cut the phone line so the police are not coming. As they keep making threats to the women, Fallon keeps trying to tell Alexis to give the men what they want so they can get out of the room but Alexis refuses. When they find a safe, Alexis finally gives in and tells the them combination (the date of her divorce from Blake) but it’s just costume jewelry and they are not happy.

Alexis finally comes up with an idea and it involves that very expensive wine refrigerator which has an alarm if the temperature goes too high. They wheel it over to the fireplace and Alexis turns on the intercom. The alarm sounds and the robbers think it’s the real alarm so they take off. But with the phone line cut, they also cut the power to unlock the door to the panic room so Alexis and Fallon are stuck. Fallon is pissed and still doesn’t understand why Alexis wouldn’t just give them what they wanted, and she reveals that she had the ring on her the entire time — an engagement ring. She was going to propose to Dex before he left because she feared she was going to lose him. That made Fallon feel a little better about the situation but when Alexis asked her what meeting was so important Fallon told her she might be pregnant. Alexis was thrilled she knew before Liam but swore she would not tell. But they still had nowhere to go, only with hope that Alexis’ staff would show up the next morning and let them out. They did and Fallon ran off to the doctor, but asked if Alexis was going to chase Dex around the world or wait to see if he returned? Alexis was going to go to the airport to catch him but she decided to wait and hope … and then Dex showed up at her place because he hadn’t been able to get a hold of her. She admitted she was just about to go to the airport, and he asked if she was going to propose to him. She said she was, and he said that was funny because that’s what he was there to do as he got down on one knee. She said yes.

Fallon returned to the manor to find Liam there wondering where she’d been. Long story but she had some news for him. Unfortunately, the pregnancy test was a false positive but Liam said that was okay, they’ll keep trying. Fallon said it wouldn’t change anything because due to the scar tissue from where she was shot, she’d never be able to carry a baby. Now the question is will this news have a negative effect on their happy marriage?

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