Well there was another crazy time jump this week as somehow between the previous episode and this one, Fallon has launched her shopping network and it’s already the Number 2 shopping channel on TV. But of course that isn’t good enough for her. Her oats are also frosted because the Number 1 network is courting Dominique to feature her new fashion line. Fallon doesn’t have the budget to turn Dom’s head, but she needs Dominque to help drive her viewership. So what better way to do it than sabotage the deal? Calling her friend NeNe Leakes, who has had a long relationship with the rival network, Fallon lets drop that they are trying to snag Dominique — whom NeNe has never heard of — and that might impact any deal she has with them. But Fallon is more than happy to let NeNe use her name as leverage to get a better deal … in the hopes that it will scuttle the one with Dom and then she’ll come running to Fallon.
NeNe does get a better deal, and the one with Dominique is killed but she lets Fallon know that she’s going to sign with a major retailer in 48 hours. So Fallon’s plan worked … just not in her favor. But that’s not going to stop her because Fallon has it upon a new idea — she’ll be the network’s new fashion designer because (surprise) Fallon has been designing clothes for her entire life. This is the first we’ve heard of this talent, I believe. But her quest to conquer her rivals again takes a toll on her relationship with Liam as they were to attend an awards ceremony together. Overhearing all of this is Fallon’s new assistant Eva, and from the moment she laid eyes on Liam it seemed like she was going to try and come between them. With Fallon ditching Liam’s event, Eva just happened to show up and she knows an awful lot about Liam. He’s flattered and asks her to sit in Fallon’s empty seat at their table. She even happened to have a chestnut for him to put in his pocket for good luck, just like his favorite author Hemingway. Ruh-roh.
Meanwhile, Culhane has a new deal lined up with a vodka distributor for the new club but Sam isn’t mentally prepared to deal with anything as he can’t move past Leo’s death. He needs to go to the woods — he doesn’t know where the woods are — to get a sign to help him move on. They have a meeting with the vodka people in 24 hours so Culhane tags along to help push Sam along and help him find that sign. It doesn’t work and a frustrated Culhane leaves Sam to his own devices, but that pesky Anders keeps popping up to remind everyone he’s just their conscience, and he tells Culhane that perhaps he isn’t as over Leo’s death as he pretends to be. When Sam returns, Culhane apologizes and admits he’s a basket case as well, and that apology was the sign Sam needed. The bromance, and the vodka deal, is saved!
Blake is about to launch his campaign for senator, but his campaign manager screwed up the dates for when the signatures to add him to the ballot were due. Blake fired the guy and talked Cristal into being the campaign manager. She took the bull by the horns but the clock was ticking and they needed 300 more signatures before 5 PM, so she bought all of the Girl Scout cookies from a troop on the street and got them to go door to door to get the signatures. They came through but traffic did not and Cristal was two minutes late delivering the signatures. The elections official — who reminded her how much Georgia elections are under scrutiny — refused to accept her paperwork, so she tossed all the other stacks into the air and then dumped her own into the mess, forcing the poor guy to have to sort and certify all of them because he wouldn’t know which ones were hers.

And who is the young woman stalking Alexis? Alexis was having a good day with Fallon, and then a bad day with Adam when she had Fallon call in a fake illness for a friend who needed a house call. Adam was not happy when he learned it was Alexis (her new, bare apartment from last week is completely finished and furnished this week) and told her that she lied to him, she brought Oliver to Atlanta to break up him and Kirby, and he’s done with her. Pretty tough words from the guy who shoved his mother’s face into a fireplace, changing her from Nicolette Sheridan to Elaine Hendrix. After he storms out, Alexis goes to the hospital to give Adam a family heirloom piece of jewelry that she planned to leave him in her will, but since she’s dead to him now he might as well not have to wait for it. The ring does the trick and Adam is willing to give her one more chance.
While interviewing new housekeepers, the mysterious woman stalking Alexis shows up at her apartment and it’s … Amanda, of course! In Atlanta to confront Alexis because she learned the truth about her ‘cousin’ after her ‘mother’ died. Alexis explains the whole story to her about the affair and the complicated Carrington family dynamic, and who should pop by again but Adam. Alexis introduces Amanda as his cousin, and he’s all excited to introducer her to Fallon. So he decides to do it at their father’s press conference announcing his candidacy. At the same time, Dominique has been given the honor of introducing Blake, which she will use to hawk her clothing line, and Fallon tries to usurp her position by going on first to make the introduction and hawk her own fashion line wearing a pantsuit that was hastily sewn onto her body. As the two women battled over a piece of paper with the bullet points for the event, Fallon went too far and ripped the sleeves off of her jacket, forcing her to retreat to her room.
Dom actually showed Fallon some compassion and offered to fix her sleeves so she could rejoin the event … and Fallon apologized (!) for her behavior. In the end, Dom suggested they go down there in front of the media and announce their new joint venture. Fallon actually thought taking the spotlight off of Blake at that moment would not be the right thing to do. But she did meet her new ‘cousin’, although she didn’t believe Adam at first, saying some really awful things about him to her. Amanda quickly began to realize why Alexis was keeping her away from the family. And then Alexis showed and and saw her three children chatting. Assuming Amanda was spilling the beans, Alexis barged into the conversation and actually spilled the beans herself because Amanda was still playing along as the cousin. And with that lie right to Adams face when he first met Amanda, it looks like the end of that relationship with Alexis. Fallon isn’t thrilled either and no one ever mentions Steven.
In the end, Cristal told Blake she enjoyed helping him that day but she did not want to be his full time campaign manager, and he was good with that. Alexis made amends with Amanda and offered to let her stay with her at the new apartment, and Liam actually won the award he didn’t think he was going to win. Fallon also sincerely apologized to him for putting business ahead of their relationship, and being the cool guy he is, he accepted and things seems fine between them. But … he pulled that chestnut out of his pocket and smiled. Was it simply because the good luck charm worked or was it because it reminded him of Eva? I think that girl is going to be bad news (and now I wonder if she took the job with Fallon Unlimited in the hopes of getting closer to Liam). Hands off Liam!
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