Dynasty :: But I Don’t Need Therapy


Are we over the death of Anders yet? It’s only been a week for us, but two weeks in Carrington time. I suppose we shouldn’t have been too surprised by his death since the original series Anders died in the second episode of the fourth season (although by suicide after unsuccessfully trying to kill Alexis). Perhaps by coincidence, both actors who played Anders had wanted to exit their shows so both met an untimely demise. But is Anders really gone?

First there’e the matter of Kirby. When last we saw her, Sam and Fallon had been directed to the apartment she’d been squatting in with Oliver before he dumped her messy ass and let Alexis know where she was. She had OD’ed which made us wonder if both members of the Anders family were going to depart, but after being in a medically induced coma, Kirby is fine and dandy, swearing she’s never going to touch the booze and drugs again. Hold that thought because she still doesn’t know her father is dead, and Fallon and Sam are the ones tasked with breaking the news to her.

She oddly seemed to take it very well, asking Fallon to help her get a modeling job at a big fashion event coming up to help keep her busy. Fallon and Sam think she’s not dealing with her feelings, but she insists she’s fine and Fallon starts bending over backwards to make Kirby happy. Sam grows concerned about both of them, confronting Fallon about dealing with her own feelings over the loss of the man who was a second father to her. She says she made her peace at the funeral and that’s that. Sam isn’t buying it.

Fallon has to make a terrible deal with the woman running the fashion show, giving her daughter an assistant editor position at the magazine in exchange for her putting a complete unknown on the runway (supermodels have been booked a year in advance, you see). But seeing Kirby’s nerves showing before hitting the runway, Fallon and Sam discover the water she’s been drinking all day is … vodka. She freaks out when she’s called out, and freaks out again when it’s time to go on, collapsing backstage. I’m completely surprised that the awful woman didn’t make Fallon go on in Kirby’s place. But at least with Kirby not in the show, Fallon doesn’t have to hire the blogging daughter. But tucking Kirby into bed at home, they discover three more bottles of booze hidden in the closet. It’s time for an intervention … for two. Fallon takes Kirby to the cemetery so they can both get some closure with their feelings and the ghost of Anders even makes himself visible to Kirby to share some fatherly love and words of advice. Perhaps both she and Fallon will be okay now.


Sam and Culhane are finding their business relationship with the contractor on even shakier ground when they find a box with ‘BOSS’ written on it sitting on the bar in the club. Thinking it’s for Sam, he opens it and finds plastic bags full of white powder. This whole segment dissolves into silliness when Sam decides to dispose of the box in the dumpster of a neighboring hotel, then dumpster diving to get it back, only to find a note on the bar asking if they’ve seen the box. The note is from La Mirage’s chef and … it was a box of cassava flour. As Aunt Linda on SNL would have said, ‘Dee jong!’

Meanwhile, Blake tries, succeeds legitimately, then fails to secure a piece of land for his new airport (that’ll teach him to do things above board), Adam learns his position as Chief of Staff at the hospital is hanging by the thread of his last name (so he steals someone’s Alzheimer’s medication research to boost his standing), Dominique wants Jeff to put up billboards for her floundering fashion empire, and Jeff loses out on a deal — because of a fencing match — to help him build his rocket. But in a twist, he finally told the guy he lost to what he needed the frozen fuel specialist for, and he bowed out so Jeff could fulfill his dream. And there’s no sight of Liam or Alexis this week. So until next time!

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