Dynasty :: Go Rescue Someone Else


Last week’s episode was such a busy one full of set-up that it was hard to recap. But payoff is exactly what we got this week and I am reluctant to admit I was wrong about who was in the casket. The unlucky soul wasn’t even on my radar … even though in the back of my mind I thought maybe it could be. But we’ll get to that so be warned there will be a ‘spoiler’ ahead if you haven’t yet seen the episode. So let’s break this down.

First, outside of the loop completely are Sam and Culhane. Even though they’re now mixed up with a shady construction guy, neither of them are in danger (and Sam was at the funeral, which comes three days after the beginning of this episode). The construction dude is bad news, and not even faking a call to the IRS to report shady bookkeeping was enough to drive their new ‘partner’ away. He just made a call to the IRS and had the audit dropped. Now he’s free to use La Mirage for a money laundering operation!

Also in no danger of meeting their maker this week are Dominique — completely absent from the episode (she wasn’t even at the funeral) — Jeff or Alexis. In fact, Jeff needed Alexis’ help for a new business deal he was working on, attempting to buy a tech company. The guy was interested in Alexis so Jeff tried to use her as bait, but when the guy was more interested in her than Jeff, he left the two alone. Turns out that was all part of the plan and Alexis was able to get all the information out of the guy that Jeff needed to start his own business centered around frozen fuel. Alexis thought the tech guy was nuts about trying to win the ‘space race’ but she didn’t know that’s exactly Jeff’s plan, as he unrolled a set of blueprints for his own Colbyco rocketship (unfortunately, recent current events have already put Jeff dead last in that race).


Now on to the potential deceased. Cristal’s tumor isn’t shrinking fast enough, and now it’s pushing on her brain. Where Adam though they had months to operate, it turns out they have hours after Blake accidentally poured boiling water on Cristal’s hand and she didn’t feel it. Adam has some skills in brain surgery but they needed an expert … and she was on vacation. But a frantic call had her agreeing to cut her trip short to operate on Cristal. The seven figures Blake offered to pay her was also an incentive. But while Cristal’s life hangs in the balance, Blake had to use his jet to fly the surgeon back to Atlanta and … turbulence knocked out the pilot and there was no co-pilot. Which meant Blake would have to use whatever skills he had to land the plane. Is Blake the corpse??? No. The surgeon breezed on in to the operating room and took over from Adam, but insisted he stay to help since she didn’t have her regular team. Did Cristal survive? Of course she did! So mark Cristal and Blake off your scorecard (we already know Adam is safe because he was at the funeral too).

My prime suspect has been Kirby, and she’s a mess. She won’t answer any of the constant calls from her father, which is driving Oliver crazy. He says they should just both go back to Australia and she won’t have to worry about her father bugging her, but she said she’s not ready to go. And when the phone rings again she tosses it out the window. That was the last straw for Oliver, who called Alexis and told her he was out of her and she needed to get Kirby because she was completely strung out. So is Kirby the deceased? Well …

The last time we saw Liam, he was heading off against Fallon’s wishes to get more information on his father’s presumed murder, even though his original lead that a state senator was the culprit seemed to hit a wall. But Liam ended up with a sack over his head, dragged off to who knows where. When Fallon woke up, he hadn’t returned home and she was so worried she made herself breakfast for the first time since she almost burned down the kicthen with her Easy Bake Oven. Anders tried to calm her nerves, but a call came in from Liam. He told her he was just out late tracking down leads but he needs his laptop. He said everything was fine, just like how her bachelorette party started out, and then he called her sweetie. He knows Fallon hates mushy nicknames, and she also believes he was giving her a code because she was ‘kidnapped’ by Sam and Kirby to start her party, so Liam must be kidnapped as well. He didn’t tell her where to take the laptop though, which was odd and no one seemed to think to ask.


What Fallon didn’t know at the moment was who kidnapped him. But tracking him to the last place his phone pinged, she found a clue — a decorative dragonfly from a very expensive purse. One she remembered the senator’s assistant holding. She’s the culprit, and she basically admitted to Liam that yes she had his father murdered so he didn’t pin some insider trading scheme on her. She also admitted that when she had his email hacked, they also deleted all of his files so he has no story. Of course, it’s all backed up on that laptop she wants, and if she doesn’t get it, Fallon dies. But Fallon and Anders have a plan, that goes badly when Fallon is also captured and tied up. If she doesn’t say where the laptop is, she gets to watch Liam get his fingers smashed. Liam tells her not to say anything but his screams as his pinkie is being crushed makes Fallon fess up that it’s at the hotel (La Mirage, we assume). Of course it isn’t there which makes the woman even more angry but before she can do more harm, Anders shows up with the laptop, willing to exchange it for Fallon and Liam.

Checking to see if the laptop is the real one, the woman says once they have it, her henchman can kill the others. Anders also says the police are on the way so she’d better hurry it up. They believe he’s bluffing but suddenly there are sirens and flashing lights outside. Opening the laptop, it explodes. Anders was able to cut Liam and Fallon loose but the force of the explosion cracked a couple of his ribs. But he’ll survive. Back at the manor, Fallon and Anders have a lovely heart-to-heart about how Anders has always been there for her, and how she has always been like a daughter to him. But Fallon says he has another daughter out there that he needs to forgive, and he says he already has. He just has to find her to tell her. But before he does that, he needs to pay a visit to Cristal in the hospital. Driving there, the bouquet of flowers Anders has for Cristal fell off the seat so he tried to reach down and retrieve them. The pain from his ribs made that difficult and he sat back up right before he had a head-on collision with another car. But the sudden jerk of the steering wheel caused Anders to lose control and he crashed head-long into a telephone pole at high speed, bringing the life of Joseph Anders to an end.

At the funeral, Blake and Adam reconciled because Blake felt like he’d lost another father, and Adam didn’t want their rift to leave him feeling that same kind of loss. It was after the funeral when Alexis got the call from Oliver to pick up Kirby. He texted her the address and Fallon and Sam got to the flat to find her unconscious, overdosed with barely a pulse. One Anders died this week, but now the question is will they be able to save Kirby? And if she does survive, how will she deal with missing her father’s funeral after ignoring all of those calls from him? Hopefully she can get a new phone and listen to the messages he left her.

So, wow, they really killed off Anders. To say that was unexpected is an understatement, but they did a great job with the writing to make us think it could have been Cristal, Liam or Kirby. The aftermath should be interesting.

What did you think of this episode? Tell us in the comments section below!

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