Dynasty :: Beware a lover scorned


I have to hand to to whoever is running the show over at Dynasty this year. It’s actually been a pretty cohesive season with very of the kitchen sink / let’s throw everything at the wall to see what sticks approach they’ve had to storytelling in the past two seasons.

They seem to be doing a good job with Dominique Devereaux being a real villain, picking up the slack from the absent Alexis … who should have been a huge nemesis to Blake and Cristal but rendering the character pretty much penniless and with no competing career to go up against Blake, she was fun with her one-liners but ultimately toothless. And faceless by the end of her run on the show. But Dominique is a snake, hiding a second family from the first one she’s attempting to ingratiate herself back into. Not to mention helping Jeff fake his death — and no one really seems to have batted an eye upon his return — and working with/against her half-brother Blake. She’s more than happy to take those payments from him but she always wants more.

This week she became a real muther, if you know what I mean, by the way she was bossing around her step-daughter Vanessa. She’s doing all she can to make sure Jeff and Monica don’t get wind of their relationship to her, but at the same time she wants Vanessa out in the public eye to promote her music career. One minute that means hiring paparazzi to trail her and Culhane — and getting very upset when Culhane did all he could to evade them in a pretty silly montage — and then laying down the law with Culhane, making threats if he doesn’t stop seeing her ‘client’. But she got a little overzealous by telling him how she took Vanessa to her first concert, Whitney Houston in London, and then later Vanessa told him the same story about her mother. It didn’t take him long to put two-and-two together, and at this point he’d prefer Dominique keep her drama to herself.


Kirby spent more time trying to find a new man for Sam than she did working — accidentally setting him up with one of his employees — but ended up finding one for herself in the form of Joel Turner, an ‘inspirational speaker’. Kirby seemed to fall under his spell immediately (even though she hadn’t paid the seminar fee) and now she’s ready to spend some time with him at a weekend retreat. They tried to rope Sam in but he turned them down. It’s all feeling a bit culty to me already.

Adam is back to being his old self, screwing with Fallon’s love life, and somehow allowing himself to be drawn into a scheme that is being subtly pushed on him by his nurse/therapist/assistant. What is her angle? There’s got to be more to her than just someone looking out for Adam against the people who are employing her. What’s it to her if Blake changes his will to add his new wife to it? Now she’s got Adam believing Blake has completely cut him out of his ‘rightful’ inheritance — even though he just got there five minutes ago — in favor of the new missus. Who, let’s be honest, also just got there five minutes ago. Does Adam think Blake is also cutting Fallon and Steven out of the will too? Fallon doesn’t seem all that worried. And I’m still not on board with how easily Cristal is willing to commit a crime for her husband. There’s being supportive, but finding a way to remove and wear his ankle bracelet while he commits a(nother) crime is going above and beyond your wifely duties.

Speaking of Fallon, she really is trying to move on. She’s got Evan securing the name for her new business while agreeing to have a date with him (and his mother!) but still being confronted by Liam who feels that his memories are coming back. Agreeing to have dinner with him after confirming with Evan got a pretty shocking reaction from Evan as he left the office and swept a dish off a table and several feet down the hallway. He didn’t know at that moment she was meeting with Liam, that bit of information came courtesy of Adam and his aide (she overheard Fallon and Monica talking about the dinner). But the dinner wasn’t a success because everything Liam wanted to clarify was actually about his ex, who he claims is now completely out of the picture. But it was all too painful for Fallon to relive and she just wanted it all to end.


Evan admitted he saw her and Liam together after her assistant told him to meet Fallon at the restaurant (and that’s how Fallon learned what Adam was up to), and he was cool with it when she affirmed it was over with Liam. Cut to the launch of her new venture, Fallon Unlimited, and questions from the press turned into Liam showing up and revealing he’s remembered pretty much everything. Try as she might, she couldn’t resist and pretty much fell into his arms, leaving a very unhappy Evan in her wake.

And Jeff is going to most likely find himself in a world of trouble attempting to expose Blake’s trickery with his ankle monitor. Jeff somehow hacked into the monitor and is keeping dibs on Blake’s movement. He saw the moment the battery went dead and knew Blake was up to something, even showing up at the manor for a surprise visit and found a not very convincing Cristal insisting Blake was napping. Maybe Jeff should go back to being fake dead before he ends up dead for real.

What did you think of this episode? Tell us in the comments section below!

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